This is dark and funny all at once. The author contemplates the last days of her great uncle. In graphics. And I cannot even imagine what her family thinks of it.
This is dark and funny all at once. The author contemplates the last days of her great uncle. In graphics. And I cannot even imagine what her family thinks of it.
Unrequited love and his mother‘s advice that “love will come with time” are definitely at the root of the problem with their marriage...
Nothing makes me read a book right away more than when it‘s due the next day at the library! 😅
This one is a graphic novel set in Tehran, 1958 about Nasser Ali Khan, one of Iran‘s most revered tar players. After a fight with his wife that ended with his precious instrument broken, he has been depressed and determined to let death take him away. The book is filled with flashbacks with the people that visit him and I‘m intrigued to read the rest.
I usually love stuff from Marjane Satrapi, but this just didn't hold my interest like her other graphic novels have.
Satrapi includes the proverb about the wise men and the elephant in the book.
Wow, this little graphic novel will hit your soul. After Nasser Ali and his wife fight, she breaks his favorite instrument. He then loses his will to live. There was so much in here. There was beauty and humor, and a profundity you don‘t see coming. Lovely. Thanks for this book, @ValerieAndBooks!!!
#FierceFeb. As if the fight wasn‘t #nasty enough between him and his wife, Sophia Loren, the actress he most lusts after, shows up later in a dream to show him-when it rains it pours. Lol
@ValerieAndBooks Oh wow, Valerie. You have no idea how happy this package made me. Thank you so much for being so thoughtful. I laughed after I read your letter, because I thought maybe Trying Hard to Hear You was also maybe about being deaf. I‘m a little sad to hear about the author‘s thoughts but was happy that this book was meant to be found by you to send to me. #Bookfate. I can‘t wait to read all of these. Thank you for everything!!!!!
1. The dish chicken with plums as described in this book sounds delicious, and I would 100% try it.
2. This story is incredibly sad. It felt very real as a portrayal of depression. Parts of it make sense to outsiders and parts of it don't. Even if it seems irrational or selfish, it doesn't have to feel as though it is. All my love to those struggling with depression. All my love to those considering suicide.
#readingwomenmonth #booksbymuslimwomen
I loved Chicken With Plums, if you haven't already, check it out.
Most graphic novels are #fastreads for me and these two are of some of my favorites.
I love this book. I think I might like it better than Persepolis 1 & 2! 📚
My next read..
#graphicnovel #currentlyreading 📚
Another fantastic graphic novel by Marjane Satrapi! Chicken with Plums is short but complex, exploring concepts of love, death, passions, and family. In the same art style of Persepolis, Chicken with Plums starts out with Nasser trying to find a new tar - but his woes are deeper than just a feeling of loss for his instrument. #DiverseBooks #DiverseBookBloggers
"Since no other tar could give him the pleasure of playing, Nasser Ali Khan decided to die. He lay down in his bed..."
My next graphic novel. #DiverseBooks #DiverseBookBloggers #graphicnovel