Also started, for the May prompt of #monthlykeywordGXO (Away, Wait, Book, Raven, Lake, Angel, Nine, Island)
#romantsy #readingchallenge
Also started, for the May prompt of #monthlykeywordGXO (Away, Wait, Book, Raven, Lake, Angel, Nine, Island)
#romantsy #readingchallenge
“All you need is love” ... and a good steamy (or tame) romance. And a #sword on the cover.
This is an interesting book about how romances are often dismissed but it‘s getting better. A little repetitive at times and could have used a little more proofreading, but also very informative about publishing past and present.
Stop reading and pay attention to me. 😾
This will not become a habit. This will not become a habit. This will not become a habit.
Second Panera morning. Still listening to Killers of the Flower Moon but I also brought my new book, too. You can‘t have too much to read!
BTW, the orange scone was delicious!
#BookMail is the best mail. Already started it and 😍. Yes! My people. Also, I would like to mail this book to one of my Library Science professors who, in 2007, was still lamenting that public libraries stocked “popular” fiction and romance. 🙄
So excited to start my book club‘s November pick! (And to eat these spooky cereal covered donuts!! 😋) #romantsy
"When you look at internet usage...women in western countries use the internet 17% more than their male counterparts...the majority of technology users are women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s."....... Well fuck yes! #downwiththetechpatriarchy
New read I picked up from The Ripped Bodice :)
I'm on team #romantsy when I'm #introverting -- just learned a little more about my go-to genre from this article (also where I got this graphic): http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/7192588 #maybookflowers
In order to stop the spread of these revolutionary ideas through books to disenfranchised people, the government in England enacted legislation called the "taxes of knowledge." - MR
Politicians passing legislation to limit education, imagination, and knowledge. Imagine that. Just started this book, and I'm completely hooked. Written by a very smart author of romance, but the fans have always known about the brilliant women in this genre.
Hanging with my best reading companion and flexing my feminist reading #muscles. OK, so it has nothing to do with muscles, but there's a whole chapter on Fabio! #aprilbookshowers
Maya Rodale gives voice to all the unarticulated thoughts I have every time I am criticized for reading romance. I should hand out copies of this book at Christmas.
A thoroughly enjoyable collection of essays and survey data about the history of women writers in general and the romance genre specifically. Should be required reading for all :)