The lilacs have bloomed at the park where I like to go for walks! They smell so lovely. #bloominglitsy #audiowalk
The lilacs have bloomed at the park where I like to go for walks! They smell so lovely. #bloominglitsy #audiowalk
Part of "A Princess Diaries" series. Brought me back memories from my childhood reading the books.
When plans get cancelled and I‘m able to read for the afternoon! 😉 the weather is perfect and no one is here to bother me!
Continuing today's festivities by starting on this audiobook 🇬🇧💒👑
❤️👑 Congratulations to the beautiful royal couple! 🇬🇧🇺🇸
#perfectceremony #love #happilyeverafter
The royal couple was lovely, but my bishop knocked it out of the park! #royalwedding #michaelcurry #episcopalchurch
Sandy Lou Mudge is ready for the reception! Someone get this lady a glass of champagne and a canapé!
This has been one of the best royal weddings ever! 💞💞💞 👰🏽🤵🥂🇬🇧
Loving watching the Royal Wedding! Nice to have a reason to smile! #royalwedding
Splendid 👏🏻 *German Littens * One of our big bookstore chains is offering a special discount for English books to honor the Big Fat British Wedding 🎩 👰 🇬🇧
Anybody doing anything special on Saturday?
I accepted an invitation to view the entire ceremony with a group of gals - hats / fascinators mandatory!! 👒
I‘m hoping for lots of G&T and British themed yummies!! 🥂 Ha! And not to forget tea ☕️
#royalwedding #Iknowitssillybutshouldbefun
#ReadingResolutions #wedding @Jess7
With all the new on Prince Harry & Megan royal wedding i thought this book would be a good one for today's prompt.
Meg Cabot always has the power to bring a smile on your face. The book caption says sometimes dreams do come true. The book delivers it. Any hardcore fan will now be satisfied with how she's been and yes, the wedding! Finally! Michael Moscovitz as always is geek-ishly charming and Mia is well Mia! Go for it if you've been a fan!
I want more adult sequels to YA books I've adored. I loved this.
I finished How It Feels to Fly and then read a few graphic novels and now I'm finally reading this! The Princess Diaries series is one of my absolute favorite series and I've been rereading the books over the last year so they would be fresh when I read this one. So excited!
I LOVED this book. Meg Cabot is wonderful and this latest installment was no exception. With familiar loved characters and new additions, Mia's crazy life is fantastically cast. I laughed, I gasped, and I loved every page. --E
Just starting Meg Cabot's newest Princess Diaries book. Do I really have to go to work or can I just read all day?? --E
Just as adorable and hilarious as I hoped. Brought back major nostalgia for reading the rest of this series as a teen. Definitely not the next Great American Novel, but worth reading if you want something cute and light!
Highly enjoying this so far. I've only read the first 6 or so Princess Diaries books (this is #11), but it's still easy to follow and brings back fond memories of reading the earlier books in middle school and high school.