Mr Knightley, you took my heart away :)
Meg Cabot always has the power to bring a smile on your face. The book caption says sometimes dreams do come true. The book delivers it. Any hardcore fan will now be satisfied with how she's been and yes, the wedding! Finally! Michael Moscovitz as always is geek-ishly charming and Mia is well Mia! Go for it if you've been a fan!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You may not know
But someone loves you
Roses are red
Violets are blue
You may not know it
But I love you too
#SecretNotes #HighSchoolBooks
Great. Not only do I have an angry spirit guide, but an angry spirit guide with a vindictive streak and an unnatural knowledge of show tunes. Better and better already.
#WillKillian #AlonaDare #AndtheirSarcasm :)
But to put it in perspective there are plenty of things that are messier. My own emotions, for example, which could make a city dump look like a library. And the big blue world outside of our apartment is messier and grubbier and more chaotic than anything we‘ve ever personally come up with.
I say that with complete confidence.
L. Lawliet! You freaking smart-ass! I wish you survived! #Fangirl #L #Deathnote
Days of youth, wet with tears. Through tears, I sense the surge of new power #AyouthfulDiary
When the simplest reads have a moment that makes you think 🤔
How pain can alter the very mindset you will carry for the rest of your life!
I never have been in love, it is not my way or my nature. And I do not think I ever shall. #EmmaWoodhouse #Ohbutsweetyyouwill