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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
Lilith lyapo awoke from a centuries-long sleep to find herself aboard the vast spaceship of the Oankali. Creatures covered in writhing tentacles, the Oankali had saved every surviving human from a dying, ruined Earth. They healed the planet, cured cancer, increased strength, and were now ready to help Lilith lead her people back to Earth--but for a price.
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I‘ve never read anything like this before, I desperately need the second in the series. Really cool

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Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) | Octavia E. Butler
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Not heavy on the tech this sci fi. The plot doesn‘t try to involve you in mental gymnastics. Butler asks the essential questions . What does being human mean ? Where does the threshold reside of humanness? Butler tears apart our exceptionalism very simply. Theres no waffle no over lay no mystifying by high literary language. We are laid bare as we are . Hierarchical destructive zenophobic cruel yet complex beings.

CuriousG Love this series. I think the second one is my favourite, although the feel is quite different at times. Hope you love it too! 11mo
Onemoreodonian @CuriousG have to read the second one now. I wasn‘t even originally a sci fi reader though I‘ve read some Ursula le Guin before. This is very readable. I finished it in a couple of days 11mo
CuriousG I also read very little of this genre. Octavia Bulter and Mary Doria Russell (just her two novels that barely count as sci-fi) are really the only sci-fi authors I have enjoyed. 11mo
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Movie: War of the World's

Klou Ooh I love the sound of this! It's like a twist on War of the Worlds. 13mo
TheSpineView @Klou I enjoyed this book. 13mo
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I managed one bingo with my March #bookspin!

#doublebookspin #bookspinbingo

Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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This was my first introduction to Octavia Butler, and what a weird but fascinating book. The first half was a little slow, but I read the second half in a single sitting. It's unlike anything else I've read, and I really enjoyed it.

ChaoticMissAdventures I am reading all of her books this year! I haven't read this one yet but your review sounds like many of her books! I am in the middle of the Pattermaster series and each book gets more fast paced. 1y
sebrittainclark @ChaoticMissAdventures oh what a fun challenge! I want to try to read Parable of the Sower this year, as well as the rest of the Xenogensis series, since I've heard so much about it. 1y
ChaoticMissAdventures @sebrittainclark she is such a legend, I am a bit embarrassed I haven't read her until this year! I want to get to Dawn this summer. So glad you liked it! 1y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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#MarchMagic @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Eggs

Not only is Butler an award winning author, her books are still read today and she is one of the few authors of color in the Sci-Fi genre. She was truly before her time.

Eggs Agree 💯 👏🏻👏🏻 1y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Still alive.
Alive... again.

#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl

rachelsbrittain Me, resurfacing on Litsy every other week 😂 1y
ShyBookOwl Ahh, one of my all time favourite books 😌 1y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I finished this one today and I was blown away. It was published in 1987 and frankly I'm shocked I hadn't read this sooner. Initially I thought the Oankali were cool but then they did some things that made me see them as parasitic vs symbiotic. I also felt they were slow learners when it came to human behavior considering their supposed intelligence. I have so many questions! Luckily I have books 2 & 3 of the trilogy on my shelf already & waiting.

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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I've just begun this and I'm already hooked!

Aimeesue Gorgeous cover! 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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#bookspin: Dawn by Octavia Butler
#doublebookspin: Madame Restell by Jennifer Wright.

Dawn has been on my TBR for years, so I'm glad to finally have the push I need to read it.

#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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My first book of the year was a treat 💝.

DivineDiana What a coincidence! I was just looking for a book for the prompt “about reproduction rights” and this was recommended by CNN. Not sure if you have heard of the #booked2023 challenge? But you just finished one read for it! And welcome to Litsy! (edited) 2y
currentlyreadinginCO @DivineDiana thanks for the tip! 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Although published in 1979, Butler envisions a future for the Earth that‘s not just possible but probable. And amid the futuristic story, she writes about top-of-mind topics in our century. Butler teaches her readers through Lilith‘s experiences. You‘ll examine what it means to be human and how another race of beings might see us. Can‘t wait for part 2!

Full review https://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2022 #booked2022 #hopepunk

Aimeesue Octavia B! ❤️❤️❤️ 2y
Cinfhen Nice!!! 2y
Reggie What kills me is when they put all the humans together again they‘re all wretched and think yeah let‘s make guns again. Lol, I loved this trilogy. 2y
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BarbaraTheBibliophage @Reggie 💯 Clearly, Octavia had no rose-colored glasses when observing human behavior. I‘m really trying to stretch out her books, in between wanting to devour everything quick AF. 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Cinfhen This would be a great choice for #partofatrilogy for #booked2023. I may use book 2 for just that! 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @Aimeesue Yaaas!! She is amazing! 2y
BookBelle84 I saw these covers at the bookstore the other day and absolutely loved them 2y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @BookBelle84 I agree! I read an ebook with an older cover design. This one has so much more punch! 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Transporting and complex. Great character and relationship development. I didn't want to leave this world because I was so immersed.

#dawn #octaviaebutler

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Thank you for the tag @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks (and for the #alphabetgame. So much fun!) My #LetterD pick is Dawn. 80s sci-fi by the intrepid Octavia Butler. Speculative fiction at it's best, this post-apocalyptic book features aliens and explores everything from gender/sexuality and consent, to race, colonialism, and what it means to be human. And more. I discover new concepts on every re-read.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you for playing ❤️📚 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Hanging with my reading buddy for about 20 minutes before getting back to work.

EvieBee How do you get anything done with that face so near?!? 😍😍🫣 2y
CuriousG @EvieBee He often makes it quite hard to accomplish anything...when I was teaching remotely my students became quite familiar with both his face and his grumbling in the background when he didn't get enough pets. Lol. 2y
EvieBee Lol! What a cutie! 2y
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SRWCF Such an expressive face! Darling! 2y
behudd So sweet - we have a Swiss Mountain Dog. They could be cousins 😉🤗 2y
CuriousG @SRWCF he does have a very expressive face. A super happy boy 😊 2y
CuriousG @behudd you must be used to 'the lean' as well then ☺ 2y
behudd @CuriousG oh yes! Nearly knocks me over - sweetest dog ever! 2y
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Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) | Octavia E. Butler
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I learned this morning that a beloved professor from my college days passed away this week. Diane Nelson was a Cultural Anthropology professor with such passion and vitality. I remember my class with her (Cyborgs) fondly, where course materials included the tagged book, Dawn. Rest easy, Diane. 💙💙💙


Chrissyreadit ❤️ 2y
Bookwomble 💗 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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The tagged book is a fab choice - thank you sooo much @wanderinglynn and honey - you spoil me with stationary! I love everything and can‘t wait to stick, stamp, sticky note, book dart and page flag my life! Xxxxxx

squirrelbrain Mmmm, stationery! 🤤 2y
wanderinglynn Japan does have the bestest stationary stuff. 2y
Avanders Oooh fun! 🤩🤩 2y
Mitch @wanderinglynn totally agree! 2y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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I couldn‘t put this book down. It sucked me in from page 1 & kept me turning pages. Once I make a dent in my TBR pile I need to find the sequel. I‘ll definitely be finding more of Octavia Butler‘s books. The world building is detailed & fantastic, the characters all complex & interesting, the scenes suspenseful even when not much is going on. There are some disturbing scenes but it‘s like watching a car wreck… you can‘t look away.

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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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It is my great shame that I‘ve never read anything by Octavia Butler, but it‘s time to remedy that.

Emilymdxn I loved this book! Weird and sometimes disturbing but I really liked it and it‘s stuck in my mind a lot 3y
jen_the_scribe @Emilymdxn Ooo I‘m more intrigued 3y
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Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) | Octavia E. Butler
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So good. My first Octavia Butler novel and I'm looking forward to reading more of her work. The aliens are super alien and interesting, the protagonist is fallible and flawed but likeable, and it raises a lot of interesting questions about what makes us human and how much our genetics determine our lives.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Octavia Butler laying down some more hard truths about the human race. 👏🏻

Dawn (Xenogenesis, #1) | Octavia E. Butler
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About the human race and why we were always doomed to destroy ourselves. Idk, it certainly hit home for me.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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4🌟A cleverly written post-apocalyptic story about an alien race that saves earth after a nuclear war, and rescues and repairs the surviving humans, but reinhabiting earth comes with a price. Butler's writing is fantastic! The story she created and the depth of the characters pulled me in. I am a bit picky when it comes to sci-fi but this completely held my interest! If you were like me and hadn't read any Butler before I definitely reccomend her.

TheKidUpstairs I love Octavia Butler. If you're looking for more, the Earthseed Duology (Parable of the Sower/ Parable of the Talents) are great, and Kindred is a fantastic standalone read. 3y
Bookalong @TheKidUpstairs Oh yay! Yes Parable of the Sower will probably be my next one by her, I have heard such good things! 3y
DrexEdit And don‘t miss Kindred! 😊👍 3y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Octavia Butler (1947- 2006)‘s
speculative considerations underline a strong grasp of human instincts and emotions. Her unique fusion of imagination with science is provocative and convincing. I really love her ability to tap into the tensions where curiosity and repulsion, hope and distrust- converge. #xenogenesisseries #octaviabutler #coverart

erzascarletbookgasm Great review and that‘s a gorgeous cover. 3y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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More from my recent book order. Another author I've not yet read, but is highly recommended. #tbrpile

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Happy Independent Bookstore Day! I haven't been buying nearly as much from my favorite indie store this year. They are closed due to covid, so it's online only. The problem is that I am a browser. I like to walk around to see what catches me. I'm also trying to read what I already have, so I'm not spending as much there lately. I ordered these today to show my support. I figure every little bit helps. Anyone else do some indie shopping today?

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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#SpringSentiments Day 4 @Eggs

Octavia Butler has become a favorite author of mine in the past few years. Her writing and the world, and characters she creates in Dawn left me #dazzled and breathless. Great trilogy for fans of sci-fi.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa I love the new cover! And I agree, I‘ve read almost all of her books now, and I keep putting off the last group because I don‘t want to be finished either! 3y
Eggs Great choice👏🏻 Agreed, she‘s a top-drawer writer ❤️ (edited) 3y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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#ShowSomeLove @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs
Prompt: fave book by black author

It was hard to choose just one. Yet in the end, Octavia Butler is one of my favorite authors and this is my personal favorite by her.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It is hard to choose!! 4y
TheKidUpstairs I've loved everything I've read from Butler! 4y
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CuriousG This was the first Butler I ever read and it blew my mind. My favourite from this series is the second though ❤ 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Finished this one on my last day at the beach today! Such a quick to read, simply written book - heavy on dialogue too - but so intense, disturbing, and thought-provoking too. Butler demands the reader do almost all of the interpretation with really difficult content around colonialism, rape and the ethics of consent, bioethics, control and manipulation. I need a break before reading the next in the trilogy. 😵 CW for rape and abuse/manipulation.

Caterina Also, very heteronormative!! Butler might have written it differently today. 4y
Caterina @Emilymdxn I did really like it and it sure was difficult! I'm roping my sweetheart @CounterfeitNickel into reading it soon so I'll have someone to talk about it with at length. I feel like I could take a whole class on this trilogy alone, there's so much to discuss! 4y
Emilymdxn So glad you liked it!! I feel just the same, I really want to read the sequel but I couldn‘t do it straight away, I‘m reading a much more straightforward non-shocking novel rn and then will have the brain space for something like this again 4y
CuriousG The 2nd one in this series is actually my favourite. Hope you like it whenever you're ready to continue! 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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It‘s a new Dawn, it‘s a new day , and I‘m feeling good!

AmyG John Legend was so good last night.💕 4y
Leftcoastzen @AmyG yes , I watched it again this morning, I was out of the room when he started last night.😂and hats off to Nina Simone, I love every version of this song , but I love hers the best! 4y
Cinfhen Gorgeous photo and apt song lyrics 🎶 4y
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Leftcoastzen @Cinfhen Thanks , just out my front door! 4y
Cinfhen What a view😍 4y
jveezer Yeah, Nina Simone. I was just playing that on my uke last night‼️❤️❤️ 4y
Leftcoastzen @jveezer ukes are the best! 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Reading on the beach with some hot mint tea after watching the Inauguration! #bookandtea

Austink1 Beautiful! 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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I started this one on the beach the other day, and now I'm enjoying spending more time with it and a warming cup of tea after a lovely, chilly sunrise on the beach! I've never had elderberry and echinacea tea before; it's lovely: warm and sweet. 😍 DAWN is quick to read but also full of things to ponder. 🤔 #bookandtea

Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I always love Octavia Butler so much in a way I find hard to explain. I don‘t think any other writer balances beautiful and horrifying writing quite the same way? Like Fledgling, this had some disturbing sex stuff that I‘d put a tw on just fyi, but if you‘re up for reading that then the way it‘s considered and the mc considers her relationship with her captor aliens/new family and how she occupies space between species is amazing

Caterina I just started this one about 1 hour ago on the beach! I went into it without knowing anything about it, and now I'm even more excited about it after your review. 😊 4y
Emilymdxn @caterina I hope you like it! It gave me so much to think about though a lot of it was very difficult to read. I love the way she does alien cultures (only her and LeGuin are the A Listers there I always feel) but the difficult stuff is certainly difficult. If you‘re braced for that then I hope you‘ll really like it! 4y
Caterina We'll see if I'm up for it farther down the line. 😬 For now I'm sucked in! I started it because another author I'm reading is very much inspired by Butler and references her a lot. Le Guin is so high on my TBR list after watching a PBS documentary on her last spring, but I haven't gotten to her yet! Soon I hope. 🤞 4y
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Ruthiella I like how Butler isn‘t afraid to go “there” and make the reader uncomfortable without passing judgement either way. I need to read the rest of this trilogy! I‘ve got Adulthood rites lined up for February. 😀 (edited) 4y
Emilymdxn @caterina I haven‘t read it since I was a teenager but The Left Hand Of Darkness by Ursula LeGuin was the first book I ever read that made me think wow, gender could be complicated 🤔 it‘s very different from dawn but would be a great one to read after! 4y
Emilymdxn @Ruthiella that‘s so right, every one of her books I always think ‘wow, she did that‘ and it‘s uncomfortable to read but I‘m still thinking about it years later, she makes you do a lot of the work coming to a verdict on things 4y
Caterina I think I have The Left Hand of Darkness sitting in my Audible library somewhere! I want to get to it soon. Maybe this year! I love books that make us question what we assume to be natural, fixed, and/or "right." 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Klou I am very intrigued by that synopsis!! Great choice! 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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#20Series20Days @Andrew65

Dawn is the first book in the Xenogenesis series. I love everything Octavia Butler wrote but this series hits all the boxes for. Great plot, outstanding characters, a strong female MC and some awesome world building.

Andrew65 Great choice. 4y
ShyBookOwl ❤ this book introduced me to sci-fi 4y
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TheSpineView @ShyBookOwl It is great Sci-Fi. 4y
CuriousG This series was my first exposure to Octavia Butler. Think it will always be my favourite, even though I love everything she has written 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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1. Binti by Nnedi Okafora 2. Octavia Butler is becoming one of my favorite authors. Dawn is on my TBR List. 3. Neptune #SundayFunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern Octavia Butler is amazing! Thank you for sharing! 4y
S3V3N @ozma.of.oz I read my first book by her this year. I‘m just finding out about her. 4y
BookmarkTavern I‘ll be honest, I‘m a little jealous. Getting to read all of her books for the first time? You are in for such a treat. ❤️ 4y
S3V3N @ozma.of.oz 😊 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Happy Birthday Octavia E. Butler. The Hugo and Nebula award-winning sci fi author would be 73 today, born June 22, 1947. She is my favourite author, her book Dawn (Xenogenesis #1) having introduced me to sci fi, for which I am eternally grateful. Her book Kindred, is my favourite book of all time. #blackvoices

MsMelissa Kindred is so good! I recently bought Parable of the Sower, so it will be my next Butler read. 4y
ShyBookOwl @Book_Fiend_Melissa it is! I have PotS too but haven't gotten to it yet. I recently bought Fledgling (vampires! 🧛🏿‍♀️!!), so I think that will be my next one of hers. I think I'm halfway through her published works now. 4y
Mishu94 I love kindred! 😍 it‘s the only one that I have read by her! But I‘ll be sure to read more ☺️ 4y
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ShyBookOwl @Mishu94 definitely do! Her stuff is so weird and so beautiful. 4y
SW-T Kindred is my favorite Butler, but PotS and PotT were also good! Fledgling made me cry...because it was her last book. Have a soft spot for Dawn since it was my first Butler 😊💕 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I am just so terribly sad that cancer took her from us before she had written more. That said, her books are definitely deep enough to re read and find more complexity each time. 4y
ShyBookOwl @SW-T I have a soft spot for Dawn too. Very excited to read Fledgling! 4y
ShyBookOwl @BarbaraTheBibliophage too soon indeed, but I agree that her books can be read again and again, and we can always find something new to appreciate in them. They're such rich texts. 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Yep... just one word to open this one. Great impact! #BookHunt Round 1 #isolationgames

LibrarianRyan Took me 11 books. Quicker than I thought (without going to kids books 😁). 4y
ShyBookOwl @LibrarianRyan nice! I did it in 6 😊 4y
julesG @LibrarianRyan Challenge accepted. 😜 4y
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Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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Day 6 of #7Books7Days books that impacted me. Introduced me to a whole new genre that I had never really engaged with: sci fi... which is now one of my absolute faves ❤

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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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I've seen a lot of pieces that explore this book as a metaphor for colonization. I think it's a good read for that. It's also a story of aliens saving Earth & repopulating it with humans, at a price. Much of that story is slow and opaque to me. I kept thinking "can y'all aliens just get on with whatever test you are currently putting the main character through?"

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Hopefully i will finish tonight... Unless age induced sleep takes over.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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I'm always surprised when the internal dictionary has obscure words. I think of dictionaries as these giant things that couldn't possibly fit in the limited memory of an ereader. Like, i have 689 books on it with room for triple that, but a good dictionary in this also? No. Possible. Way.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Only about 200 pages left. Gotta say, the 1st 1½ weeks on Litsy has been a good incentive to make time for reading. Been too many years without my reading mojo.

kristenm I agree. Coming back to litsy is also giving me back some of the enthusiasm for books I had as a blogger but without the huge writing task looming at the end of each book. It‘s a good step back. 5y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Starting Part III of Dawn while reading in the bathtub. I got a water resistant Kobo for hot tub reading on vacation in 2014. The bathtub isn't as luxurious ( or luxurious at all! ), But the reading is still decent.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Wednesday nights i read at Polar Bar. Tonight, it's Dawn, and the story is feeling very familiar. I never recorded it as read at LibraryThing.

Dawn | Octavia E. Butler
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Breakfast at the diner with Octavia E. Butler's Dawn.

Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I‘m still processing this one. I think that I liked it overall. It‘s not my favorite Octavia Butler, but I‘m ready to ready the next book in the trilogy 😊 (Man, the Oankali are so weird)

Reggie I really liked this series. Especially the 2nd one. I just felt like she knows something because we have a chance to be humans living again and we choose to make guns. 5y
Pedrocamacho @Reggie I‘m not surprised. Butler seems to have a very strong view on the human propensity towards violence. Now I am very curious to read the next one. Thanks, @Reggie 😉 5y
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Dawn | Octavia E. Butler

Listening to Dawn on audiobook. I like the story (end of the world, aliens, somewhat cerebral), but the narrator is beginning to annoy me. Perhaps I‘ll switch to reading it.

Dawn | Octavia E Butler
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I'm behind on my reviews and my end of the month totals. June was a good month for me though, with a lot of excellent reads.

Crazeedi Wow, that's great!!❤ 5y
JenniferEgnor I‘m sooo behind right now. We moved recently so that took out a big chunk of reading time! 5y
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