I definitely have some thoughts about this one! I like it for the most parts, then there are some problems...
I definitely have some thoughts about this one! I like it for the most parts, then there are some problems...
#seconds to live, by Susan Sleeman, opens with a witness in danger, Dustee, and US Marshall Taylor Mills trying to save her. The action doesn‘t stop from the opening page and this suspense thriller has it all. FBI agent and RED team leader, Sean Nichols, arrives on the scene with news that the Witness Protection database has been hacked explaining how Dustee was discovered and now thousands of lives are at stake.
Visit jengalaxy4.wordpress.com for a FULL REVIEW
Without giving away spoilers, I'm impressed by the amount of research that the author went to for this novel.
The numerous descriptions of their physical appearance and attributes is very distracting to the rest of the storyline.
I did enjoy the story overall and if you're a fan of romantic suspense from a Christian world view, you will enjoy this book!
As usual Susan hooks you with her first sentence and keeps you on the line all the way to the end! I loved the interaction between all the members of the Red group. Because of past experiences both Taylor and Sean had a lot of issues to work through; Trust being the main one. The action was pretty intense at times and you never knew what was going to happen next!
I received this book from the author for my honest review.
There is trouble though because she is under the care of US Marshall Taylor Mills and Sean is reluctant to work with the captivating marshal who knows his deepest secrets. The problem is Phantom claims he knows where the witness is hiding and tells them he will kill her. In order to stop the hacker Sean and Taylor must work through their person pain to help one another, before more minutes tick
by and another victim dies at the hands of a madman.