This is great even if I figured out the murderer before the author revealed the crime. I was definitely entertained. I also love the cover.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
This is great even if I figured out the murderer before the author revealed the crime. I was definitely entertained. I also love the cover.
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
Ugh, this book was so convoluted that I almost bailed several times. It's also very long and drawn out. This is a hard pass for me. Mad I wasted 2 days on it. Just being honest..
Got a whole new reading platform to enjoy for free via my library. Right now I'm trying to get into this book. I'm not that excited about the book but I'm so freaking psyched to now have access to Libby by Overdrive, I have the library literally on my devices! I'm in heaven 😇
Dang it. The whole whodo voodo youdo mystery, the why and the how, had the potential of a solid October reading pick. However, the time spent inside the heads of the two manipulative, money-hungry, man-hating MCs was just ugh, a big ol‘ pan, diminishing the stories potential. I guess for this weekend one, Pick + Pan = So-So.
This book sounded so good from from blurb on the back but it just wasn't what was advertised! Too much romance and sexual content in it for me. Everything of interest happened in the last 50pages if even that. Not my cup of tea at all.
Picked this one up today, starting it on my break at work. Casually ignoring ignoring 300 others on my tbr pile! #deadtoher
Man, was this great, I watched “Behind Her Eyes” based on a noon by this author, so I figured this book would be great too. Told mostly front wheel POV of Marcie, the younger second wife who had an affair with married Jason. In the very wealthy group in Savannah, old William brings his hot new 22 year old wife. Almost every character has secrets and there is true evil I their midst.
I loved Pinborough‘s first novel, I thought her second was good (if not a little sad). But I couldn‘t make myself like this one. It was a slow burn with an ending that just fizzled out. I don‘t regret listening to it...but I feel torn about reading another Pinborough book, if she writes another.
I am using the tagged book for September's prompt for my #ReadingwithMaja challenge.
Very good. Interesting characters and concept. A real page turner as Sarah Pinborough guides you through a tale of sex, lies and murder. Also in true Sarah Pinborough style the story slowly unfolds and keeps you thinking you have worked it out then throws a curveball right at the last minute making you second guess everything you have just read.
I love this author, but this book lost my interest fast and never really regained it. I felt like she tried to add too much in at the end and I just got lost and bored. This one just wasn‘t for me.
I didn‘t like this one as much as her other two. It was a bit too sexually graphic for me and the premise was odd.
Matilda and I got up and made lunch for Miles and sent him off to work. Now we are cuddling in the bed with a good b ook 😻
I really liked Pinborough‘s first two books, but this one isn‘t working for me at all. Billed as a mystery/thriller, the first 100 pages are domestic drama with awful characters being nasty to each other, then it morphs into romance, which isn‘t my bag. Not as advertised, so thank you, next!
I am a big fan of her earlier book Behind her Eyes. (For awhile, I thought that was the last psychological thriller I would ever have read. Apparently I was wrong about that but it still stands as a book with one amazing twist.) So it's painful to admit I didn't like this one as much. Her writing is great and there are lots of fun observations but the characters and story disappointed me. ⭐⭐⭐
This is about the upper crust in Savannah. When Bill Radford comes back to town with his new bride, Keisha everyone was shocked. His wife had just died months ago and already he has a new wife. Marcie is jealous because she thinks Keisha is wanting her husband Jason.
The story has twists and turns but I just couldn't get interested in the characters. Everybody was bad and no one good.
2/5 ⭐ This was so not for me. It was too long, tried to be too complex and came off as just convoluted, and it was pretty boring. I should have DNFd but I was hoping I'd start to enjoy it as it went on. Oh well.
Overall I really liked this one, but I feel like sometimes Pinborough doesn‘t know when to stop her story. You don‘t need to always have a twist in the last page of your book.
I had to bail at the 36% mark. It's tedious and I was not engaged at all. I fear "Behind Her Eyes" will be the only book I love by her. Thank goodness this was a library copy. No money lost and since I didn't feel obligated to finish it, not much time wasted.
I was excited to read Pinborough‘s newest book DEAD TO HER. I think her book BEHIND HER EYES was one of the most under-rated books of 2017. I didn‘t care for her next book CROSS HER HEART but was eager to try again. Unfortunately, I was not thrilled with this one either.
The first half of the book was gripping as the suspense grew. The writing is good, but, in my opinion, the story went on too long with little payback to the reader.
This was a review copy read...Thank You, #NetGalley but honestly, it was a stinker 👎🏼I think I‘m no longer a #thriller fan, as I find majority of these stories both preposterous and mind numbing. I had some parts figured out and was curious enough to see how all the loose ends would tie up but overall this was a #MoreMehThanYeah 🙄Two stars; so it‘s a low so-so 👇🏽
Rich, superficial people in the South with lots of secrets & a random supernatural aspect.
A bit odd at times, but definitely worth the read! Pub date: February 2020 🥂! #tbrread #wintergames #slaybells (16)!
The story follows Jason and Marcie, Keisha and her much older husband William and their Southern, rich "country club" friends in the South. I have enjoyed Pinborough's work in the past, but this one just seemed to go onnnnn forever without any real substance! There were a few twists, but I eventually bailed even before the half way point because I just did not see it getting any better.
Southern voodoo meets twisty thriller! I thought I had it all figured out so early only to learn I was totally wrong. Rich families, crappy husbands and a whole lot of twists!
Book lunch
Just finished this advanced copy and enjoyed it so much. As a Georgia gal, I love a book that is set in Savannah and has a hint of voodoo with a main course of social scandal. #WinterGames #TBR #TeamElectricSex @LibrarianRyan @Clwojick @StayCurious