🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟the fluidity of the writing makes these books incredibly immersive. We fall in love with both sides of this bitter war between Saxon and Danes.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟the fluidity of the writing makes these books incredibly immersive. We fall in love with both sides of this bitter war between Saxon and Danes.
I love Bernard Cornwell as a storyteller. This book is packed with adventure but the battle scenes can be a bit gory. 🪓
Wonderful loved this book couldn‘t put it down.
Wished I‘d read the last kingdom first but will read that until moving onto the next in the series ❤️
This was fantastic, intense-sitting-at-the-edge-of-my-seat- intense. Having read 7th in series first, I am now reading from the start of the series and it is interesting seeing the names referenced in Book 7 and how those relationships formed. So good. Writing and complexity of details deftly done. 5/5.
This has been the slowest reading-month in years. I have not finished one book (yet). I chose this one, which I started in August, for the To Have People Leave You Alone prompt in the #readwithmrbook challenge. I understood the prompt as a book you want people to leave you alone, so you can read in peace. Turns out it did not work so well for me 🙂
Bernard cornwell is a great author and i‘m impressed by his writing.
Uhtred is a man of action, and peace does not suit him. He comes into his own when strategising and fighting in battle. I find him hard to relate to sometimes as he makes very questionable choices, but he is also honourable and loyal. He becomes more likeable in this book, and you really start to root for him to succeed. I hope he continues to grow with the series!
#LastKingdom #Uhtred #HistoricalFiction #LoveHate
No reading done today for #24in48 as was mostly looking after this little guy, and in his sleepy spells I hung out with my partner playing Witcher (we are very excited about the tv series later this year!).
I got about 6/7 hours in total and finished The Last Kingdom, which is more reading than I have managed in total over the last month, so I am very happy with that ☺️
Good luck to all those still going!!!
#Readathon #DogsOfLitsy
I didn‘t get to read much today because I DID get to spend the day with some friends and this special guy. It was pretty wonderful. 🐴💙
Got this set for .40 cents today. 😂 I don't know anything about it.
All books (that I haven't kept back for potential reading between now and move) have been packed with the exception of this one. It will likely end up with the DVDs. #notallboxeshownhere #packingisapita
A rainy afternoon off work means time for Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and banana bread.
"When the sun vanished Iseult was singing softly in her own tongue, but she told me the song was about Arthur and how he had placed a ladder against the moon and netted a swath of stars to make a cloak for his queen, Guinevere."
Uhtred's narration is powerful, he brings history alive. And THAT gives me a high that I cannot throughly explain. This type of storytelling is pure comfort food to me. The Pale Horseman is such a good story—the series is a great epic! I have not been this excited & hooked on a series in a long while. Seriously, this book gave me all sorts of comfort food feelings, a rush & immense satisfaction of immersing myself in a brilliantly written story.
Harsh. Cruel. Violent. Arrogant. The narrator, Uhtred, is not how I saw him in the first book. Not sure I like him in this book. Yet, I am hooked. Uhtred's narration brings the story alive, and I, with pleasure, eat up the tale he tells. I'm now about half-way done with the book, and Uhtred has grown on me. I'm starting to like him, once again. King Alfred has me most curious. The times intrigue me. I eagerly anticipate each listening session.
Autumn Book List
I'm taking my own challenge to read 10 books during the months of October and November. Out of the 10 books, 5-7 of them need to be ones that I already own. I've given myself the ability to swap out 3 books (which have yet to be chosen). So far this month, I have already completed 2 books on my list.
Are there any books that you would like to reading during October and November?
That is what great story telling is about. As I went to sleep each night reading this novel, I awoke, not in the 21st century, but in the 9th. In England as it must have been then, the damp, the sound of battle cries in my head, the smell of fires, the bitter cold, and the knowledge that we fight for a cause...and her name is England...
Holy smoly, Batmole! This series is amazing. Really. Seriously. Amazing.
I read this about a year or two ago and loved it. A tale of a Saxon growing up with Vikings. Full of battles and struggle.
Just as good as the first. And I loved the first. Now I can watch the BBC America show based on these first two books in Cornwell's The Warrior Chronicles / Saxon Series.
Won't be long until I start this. I'm so looking forward to it. So much so that I'm putting it off a bit just to prolong the anticipation 😁
How long is your TBR list? 9469?! 😭😂😭😂
I'm loving this series -- Saxons & Danes, the Church vs Thor, love, battles, friendships, foes. Cornwell brings the late 800s alive. The audio is only okay, but the story is great.