Book mail - my spoils from Prime Day!
Book mail - my spoils from Prime Day!
I don't know how much it will end up being discounted, but this is going on sale on Amazon as part of Prime Day at 5:25 CDT.
On sale for Amazon Prime day for $12.26!
The feels! So, so good - Joe Hill is a master storyteller no matter what the medium and Gabriel Rodriguez's art is awesome. Read the whole series! And may we all live long enough to get over being 18 and stupid.
In which more unexpected things happen and I spend most of Volume 5 saying "Wait. No. Don't do that."
What? It did not just end like that! No spoilers, but I'd be really bummed if I didn't have Vol 5 waiting. Definitely were a lot of things that I didn't see coming. I really dug the different art styles they used in a few of the individual issues - the Calvin & Hobbes homage was great.
It won't let me tag True North since it isn't out yet (I guess that's how it works?) but I'm both excited and sad to start the final installment.
This might have been the creepiest yet - I'm going to have nightmares
I'd forgotten how CREEPY this series is - it's very good though and the art is awesome.
A book and some Sauvignon Blanc on the patio. Had to skip the fancy wine glass outside.
Really good, but seriously unsettling. I had to stop reading for a few days when it got too dark. There is a lot is really explicit violence against women - I probably would have stopped reading if I wasn't so invested in finding out what happened to Robin and Strike.
Struggling with this one - it's well-written, but really awful stuff keeps happening. I don't know if I will be able to finish it.
Why do the library gods torment me so? Hopefully, Volume 3 will show up soon.
Skipping my book club book to read this instead. #sorrynotsorry
Today's used bookstore haul!
RIP, Lois Duncan - I loved your books so hard as a teen
So awesome and now I have to WAIT for Volume 5. The team up with Captain Marvel was really cool, as was Kamala's chat with her mom. The team up with Spidey is just about as hilarious as you'd think it would be.
Loved it - lived the crossover with Loki and with SHIELD, too. This series keeps getting better and better.
Friendship is not a zone, you idiot! Friendship is something real and good and anybody who doesn't understand that needs a dictionary." You tell 'em, Bruno!
Throwback Thursday - my favorite book as a child. I used to want to smack Tom upside the head.
So, I'm late to the party, but I really enjoyed this. It's an important story about growing up and culture clash and the issues faced by 1st generation Americans. And badass superpowers.
And here is my personal TBR shelf (one of them). I need to stop requesting books.
I missed TBR Tuesday, so here is my library TBR.
Holy crap - the epilogue. There better be another one!
I've been trying to decide between Sleeping Giants, Career of Evil and Ms. Marvel - I think that Sleeping Giants may have won.
I liked this, but didn't love it. I suspect that's because I was expecting something else and has built it up too much in my mind before starting. It may warrant another reading - there's a lot going on under the surface.
@Liberty #FridayFun The first book that I went to the reading and got a book signed. I have other signed books that aren't personalized, but this is the first one that I stood in line to have signed.
So far it is not what I expected at all, but I really like it. I'm alternating between laughing out loud and being grossed out.
Just started listening today and already cackled like a loon several times during my commute home. The narrator is a bit fast though - he will take some getting used to.
Dang it - now this AND A Darker Shade of Magic have arrived at the library. I have a lot of reading to do!
Does anybody listen to their books at 1.25 or 1.5 speed? I'm wondering if it would make the slow sections less painful?
Well... Great world-building and gorgeous writing, but it dragged at times. I'm not sure if I would have finished if I hadn't listened on my commute this time. Unless certain characters reappear in the sequels, not sure why we spent so much time with them. Ending is a sucker punch. On to The Twelve
Up next....
"Aliens suck at music." And with that line, I was sucked in. I laughed out loud several times while reading and while I wouldn't call it great literature or place it up there with Hitchhiker's Guide, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Tried to get this at the library today (like 7 books isn't enough) but it was due APRIL 19. So... Had to put in a hold request. Oh well, it will give me time to read my other books.
Library haul - of course they all came in at once.
My library hold is waiting to be picked up - and it looks like another 3-4 of them are on the way. Why do they all come in at once? #bookwormproblems
Another of my favorites - it should be obvious by now that I love books that are magical, absurd, hilarious and totally improbable. I also like thrillers about reprehensible people doing bad things, but that's another story. Literally.
One of my all time favorite books. Hilarious and completely absurd.
Just downloaded this from the library - looks interesting.
I just couldn't care about anyone in this book. It's like every character was more unpleasant than the last. Maybe I'll give it another shot some day. But for now - onto Year Zero.