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Dead Astronauts
Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
32 posts | 19 read | 37 to read
Under the watchful eye of The Company, three characters Grayson, Morse and Chen shapeshifters, amorphous, part human, part extensions of the landscape, make their way through forces that would consume them. A blue fox, a giant fish and language stretched to the limit.
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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This is a haunting fever dream of a book, with elements familiar to anyone who has read Borne, but told without a typical linear narrative structure. This makes for a challenging, trippy but ultimately rewarding read. I can't do it justice, but Arkady Martine wrote a great review for NPR: https://www.npr.org/2019/12/07/785536098/clarity-isnt-the-point-in-confusing-abs... Not sure it is 100% pick, but it's definitely not so-so.

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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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This book is so pretty! 😍

Zoes_Human Man that is a NICE hardcover! 3y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Congrats on the litfluence and litsyversary @squirrelbrain ! Thanks for hosting this #giveaway!
1. Hmm... maybe Dead Astronauts. It was just so wonderfully bizarre and it helped with the reading funk I was in at the time.
2. I don‘t usually plan my reading much, so I‘m not sure, but I do have Rabbits for Food on hold at the library right now, and I am really looking forward to reading that, so I guess I‘ll go with that one. 😅

squirrelbrain Thanks for playing! Dead Astronauts does sound *very* bizarre! 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Wow. I found this to be utterly confusing and enthralling all at once. I was completely absorbed from the start and could not stop reading. It's a fragmented mosaic -disconnected & haunting; some parts are fantastical, others too familiar. The writing style is unique; the rhythm essential to convey a message howbeit unclear (intentionally so I think?). Definitely a perplexing, memorable read. One that I will chew on for awhile and likely revisit.

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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Man did I hate this! If anyone else wrote this I would‘ve bailed but I kept hope alive and slogged through the whole thing. It‘s so pretentious and boring and kinda ruined a world that I loved.

Megabooks Yikes!! 4y
Godpants @Megabooks I‘m so bummed!!! 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Bourne is one of my favourite books of the last few years, and I keep putting off this one because I‘m so worried it won‘t live up to that one. Have any of yo I tried out these Page Anchors? I love it to keep hand strain away, but wish it had a couple extra features (like a spring for when you need to flip the page.)

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love your anchor!! 4y
Godpants @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thanks! I bought one during the testing phase so it‘s a little sharp and I have to be careful to not snag the pages but it‘s so great for avoiding the dreaded dead hand. 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Here‘s my 1st quarter wrap up for #booked2020. I skipped around a bit, as usual. :)

#MillennialAuthor: Educated
#HeadCoveringOnCover: Dead Astronauts
#FinishInADay: Grief is the Thing with Feathers
#RedWhiteOrBlueTypeOnCover: Growing Things and Other Stories
#BookClubWorthy: Nothing to See Here

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great job!! I always seem to jump around between seasons also. 📚👊🏻♥️ 4y
Cinfhen That‘s the beauty of #Booked2020 🙌🏻Read what you want!!! This is you “official” entry for #FirstQuarterDrawing 😊❤️📚 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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What a remarkable, and perfect time to be reading this pitch-perfect novel. A warning siren about the evil we do to our planet. His best yet.

A blue fox, a Leviathan who may have been the Salamander. the “astronauts”, Charlie X, The Company. The Duck! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I had to stop reading it before sleep — nightmares!

“In space, discipline meant life or death. Here, there had been no penalty for freedom until the end. (p. 39)

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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So, I had to take a break from reading DEAD ASTRONAUTS in order to beta read a fellow writer‘s manuscript, and now that I‘ve finished beta reading, my ebook loan for DEAD ASTRONAUTS has expired. Looks like it‘ll be a while before it becomes available again, so guess I‘ll be starting something new in the meantime. #ReadingInterrupted

Kenyazero Always a bummer! Glad you took the time to proofread for your friend, though. 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Due to COVID-19 I have cancelled my trips to Portland, OR and most likely having to cancel our trip to Italy this summer (but waiting to cancel that yet) and my bf and I are self isolating with tons of movies, books, and all the wines.

TEArificbooks I just ordered the new jumangi on dvd for a movie afternoon with the boys 4y
TheBookStacker @mdm139 I watched all 3 today. The original is a classic, the second is hilarious and amazing, and the third is hilarious 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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7 “What version is this?”


night_shift I really wanted to read this one, as I loved Borne, but had so much trouble getting into it and returned it to the library. Deff will try again, but jeez. 4y
BillBlume @UnidragonFrag it‘s not just you. It‘s been a slog to get into it. Wouldn‘t have been this patient with a writer who hasn‘t already earned my trust. 4y
night_shift @BillBlume ok, good to know. Yeah, I really like Vandermeer. He's great on twitter 😅 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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It‘s taken about a fifth of this book for it to feel like there‘s something of a plot taking shape. I‘m not sure I‘d have been this patient if this was an author I hadn‘t read before.

EadieB Looks kind of like a strange book to me! 4y
BillBlume @EadieB I don‘t think Jeff writes any other kind. 😹😹😹 4y
EadieB @BillBlume Funny! I‘ll have to check out his books! 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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I‘m about a tenth of the way through this book, and I‘m still trying to figure out what I‘m reading. I‘m also on the fence as to whether I think this works, but I have faith in VanderMeer that he‘ll bring it together more soon. We‘ll see.

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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This was super weird and not at all easy to understand, but apparently that‘s exactly the kind of book my reading funk needed. 😂

#booked2020 #headcoveringoncover #catsoflitsy #Ember

wanderinglynn Aw, cute sleepy kitty ❤️🐱 4y
alisiakae 😸 😸 😸 4y
Cinfhen YAY 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Like most of Jeff VanderMeer‘s books I am thinking “what did I just read?” But it‘s very well written and it is an interesting story. It‘s very surreal and strange but I had a great time reading it

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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#stack of board books for the baby. Some random books I found when at the library that sounded interesting (Tsushima & Winslow) but I may not get to as the other picture is my solid February #TBR - a chunkster, an arc, a bookclub read, and an anticipated read (tagged book - and seriously what a gorgeous book!)

kspenmoll Reading to your baby counts right? 😊 4y
night_shift @kspenmoll absolutely! 🙂 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer

Eminently confusing, brutally well written, somewhat incomprehensible

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Went to pick up my library holds & next to them was the latest Vandermeer on hold for someone else.
Oh, how I do covet my neighbor's goods.

NerdyRev If it helps, I am a huge Vandemeer fan and I thought this was a strange book, even for him. Things begin to take shape, but it takes a long trek through the book to get there. 4y
GrilledCheeseSamurai It is a very strange book. And I absolutely loved it for that. 😍 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘ve been known to ogle the holds of others at the library. Glad I‘m not alone. 4y
saresmoore I hate it when this happens! But I also love it, because it means other people are reading good books. 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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This was such a weird book. A blue fox, people who are copies but also not. Was there a plot? Hard to say.

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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I know Jeff Vandermeer is the patron saint of weird these days, but even by those standards, his latest is truly out there. Varying life forms, including a behemoth, a blue fox, a duck with a broken wing and questionable intentions, and three humans (“humans”) try to survive in a dying city, killed by the nefarious Company from his previous book, Borne. Read with an open mind.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful ☀️ 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Holy moly! I‘m speechless.. I absolutely love these gifts! I‘ve been wanting to read this since it came out. I‘ve been waiting patiently for my library to get their copies in for months now. The wait is over! Fantastic book, super scrumptious chocolate (that I couldn‘t resist trying before I took my picture), and a Krampus card!? Thank you so much @bridge12 for the gifts! And thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing! Happy #Jolabokaflod

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This cover is awesome, I can't stop looking at it. Great haul! 4y
DePaepe @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego the inside cover is great too! I‘ll make another post showing it soon 4y
bridge12 Yeah I‘m happy you‘re excited about all of it, it was a delight picking gifts for you! I hope you have the happiest jolabokaflod! 4y
HeathHof Awesome card! 4y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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I really hope Jeff Vandermeer melts my brain with this...

readordierachel That cover is melting me brain (in a good way) 5y
vivastory I feel like I need 3d glasses for this. I'm really looking forward to this though. Read, & loved, Borne over the weekend. 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @vivastory I'm a HUGE Vandermeer fanboy. This book is one of my most anticipated of the year so...yeah. Pretty happy. I loved Borne too. Alot. I could say that for and Vandermeer novel though sooo... 🤷🏼‍♂️😝 5y
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bibliobliss Trippy cover 5y
batsy I want to read more of his books. I can't properly describe how the Southern Reach trilogy made me feel but I've been searching for that same feeling from fiction since then. 5y
twohectobooks I just started playing a game called Control, which really reminds me of the Authority entry of the Southern Reach trilogy. 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @batsy Have you read Borne? It's soooo good. This book is set in the same universe. I don't think you have to read Borne first...its too early in the books for me to say for certain - but I think it would add context? 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai @twohectobooks Niiiice. I've had my eye on Control! Definitely a game I think I want to play. 😊 5y
batsy @GrilledCheeseSamurai I haven't, and I plan to! I've got an arc of Dead Astronauts but I've been wondering if I need to read Borne first. I think I will, for context as you say & to get a better sense of the world he's created :) 5y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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🎉NEW BOOK DAY🎉 The world of publishing winds down at the end of the year, but there are still a few great new releases on the way. There are a few more out today that I am excited about, including The Measure of Our Lives by Toni Morrison, This Is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay, Children of Virtue & Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi, A Madness of Sunshine by Nalini Singh, and Blitzed by Alexa Martin. What are you excited to read? 📚❤️📚

8little_paws It's December so now I am in full on mode to finish out my reading challenges for the year! 5y
Graciouswarriorprincess Meg and Jo! I'm seeing the author tonight! But, I am always in full on mode to finish my reading challenges! Thankfully, I'm off work starting 12/23 until 1/6! 5y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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🎶 Someday we‘ll find it, the rainbow connection, the covers, the readers, and me…” 🌈

JulAnna 😍🌈 5y
Susannah “On this week‘s ‘Book Trends‘...” (edited) 5y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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New month, new tbr

Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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It is mine! I am SO excited to read this!! #netgalley #arc #autoapproved

monalyisha 🌈😍 5y
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Dead Astronauts | Jeff VanderMeer
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Scheduled for publication in December, Vandermeer's latest, set in the same world as Borne, easily wins trippiest cover of the year. And being a Vandermeer, I imagine the story itself will be an equal experience.

Godpants I am SO EXCITED. 5y
Kimberlone What a cool designed cover! 5y
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