I'm a sucker for cute little illustrations in books. The simplest image can add so much to the story.
#illustrations #art #gates #whimsy
I'm a sucker for cute little illustrations in books. The simplest image can add so much to the story.
#illustrations #art #gates #whimsy
There's nothing like going to your nearby bar/wine bar alone and enjoying a good read. The first part of this book is hilarious and completely raw. Still working on finishing it...hopefully this weekend.
#nonfiction ##readKY #spring #2024 #March #readalone #bestseller #women
⭐⭐⚡ Meh.
I have never, to my recollection, watched anything by or starring Lena Dunham. Why did I pick this book then? Truly, because I've heard her name many times in tones of reverence, and thought maybe I should know who she is. She is a very good descriptive writer, but I found the memoir a bit all over the place/aimless. Now is when I usually start binging all the author's shows, movies, etc., but I do not feel compelled to in this case 🤷♀️
I dunno why, It just didn't capture me. To be honest, I'm not sure I finished it.
#MoreMehThanYeah If you haven‘t read this already, I wouldn‘t really recommend it.
While I appreciate Dunham‘s accomplishments, she certainly had a leg up with family and general NYC connections. There‘s nothing inherently wrong with having a privileged upbringing, but she just doesn‘t acknowledge that a lot of what she “learned” was due to that. 3⭐️
#somethingwrittenbyawoman #nonfiction2019
PS I do like how she stood up for women‘s health!
#TimbitTunes Lena Dunham is #ThatGirl a modern day Brooklynite; outspoken & frank. Crude and unapologetic her “memoir” struck me as a little too self indulgent. As I‘m really not a fan of the HBO series Girls, nor do I follow Lena Dunham on Social Media her book of shared lessons was a waste of time for me.
I‘ve never read anything of Dunham‘s, but I totally agree with this quote. @kaye Here‘s a link to my Pinterest board of Quotes on Reading if you need it: https://pin.it/ozybcc54fukglr
As promised, Dunham lays it all unflinching, uncomfortably bare.
What I like about memoirs written by people this young is you get to see what interests them just by virtue of what topics they write about. This book focuses on art, education, mental and physical health, sex, family, body image. But makes almost no mention of politics, money, social justice, technology or hundreds of other issues cause they‘re clearly not focuses in Dunham‘s life.
Look at the charming little gift I found when I opened up my new library book! Shall I keep it as my new bookmark, or send it on in the world for the next patron to enjoy as well?
?? https://www.zeit.de/kultur/literatur/2014-10/lena-dunham-not-that-kind-of-girl/k...
Ich könnte so viel kritisieren, aber wenn ich einmal anfange, höre ich nicht mehr auf, fürchte ich.
Was bleibt, ist das Gefühl, dass Lena keine Freunde/Eltern hatte, die sie wieder in die Spur gesetzt/ihr Grenzen aufgezeigt haben. Sie kommt mir ein bisschen vor wie das „arme, reiche Mädchen“.
Wenn das der neue heiße Sch**ß ist, dann gute Nacht.
Schon als ich mit dem Hörbuch begonnen habe, habe ich mich übrigens gefragt, was für eine Art Mädchen Lena nicht ist.
Dazu findet sich in dem ganzen Buch keine Aussage. Das wiederum passt aber zu Lena: viel heiße Luft.
Versteht mich richtig, es anzuhören tat nicht weh und es hat tatsächlich ein bis drei Stellen mit erzählenswerten Aussagen, aber für alle mit gesundem Menschenverstand und Zielen im Leben ist es überflüssig.
Hätte ich das Buch abgebrochen, wäre mir genauso viel im Gedächnis geblieben wie jetzt, wo ich es beendet habe.
Nämlich nichts.
Eine Nabelschau ohne Mehrwert, in der Lena in mir noch nicht einmal dann Mitgefühl geweckt hat, wenn die geschilderte Situation es eigentlich erfordert hätte. Ich finde Lena unreif und undiszipliniert. Was sie erlebt, ist grob das, was alle beim Erwachsenwerden erleben und es wird grundlos gehypt. Spart euch die Lektüre.
Das ist jetzt nicht wahr, oder❓
Bei Stunde 5 und 20 Minuten erklärt sie nicht wirklich jemandem, von dessen Bart-Mode ich noch nie irgendwas gehört habe, dass die Tatsache wie er seinen Bart trägt und offenkundig nicht pflegt, ein offensichtliches Zeichen dafür ist, dass er emotional aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist.
Glashaus. Sitzen. Steine werfen.❓??♀️
Ich bin tatsächlich an dem Punkt angekommen, an dem das Buch entweder besser wird oder ich mich daran gewöhnt habe.
Ich sehe ein, dass ich alles bin, nur nicht Lenas Zielgruppe, trotzdem erstaunt mich (ebenso wie ihre Eltern) die Handlungsarmut und die Tatsache, dass sie Erfolg hat. Inzwischen habe ich gelernt, dass sich an ihr die Geister scheiden und sie mitnichten das „Sprachrohr“ ihrer Generation ist. Aber ehrlich, warum sollte sie auch❓
Ich habe jetzt knapp 2 Stunden gehört und habe mich währenddessen immer wieder gefragt, ob das, was Lena zu erzählen hat, meinem früheren, eventuell ebenso unsicheren Ich weitergeholfen hätte.
Ich glaube es jedoch nicht, weil die Erkenntnis, dass etwas falsch läuft oder man sich als Frau zu viel gefallen lässt, aus einem selbst kommen muss. Das ist der Kern von Persönlichkeitsentwicklung – und die ist in diesem Buch noch nicht auszumachen.
Es mag (vor)verurteilend sein, aber ich frage mich, was es wohl sein kann, das eine Mitte 20-jährige „im Leben so gelernt hat“, das so bahnbrechend ist, dass es alle Welt wissen muss.
Ich sage nicht, dass es nicht sein kann, dass es „lange“ dauert bis man als Frau so gefestigt ist, dass man sich aus dem Bedürfnis heraus angenommen zu werden, nicht mehr alles gefallen lässt. Hat man jedoch zu sich gefunden, braucht man Lena nicht mehr, denke ich.
Nora Tschirner ist die perfekte Vorleserin dafür. Inhaltlich weiß ich allerdings noch nicht genau, was ich davon halten soll.
Lena macht es mir leicht, mir überlegen vorzukommen. Bisher fokussiert sie sich auf Sex und erzählt wenig über ihre konkreten Lebensumstände, was es schwer macht, ihre Erzählung einzuordnen. Stellenweise verhält sie sich sehr naiv und scheint auch mit zunehmendem Alter wenig Reife oder Selbsterkenntnis gewonnen zu haben.
Ehrlich: Ich habe keine Ahnung wer Lena Dunham ist und von ihrer Serie habe ich auch noch nie gehört. ? Aber in letzter Zeit begegnet mir Lena Dunham überall. Scheint, als sei sie das neue Vorbild für junge Frauen oder so. Keine Ahnung.
Auf das Hörbuch bin ich in meiner Onleihe zufällig gestoßen. Es hat dort zwar keine guten Bewertungen, aber ich will mir von dem neuen „Star“, den man wohl irgendwie kennen muss, ein eigenes Bild machen.
By finishing this book, I completed my Goodreads goal for 2018.
It was really an anti goal bc I‘ve found that in previous years when I was struggling to keep up, I‘d read shorter books just to stay on top of it. This year I‘m only worrying about the #readharderchallenge and not quantity.
PCT miles hiked: 1300
Books completed on trail: 7
I‘ve seen a lot of hate on this book. She def says some problematic things but overall it was an entertaining listen. Might have been more annoyed with it if I had to actually read it. 🤷🏽♀️
Spotted Lena Dunham's book at Dollar General for a $1. I'm not a huge fan of hers but figured I could give it a shot for only $1 lol.
I know a lot of people really hate Lena Dunham and this book. I‘m indifferent to her as I really don‘t know too much about her. And I enjoyed this book. It was funny and I found it to be honest and I could relate to her in some ways. There were parts that were a bit slow or annoying, but overall, I liked this one.
I finished listening to this audiobook this evening. I admire Dunham‘s ability to put her self unapologetically out there for public consumption, but I would be lying if I didn‘t admit that some of her stories annoyed me. Some of her stories came off a tad shallow, but at least she does seem aware of her own privilege. I liked her writing style and this book is worth reading if you enjoyed #GIRLS. Overall I give this book a 3/5 stars #JPBookreview
1. #NotThatKindOfGirl by #LenaDunham
2. Pink Starburst
3. Millennial 1980-2000s
4. Target Up & Up hand sanitizer
5. Hopefully catch up on reading! 📚
Not That Kind of Girl is a “hilarious, wise, and fiercely candid collection of personal essays” by Lena Dunham, illuminating her experiences about making her place in the world.
I didn't love it but I didn't hate it like some readers. It is basically all her crazy thoughts shared with the world and some are more crazy than others. I think it grates on people because she is naive at times, but aren't we all, and she seems a bit oblivious to how privileged she is. This is annoying but she is really young to write a memoir and this is the only life she has known.
Used bookstore finds here in #Tokyo. Babe is excited to see Elmo in a book 😃#babyreads #mommyreads #bookhaul
Alright, I know that there are people that have problems with certain passages in this book. I have always loved Lena Dunham and her work. Her show "Girls" helped me through my 20s. That being said, there was nothing in this book that has turned me against her. I was able to relate to a lot of her essays. My only grievance is that she didn't talk very much about Girls.
I‘ve loved so many nonfiction books that I‘ve read recently, so I really should read more of that genre.
#book2school (A Genre You Want To Read More Of)
#bookstagram #bookstagrammer #bookblog #bookblogger #bibliophile #books #nonfiction #memoir
I listened to the audio book at work and on my commute, and didn't hate it. There's nothing heavy here, but I did chuckle and could relate to some of those same feelings as a junior high girl, and on into my college years. Sticking with biographical audio books while at work, suggestions?
Ahhh...the Internet boyfriend. Life was so simple then, just the expectation that you type at least 45 WPM. 👏🏼
I kinda dislike Dunham in the same way & degree I hate Entourage so here's hoping this changes my mind
I have never watched an episode of girls, and barely knew who Lena Dunham was so read this book with no expectations.
Very honest, a lot of tmi, but overall I think she cinched what she was trying to do - to give people an inside look at what life is like as a twenty something in today's world. As a twenty something myself I found it relatable. Give it a shot if you're after some humour and self-involvement!
We're sad to hear that Lena had to cancel the Lenny tour (you can check out the full explanation at lennyletter.com), and wish her the best! If you signed up for our contest, don't despair - it is still on! You won't be able to meet Lena, but we are still giving away signed copies of her book. If you had tickets to the show, send us a message before May 30th for your chance to win!
Got your tickets for Lenny America IRL? That's all you need for the chance to win signed copies of Not That Kind of Girl and to meet Lena Dunham! DM us to get your name into the drawing and we'll let the winner know before June 2nd.
And check out these books by Lenny contributors Kaitlyn Greenidge, Jacqueline Novak, and Chloe Caldwell before the tour!
#citylitbooks #logansquare #chicago #lennyletter #lennyamericairl
I can't do it. I am not the sort of person to give up on something once I've started, but I can't listen to Lena talk about who she did or did not sleep with/lie beside. Maybe I didn't struggle in the same ways she did as a young woman growing up (actually that is most certainly true), but for whatever reason, I'm bailing.
Now to find the next audiobook...
🎧I'm torn between so-so and pick on this one. I listened to the audio and enjoyed hearing Lena narrate her stories. I'm a fan of her podcast (Women of the Hour), HBO's Girls, and Lena herself. But this just didn't do it for me. I don't regret listening but wouldn't recommend it to just anyone...
A little book listening and knitting on this relaxing Saturday. Poor kitty can't get her naps in because I keep moving the yarn...haha. I'll pay for this later, I'm sure.
Oh ya, seriously hope Lena moves past her sex life. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.