5/5 for the second in this trilogy. This book was just as good as the first one. I still have such love for these characters. I love the story. I cannot wait to read the next one.
5/5 for the second in this trilogy. This book was just as good as the first one. I still have such love for these characters. I love the story. I cannot wait to read the next one.
Slightly disappointed with this 1. Story was ok. The book was action packed & well paced throughout, but nothing new, hence it was slightly boring in some places. I cudn't connect with the characters as well. I especially thought the 2nd romantic pair was a distraction. Their romance felt forced & shallow.
#juliekagawa #soulofsword
Now, am not sure abt the 3rd book in the series. 1st book was awsm, 2nd bk meh! Is the 3rd 1 worth the time?
While it was slightly less physical action, it felt there was so much more character growth slowly brought through the entire book. Love that the many different relationship have been so nicely drawn out. Biggest piece is the flip of Hakiomono and Tatsumi with this new villain of Genno. The side of a monk and young yokai with a lost soul is just as mysterious to think about as Yumeko herself. Longer chapters are tedious, but are great mini stories
I am loosing my mind over these two trying to flirt. Like, it‘s so subtle but they are starting to get more out there. They‘re grown from tolerating each other to mildly appreciating each other. I swear, nothing better happen to them. I don‘t care about any prophecy saying one dies. #lgbtq
“Oh don‘t worry, Naganori-san,” Okame said, “an onmyoji, a ronin, a priest and a shrine maiden, two dogs and an Imperial Nobel walking around together? We‘re sure to fit right in.”
I love this ragtag group so much and how their different personalities and views find a way to work together
Nice middle book of a slow building up. There is shallow character growth, so there‘s not a lot of action. Though there‘s a lot of revelations. I am loving livid about Daisuki and Okame actually working together. And THAT DREAM. It is also very interesting in getting chapters from the villains point of view. Very well done and insightful. #lgbtq representation
Yes, even on sleepovers I wake early and read. Though I don‘t think I have with dogs snoring on me. Page 100 thoughts; feels like a good new setup for this books story. What strikes first is the point that the villain gets perspective chapters. Not a page of what he‘s doing, but full thinking perspective chapters. I still enjoy Okame, and like how he seems to be changing how he thinks about himself. The same goes with his relationship with Daisuke
First of all, Maya is completely recovered, and all of the kind thoughts and well wishes from everyone really filled our buckets with ❤️. THANK YOU! She slept most of yesterday (lots of Benadryl in that body!), and has loved all of the pet photos today.
As far as book reviews, I was impressed with the sequel to Shadow of the Fox, and have moved straight on to the last book in the trilogy!
#friyayintro will be taking a hiatus for a few weeks.
4/5 ⭐
While it was a slow in the begining I enjoyed every chapter. They are a lot of fighthing scenes, some too long but overall it was a interesting story.
I like the group of people that are traveling with Yumeko. They make me laugh.
I wish we could of read more of Tatsumi point of view but I really like reading Yumeko and Hakaimono point of view. He's one of the villains you'll enjoy reading about.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
Loving this book. It's slow but I like what is happening in the story.
Gotta be real for a minute. The insane amount of effort it takes for me to carve out just a tiny bit of “me” time these days (and it‘s never alone time, just a chance to do something I enjoy by myself), is exhausting.
I have a ton of privilege and am grateful we are less impacted than most, but the drastic way our life has changed since March is still difficult and tiring. Working from home with summer camps cancelled is guilt-inducing. ⬇️⬇️
I was able to grab a few moments alone this afternoon!
The second book is a strong one so far. The thing I like most about this series is learning more about Japanese mythology.
This is a good middle book, I loved how switching the character perspective kept it fresh and interesting. A middle book that didn‘t slow or slog and had some really intense developments. The Oni general has over taken the Kage Assassin and the half Kitsune vows to help drive the oni back into the sword. The hidden temple is found, and some unexpected players in this great game show up. 3.5/5 stars
O.W.L.s HP Magical Readathon it was supposed to end on April. I didn't fail I'm a resilient person😌I will finish my Metal Charmer career. Class-Transfiguration-prompt-Animagus Lecture=book that includes shapeshifting.Book 2 in Shadow of the Fox trilogy. YA fantasy. The adventure continues with dark, gory scenes. It is funny, tense, sad in some parts with twists. A little of romance including male to male which was unexpected, so cute, yes! 4⭐️
I wasn't planning to join in on #stayhome24in48 but it seems like it might be the only thing to keep me safe today... in a houseful of bored af teenagers....
#readathon #24in48 #prayforme
Reading this now. I hope it‘s as good as the the first one. I‘m really leery when it comes to series...
Best part of this series is learning some Japanese mythology, like the jorogumo, a spider temptress that eats men.
THIS is the epic Japanese mythology series I have been looking for all my life. Oh. My. Sugoi!!! I loved the first book, but I loved this gorgeously cinematic sequel even better. The magic is darker, the enemies are more dangerous, and the battles are more intense. Yet the fierce loyalty of half-kitsune (fox shapeshifter) Yumeko and her intrepid companions on a quest to save their friend is out of this world inspiring. Mad, mad love. 👊🖤
Ow. My heart. Why did Master Jiro have to die????? Ow. Thanks a lot, Julie.
My idea of a great evening - starting a new book (with snacks!) and relaxing on my balcony! Happy Saturday night, littens! 😊💕📚
What a good, fun second book!
Another one with action!
#69 So excited to finally check out this one. I really loved A Shadow Of The Fox so I cant wait to catch up with each of the characters and see what‘s going on. I here this is a trilogy so now I am even more happy!
#jazzyjune #junereadingwrapup 6 books and 2,288 pages read. My favorites were sotf (technically a reread but I‘m gonna count it) and sots. I read a couple books for pride month 🌈!
I love this so much. It‘s so amazingly good. I loved all the new mythology and Yokai. The battles felt even more intense than the first book and there was even an unexpected romance in this one that I am completely in love with it. I definitely need book 3 now but no idea when it‘ll be out. I will probably reread this soon XD
1. Lilacs. I adore lilacs!
2. Soul of the Sword by Julie Kagawa
3. Good Girls!!
4. I don't know a lot of poets but I remember Robert Frost from high school so....him I guess?
#humpdaypost @MinDea @DebbieGrillo
This was an anticipated read.I love Yukemono‘s group-funny, loyal & fiercely interesting.In book 1 I came to love the relationship between Tatsuni and Yumeko; the earned trust made the story. With Tatsuni possessed by Hakaimono, I missed that storyline in book 2, but that loss was tempered by Hakaimono‘s interesting, violent, evil but in a non emotional sort of way, character. I just wish they weren‘t one person so I could enjoy them both.
I am so psyched to be reading this 😍. My long awaited sequel is finally in my hands.
Happy Friday!!!
One of my co-workers' husband make the best tea biscuits and nothing makes a rainy, crappy Friday better than coming in to a whole batch of them!
Going to put my headphones in and try to get this book finished while I'm here. 👍
#bookandbreakfast #worktreats #audioworking
Netgalley did not forget about me!! I have been denied so many these past few weeks. This was one of the ones I wanted the most. So stinking happy 🤗