This is very academic, but also quite interesting. Not done yet, and honestly reading it for research not pleasure. But the topic meant I had to post it 😀🍆🍑
This is very academic, but also quite interesting. Not done yet, and honestly reading it for research not pleasure. But the topic meant I had to post it 😀🍆🍑
Best part of this series is learning some Japanese mythology, like the jorogumo, a spider temptress that eats men.
London mages, and a giant magic spider— was excited to discover this series. Important caveat: later books in the series have sexual violence. I stopped reading after book 7 because of that.
Image here is another giant magic spider, this one from the Kung Fu Panda series. Now I hear all talking spiders in this voice when reading 😀
This book was *exhausting*. Took a bit for me to get into it but ended up emotionally wrung out. In a good way? Sort of?
Only halfway through but really enjoying it. Always fun to find yourself back in a fictional world you recognize from earlier books
A fantastic introduction to the over 4000 different kinds of North American bees. Honeybees are introduced from abroad!
I mentioned this book in a story about bee houses I was interviewed about:
Super excited to get the second book in this series. And, GIANT BUGS are part of the plot.
This book just won an award for its fantastic art. Great overview of the diversity of beetles, plus 😍 artwork
If you are a middle school (or high school) teacher, this book is a fantastic collection of lesson plans, as well as great tips on choosing and keeping live animals in your classroom at low cost
This was adorable. Also FRank likes to wig out hipsters, which was hilarious 🕷
hello expect bug and spider books mixed with sci-fi, historical mysteries, and random stuff