This book was good but not as powerful as speak. I liked the reversed roles, but I felt like there is a lot deeper the author could have gone. 3/5
This book was good but not as powerful as speak. I liked the reversed roles, but I felt like there is a lot deeper the author could have gone. 3/5
On another cold wintery morning, I finished up this book. If you haven‘t read it, 10/10 recommend. It is the perfect real teen story. Tyler is the story that I‘ve lived through in my teen years. Tyler is the story that I witness every day as a teacher. I love this book. I love the raw and real. I‘m usually all about the fantasy. But this book. Man... just read it. You won‘t regret it. Then read Laurie‘s novel speak and thank me later.
4.5 Stars
When Tyler commits a foul deed he is served with a summer of probation and community service. With all the hard labor of his community service his body starts bulking up which catches the eye of a popular girl named Bethany. Bethany invites Tyler to a party. When Tyler shows up Bethany is drunk and takes Tyler up to a room. Tyler realizes Bethany is drunk and tells her he doesnt want to do anything which makes Bethany mad.
I just love Laurie Halse Anderson. I began listening on @scribd to her novel Twisted, and I was immediately swept away. The protagonist, Tyler, embodies so much of what is great about teenagers: self-discovery, wavering self-confidence, and an earnest attempt to do what is right. While some of the twists and turns seemed to be a little overdramatized, I left convinced (once again!) of Anderson's ability to dig into the minds of teenagers.⠀
One of the first Laurie Halse Anderson books I read, way back in 2007. #TBTReads
Unfortunately, not a fan. I would have bailed on it but was really hoping it was gonna surprise me. Boring would be only word I have for it.
#awesomeautumnbooks #twistedtuesday
If you enjoy YA and middle grade books, Anderson is a great author to read.
A fucked up little story—but incredibly well-written and compelling. I related to Tyler pretty hard throughout. I loved his relationship with his sister. I didn't expect it to get as dark as it did. Parts of the ending I didn't totally buy. But will def read this writer again (after something lighter). 7/10 ⭐️
I was (stupidly?) not expecting this to get as dark as it did. 3/4 of the way through (this kind of book was made for BINGE READING) and can barely put it down but I would really like a happy ending is that too much to ask?
Tyler is a senior in high-school, who is at the bottom of the heap of popularity. He made a very bad choice at the end of junior year, and payes the consequences. Add a work-a-holic father, an alcoholic mother, a sister, and a girl, and you have Twisted. A wonder Laurie Halse Anderson tale about depression and second-chances!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of five
OMG I skipped out of the library today SINGING "I love new books, I love new books" and people were staring at me and I COULDN'T. CARE. LESS. b/c this is the last of Anderson's YA books that I haven't read!!!!!
#CurrentlyReading #WeirdAndProud