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War for the Oaks
War for the Oaks: A Novel | Emma Bull
Acclaimed by critics and readers on its first publication in 1987, winner of the Locus Award for Best First Novel, Emma Bull's War for the Oaks is one of the novels that has defined modern urban fantasy. Eddi McCandry sings rock and roll. But her boyfriend just dumped her, her band just broke up, and life could hardly be worse. Then, walking home through downtown Minneapolis on a dark night, she finds herself drafted into an invisible war between the faerie folk. Now, more than her own survival is at riskand her own preferences, musical and personal, are very much beside the point. By turns tough and lyrical, fabulous and down-to-earth, War for the Oaks is a fantasy novel that's as much about this world as about the other one. It's about real love and loyalty, about real music and musicians, about false glamour and true art. It will change the way you hear and see your own daily life.
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@PandaPanda @booksellerofyourdiscontent @Littlewolf1 here's my first list of choices for our #Lmpbc #Round10.

I went with stuff on my TBR that was a little older , since it looks like we have a couple of newer selections already. I also DID NOT LOOK AT PAGE COUNTS, because I am the worst. 🥴

See anything good??

PandaPanda I have read daughter of smoke and bone (it‘s fantastic!) but would love to read any of the others. Rosemary and Rue would be my first choice. 4y
wisherwishinguponastar I vote Rosemary and Rue or Memory and Dream! 4y
Littlewolf1 The daughter of smoke and bone is an amazing book, but I‘ve already read it as well. Rosemary and Rue sounds really good, and I already like the author from reading every heart a doorway. 4y
PandaPanda Yay!! Very excited about all 4 of our books! 4y
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#bookspin @TheAromaofBooks
Square 7 ✔️

Really loved this book! Reminds me of The Good Fairies of New York and Tithe. Great characters, a brilliant, unique plot, plenty of fairy lore.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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This week's reading plans:
-finish War for the Oaks
-Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales
-start Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell

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Interesting not-an-intro....


#bookspin and #doublespin
War for the Oaks and Angela Carter's Book of Fairy Tales
I know next week's reading plans!

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Great urban fantasy novel I've been meaning to read for a while. I read The Blue Girl by Charles de Lint when I was a teen, and fell in love with the urban fantasy genre. I learned about Emma Bull from the old Bordertown series (about runaway kids and elves living on the border between The World and Faerie where magic is unreliable). I loved her contributions to the series so I had to pick this one up. A faery war and rock and roll! So good.


Brill book

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🤣Oberon is serious as a heart attack about his tea! Thor isn‘t as in love with tea as Oberon is 😂 but he definitely likes to be included in the ritual of tea time! Especially in the after (their) tea part, where they sleep in my lap while I read and drink my tea! 🥰🐶💕 “I like to party, and by party, I mean stay home and drink tea.” - my mug 🍵
#PuppyLove #TeaAndBooks #DogsOfLitsy

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These are my last 12 books to read to complete all prompts for #sfftbrchallenge! Not counting Daggerspell which I am currently reading.

I'm not sure if I'll finish all of them in the next 2 months, but I'll see how far I can get.

TK-421 You‘re doing great! I‘ve only read 14/50 😳 5y
BookwormM I love the Deverry series 5y
llwheeler @BookwormM I've been meaning to read it for years. Really enjoying it so far 🙂 5y
llwheeler @TK-421 thanks! You're doing great too! I really helped myself out by counting Saga vols 2-7 for 6 of the prompts lol. And used a lot of tor. com novellas too. 5y
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I read Emma Bulls wonderful urban fantasy about 13 years ago and I honestly fell in love. Pooka really delighted me in his mischievous ways! If you like urban fantasy I‘d recommend this. Set in the 80s, it‘s actually a brilliant read.

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“Eddie McCandry, the Seelie Court goes to war, and needs the presence of mortal blood to bring death to its enemies.”

#OctoberPutASpellOnYou #Cemetery @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

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EeeEEEEE this started rather slow but now I'm biting my nails not halfway through. Yipes!
#fantasy #eighties #urbanfantasy #icantactuallybitemynails

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I didn't mean to sit down and finish it, it just happened. It's a lot of fun -- not as fresh and unique as it must have felt to read it when it first came out, but it has a lot of energy. And I loved the phouka and what he and Eddi managed to do together.

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1. In fantasy, probably female authors, but I'm not sure I'd like to place a bet. Non-fic, definitely male.
2. Three, but I didn't count on the back cover.
3. I have no visual memory/imagination, so... no idea.
4. Ditto.
5. Uhh. Hilary Mantel.
6. "And."

Started War for the Oaks this evening -- this really is like the grandma of so much urban fantasy, with so many of the ingredients, including some from paranormal romance.

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#ManicMonday @JoScho
1🎶 “War for the Oaks,” by Emma Bull is my absolute favorite music related book, and one of my favorites in general! If you haven‘t read it I highly recommend that you do!
2🎼 Dorothy
3🎶 The Rainman Suit. They did a garage concert at a friend‘s house and it was amazing!
4🎼 “Missile,” by Dorothy. I love to blast this song on repeat and sing it at the top of my lungs!


JoScho Thanks for playing ❤️🎶 6y
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Fun and fast read. Really liked this take on fairy genre.

Bradleygirl Nice! I bought it for TBR pile since the library didn't have it. Still TBR. 7y
Chrissyreadit Hope you like it as much as I did! 7y
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Rainy Sundays are my enabler ...

This was delightful! Not perfect. The plot moved more quickly than the character development, and for most of the story I didn‘t really feel a sense of tension or dread over the danger the characters are in. But it was interesting and enjoyable, and every description of Eddi‘s band playing was a little bit epic.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk If you're looking for something else in the same "modern musician gets mixed up in fairy shenanigans" vein I would recommend 7y
Kryckett @TobeyTheScavengerMonk This was really the first of that (admittedly quite specific) sub-genre I‘ve read, so thanks for the recommendation! 7y
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We seem to be doing all our best reading in cars these days ...

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The up-side of attending mandatory training for work ... getting to spend your 45-minute lunch break reading in the car!

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I admit it ... I judge books by their covers. And this one is awesome. As is the story thus far.

Bradleygirl Yay! Exciting for me bc I got this off betterworldbooks recently. Anticipated TBR 7y
AceOnRoam I totally judge books by their covers. You can't trust the blurbs, that's for sure! 7y
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One of my all time favorite books!
The 80s themes of music and fashion, etc sucked me in! So did the phouka aspect!
And Eddi was an awesome strong female lead!
And the introduction to this book is my all time favorite introduction to any book.

the.bookish.valkyrie This is seriously one of my favorites! Have you read Holly Black's Modern Fairytales series? The beginning of the first book reminds me of this book's beginning! 7y
ingleflarbie @ValkyrieAndHerBooks I haven't read that one but I will have to check it out if it reminds you of this one! 7y
the.bookish.valkyrie Fantastic! Let me know what you think when you do!📚💕 7y
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Shamelessly reposting this picture for #war

Hundred Years War, Holy War, Napoleonic War, Captain America: Civil War, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, War of the Ring, Formic War, War of Gifts, Time War, War for the Lowlands, Idiran/Culture War, God War, Star War, Zombie War.


Yeah_I_Read Nice! 7y
coffeenebula MASH 😍😍😍 7y
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This book got on my radar when @Liberty posted about it during her recent faerie binge. The fact that so many people had recommended it to her made me curious and luckily my library had it on its shelves. I needed a change of pace and a book about a faerie war seemed to match my mood. Definitely a fun Saturday read.

TobeyTheScavengerMonk Lot of nostalgia for this one. It was the book I was reading when I first left home for college. If you want something in the same vein check out 7y
Jas16 @TobeyTheScavengerMonk Thank for the recommendation! I have added it to my TBR. 7y
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When I asked the internet for faerie book recommendations, this is the one y'all mentioned the most times. So here goes! ❤️⭐️📚

silentrequiem This is the book that made me fall in love with urban fantasy. 7y
elkeOriginal LOVE this book! 7y
booksandsympathy I just looked this up on Goodreads and Felicia Day gave it 5 stars and says she owns three different copies. Since she's awesome, this just moved higher up my tbr list. 7y
See All 7 Comments
teresareads This has been on my list for years! 7y
ReadingEnvy One of my podcast guests loves Emma Bull and I'd never heard or her! 7y
Gina If you don't mind well written middle school books I really like 7y
Liberty @Gina Oh, yes, I quite enjoyed those. 😊 7y
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#bookaboutwar #marchmadness

Hundred Years War, Holy War, Napoleonic War, Captain America: Civil War, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, Cold War, War of the Ring, Formic War, War of Gifts, Time War, War for the Lowlands, Fairy War, Idiran/Culture War, God War, Star War, Zombie War.

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slategreyskies ❤️ 8y
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Sometimes simple is best! Especially when you consider the source!

#BestBlurbs #SeasonsReadings2016 @RealLifeReading

LindsayReads I wish all blurbs were this succinct. 💖 8y
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I love music and I love reading about music, both as a function in fictional stories and as a focal point in memoir. Here are four books featuring music that I really enjoyed - the top two are fiction, the bottom two are memoir. I'm definitely noticing that my protagonists definitely skew toward women - and I'm good with that. #augustofpages #booksandmusic #bookphotochallenge #readwomen

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The MC, Eddi, is a bad ass rocker chick with music and magic streaming through her veins. I've lost track of how many times I've read this book. And I can't explain why, but I've always loved pairing this book with the soundtrack from Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it just works for me! #BooksAndMusic #AugustOfPages #AugustPhotoChallenge

Eyelit I'll have to to that pairing! 😃 8y
Eyelit *try 😊 8y
thec0zy No kidding! That pairing sounds awesome! @Eyelit 8y
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I read this as a teen and it has colored my views on life and literature ever since!

Grrlbrarian I've got this on my fall TBR pile. Can't wait! 8y
Chessa Oh man, I loved this one! 8y
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