What editor let this guy open four consecutive paragraphs with the same two words?
What editor let this guy open four consecutive paragraphs with the same two words?
I got my first library school textbook today! It looks fascinating and I‘m so excited. 😻
The moment you get to sit down in your garage library and end the day in peace and quiet. While your boys enjoy the loud house...♡♡♡
Think im going to go with Bibliotech for this week's #libraryschool reading. I really like the cover of This book is overdue! #schoolreading #gradschool #librarian
#TBRtemptation post 1! This is a more recent release that focuses on how libraries play, and will continue to play, a leading role in helping the public learn online information acquisition. Educator and tech expert Palfrey shows how unequal access to education, jobs, and technology, can be leveled by libraries, and how libraries can be the 21st-Century's great equalizer. Superb thesis! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
I work as a paraprofessional in a public library, and plan to get a Masters degree in Library Science. This was an interesting book about the digital age and the future of libraries. 📚
With the news that the President is planning to cut funding for the National Endowment for the Arts, which provides millions of dollars to public libraries I feel this is a relevant quote. Sign petitions, call and write your government leaders. A society without libraries is a doomed one indeed, and our government needs to know we won't stand for it. Thank you 😊, political rant over. 😍📚
This book was fantastic- and I'm looking forward to hear the author & others speak at an event at the end of the month regarding the Fake News epidemic and the role libraries can play in squashing it
Quite good. Better than I was expecting. The language is accessible. Very interesting for someone who is a library professional, but I'm not sure how it would do with anyone out of the field.
I had told her that I believe in buying books, and she was holding me to my word.
Not particularly looking forward to this one. Yay grad school!
Heard about this on public radio--now to read....