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All the King's Men
All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
60 posts | 67 read | 61 to read
Set in the 1930s, this Pulitzer Prizewinning novel traces the rise and fall of Willie Stark, who resembles the real-life Huey Kingfish Long of Louisiana. Stark begins his political career as an idealistic man of the people but soon becomes corrupted by success. Generally considered the finest novel ever written on American politics, All the Kings Men is a literary classic. SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING SEAN PENN JUDE LAW KATE WINSLET JAMES GANDOLFINI MARK RUFFALO PATRICIA CLARKSON and ANTHONY HOPKINS
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All the King's Men (Harvest) | Robert Penn Warren
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This is my #doublespin for September, but I think I‘m going to bail. Got this on sale a few months ago after confusing it with All the President‘s Men (oops). It won the Pulitzer Prize, and so far there‘s some interesting writing, but no plot, the overtly racist depictions of Black people you‘d expect in 1930s Louisiana, and it sounds like all there is to look forward to is increasing levels of political corruption and criminality. Not into it.

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes a book just isn't the right fit! 3y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

I'm giving this book a pick rating despite it's length and the fact that I'm actually not sure what it is about. The high rating is for the shockingly true insights on love and human nature peppered unexpectedly throughout the too-long text that would knock my feet out from under me and demand that I stop, re-read, ponder and share.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

"And as for penance, there had been no crime for which I should do it. My only crime was being a man and living in the world of men, and you don't have to do special penance for that. The crime and the penance, in that case, coincide perfectly. They are identical."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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". . . So you create yourself by creating another person, who, however, has also created you. . ."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

"But I knew how the play would come out. This was like a dress rehearsal after the show had closed down. I stood there and felt like God-Almighty brooding on History."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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"And if that is the case, then their life history is a process of discovering what they really are, and not as for you and me, sons of luck, a process of becoming what luck makes us."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

"He was just another fellow, made in God's image and wearing a white shirt with a ready-tied black now tie and jean pants held up with web calluses. Town from the waist up, country from the waist down. Get both votes."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

"You and your conscience could just go off arm in arm and have a fine time telling each other how much you think of each other."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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". . . in the middle of the day maybe with the sunshine bright and the air so still it aches like the place where the tooth was on the morning after you've been to the dentist or aches like your heart in the bosom when you stand on the street corner waiting for the light to change and happen to recollect how things once were and how they might have been yet if what happened had not happened."

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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2.5 ⭐️ I had mixed feelings about this #classic #pulitzer winner about the rise of a southern politician in the 1930s. Some of the language was beautiful while at other times it dragged. The voice of the narrator was unique and well done. But the portrayal of characters of color was jarring to say the least, even keeping in mind when the book was written. Women didn‘t fair much better. By the end I was skimming, although the story was interesting.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Done. New least favorite book. To-read of 15+ years completed.

I need (and should) be respectful of others reading choices even if I don't like the books. Other people have different experiences and are in different stages of their lives - they see things differently and are not wrong.

But with this one, it is hard. How can someone read this and not be repelled? The wealth of 5 star reviews, the critical acclaim - this is a beloved book. Why?

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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On chapter 10/10. 402/438.

Almost done.

Definitely my least favorite book but blurred for spoilers anyway even if I don't think it could be any more rotten. -_-

Settings 410/438 5y
Settings 420/438 5y
Settings 430/438 5y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Chapter 9/10.

I can see the end...

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Chapter 7 was especially painful but forcing my way through it. 312/438

Think reading a deeply awful book every once in a while is good for you. Makes decent books seem better.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Doing that thing where I cut a particularly tedious book with something more pleasant.

I've been cutting bible chapters with fiction books (like the stories but the rituals/laws are boring).

Yet Numbers, even with its repetitive ritual descriptions and an entire chapter that just lists offerings each person gave an altar dedication, is many times less tedious than All the King's Men.

I have a new least favorite book.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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I hate this book. Hate.

But I've been trying to get through it since highschool and it's on a bunch of "must read" lists I feel I need to finish.

Included a bit of the ever so charming (/s) first page. (Profanity warning.) Spreading the suffering around, I guess.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Warren fills the holes where the women should be by making a Very Big Deal of biological paternity, and how one‘s father affects one‘s sense of identity and morality. It‘s central to every plot-line and character arc; the book would perhaps be more accurately called All The King‘s Daddy Issues. But there's a surprisingly happy ending, all things considered. Full review here: http://keepingupwiththepenguins.com/all-the-kings-men-robert-penn-warren/

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Looked like fun, so I figured I‘d start at the beginning and work my way through. @RealLifeReading #Alphabetbookishquiz

RealLifeReading All the King‘s Men - that‘s one I‘ve never read before. 5y
danireads @RealLifeReading You should! It‘s based on the life of Huey P Long, an assassinated governor of Louisiana. I lived in the state for high school, so it was on our reading list. I‘d like to read it again without all of the high school demands, but I do recall liking it. And thanks for this challenge! Great idea! (edited) 5y
RealLifeReading You‘re welcome! Glad you enjoyed it 5y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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How appropriate driving through Louisiana in this downpour ( I‘m the passenger) and reading a story about ex governor of this state 😆

alisonrose Yikes!! Stay safe! 5y
Lauraandherbooks @alisonrose yeah it‘s been scarey we have seen about 3 accidents 5y
alisonrose @Lauraandherbooks 😞 hope you made it through! 5y
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Texreader Be careful! That was me driving two nights ago in south Texas; May be the same darned storm. Stay safe!!! 5y
Lauraandherbooks @alisonrose @Texreader yes we made it through 🙏🏼 5y
Texreader @Lauraandherbooks So happy to hear it. Thanks for the update 5y
alisonrose @Lauraandherbooks 👌🏻🙏🏻 5y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Going on a road trip! I won‘t be driving so I am bringing along a few books! Hopefully finishing #therobe and starting #allthekingsmen

All the King's Men (Harvest) | Robert Penn Warren
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Eye of the March Madness storm. 🏀📚🍷

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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This weekend we finish up the run of this show. I have spent the past week sick and unable to confirm that I got my book back on this last round of #lmpbc so here is a picture of Little Ian that I took last weekend. @bookandcat and @Schlinkles do we want to work on picking books for the next round?

bookandcat Yes to next round!!! I'm also horrible and need to finish the TJR book that was @schkinkles pick (it is so so good but I haven't had much time in the past month or so to sit with a pen and read it as most of my reading has been on the go, plus I had 20-30 library books that were due back eek). Are we mailing next round at the end of this month? Let me know, I may try to send both books together in that case. 6y
bookandcat Also I got my book back from you @TsundokuAleax , thanks! 6y
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TsundokuAleax @bookandcat and @schlink we can wait another month if you are that backed up book wise. I am fine either way. 6y
bookandcat @TsundokuAleax I can catch up in March most everything was due Jan/Feb, and my IRL book club and whatnot picked books I've read before. So I can definitely mail this month. Does Alice by Christina Henry sound good for my pick? 6y
TsundokuAleax @bookandcat I am game. I will try to get another post together since I have a few to pick from this time. 6y
bookandcat @Schlinkles does Alice by Christina Henry sound good to you? I forgot to tag you in my comment above 6y
Schlinkles @TsundokuAleax and @bookandcat Whenever is good for you guys works for me mailing wise. I‘ve been curious about Alice so I‘m down for that. I think I‘m going to go with Washington Black by Esi Edugyan if you guys are good with that. 6y
TsundokuAleax @Schlinkles and @bookandcat that one works fine for me. That was the other book you offered last time, right? 6y
Schlinkles Yep! 6y
bookandcat @Schlinkles I have read Washington Black already, but if you would like to do it for this round I don't mind re-skimmimg it (it just might be light on notes for me 🙂) 6y
bookandcat @Schlinkles p.s. Washington Black is an enjoyable read! 6y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

Robert Penn Warren's classic novel of ambition, corruption, betrayal, remorse, and love. Willie Stark is a politician resembling Huey Long for whom the emds justify the means. Jack Burden, Willie's friend, is a jaded reporter and a highly memorable narrator.

BookNAround Fantastic book! 6y
JLaurenceCohen @BookNAround I wish the movie had done it justice 6y
BookNAround I‘m not much of a movie watcher so I never saw it. Sounds like that‘s not a bad thing though. 😁 6y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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#manicmonday (a day late) @JoScho

📚 All The King's Men (tagged)
📚 Isabel Allende
📚 All in the Family
📚 Apple pie (pie in general, but that doesn't start with A 😂)

JoScho Thanks for playing and yes all the pie! 6y
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All the King's Men (Harvest) | Robert Penn Warren
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My meager haul is all I can manage. I‘m on the hunt for a handful of hard to find books in local used stores but found these instead. I don‘t like ordering online-would rather support our mom & pop.

Why haven‘t I heard more about ATKM? It won the Pulitzer for crying out loud and gets great reviews. Tempted to put it high on my TBR to wake up you guys 😁

LauraJ Maybe it‘s time for a #buddyread? All the King‘s Men has been on my TBR since the 90s when I lived in New Orleans 6y
Dolly I‘m all for that! I just heard about this this morning on Utube. Duh! I got it mixed up with All The Presidents Men. I‘m not a real fast reader and this book stops all my doors.😆. Let me know. Anyone else??? 6y
Lcsmcat @LauraJ @dolly I‘d be up for a buddy read. It‘s on my TBR too. 6y
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Dolly @LauraJ @Lcsmcat I‘ve never done a buddy read B4. Can u guys fill me in? 6y
Lcsmcat @Dolly Usually someone hosts by dividing the book into sections, assigning dates to finish by. Then everyone who‘s participating discusses that section. Sometimes the host posts questions or prompts, and sometimes it‘s just open discussion. Search tags for #buddyread and you can see what others do. 6y
LauraJ @Dolly I‘m not the fastest reader either. Maybe we could stretch it into a six to eight week read. 6y
Literary_Siren You can find mom and pop stores selling on eBay! 6y
Dolly @LauraJ It contains 450 pages so that sounds like a good idea. I probably wouldn‘t be able to do it until autumn. 6y
Dolly @Literary_Siren I didn‘t know that. Thanks for the info🙂 6y
Literary_Siren You‘re very welcome. 6y
LauraJ @Dolly Post when you‘re ready! 6y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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I am starting another #Pulitzer winner. Have any of you read it?

Suet624 I‘ve always meant to. 6y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Friday night plans. Hoping to finally finish All The King‘s Men.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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I should have started with a shorter book. #litsyclassics

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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My first read for the #LitsyClassics challenge. So far so good.

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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

A big chunky novel about a populist politician and the reporter who follows him from the idealistic beginning to the corrupt end. I enjoyed it more than I expected: steady pace and vivid characters kept things interesting. OTOH it‘s not exactly modern when it comes to some of its depictions of women. Don‘t really care much about American politics and this didn‘t change my mind.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Sace Cool! 7y
Bookwormjillk Nice! 7y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Somewhere between a pick and a so-so for me, don't think it was the book, I just think it was bad timing for me.🤷‍♀️

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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Finally got a handle on the narrator of this book (150 pages in) after reading this passage.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Spent my lunch hour prepping for the #Litsyclassics challenge. Can't wait! Thanks @Sarah83

Sarah83 Great choices 😎 7y
KVanRead Nice list! I picked the same E, G and V 😊 7y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Well it's official. I filled out my #litsyclassics form! Like all the other challenges I join, this may end up being a two or three year project, but I'll still have fun! Thanks for organizing it @Sarah83!

ralexist My copy of Caddie Woodlawn is well worn from all my re-reads as a kid :) Enjoy! 7y
Sace @ralexist I'm embarrassed to say I've never read it! 😔 7y
Librarybelle Caddie Woodlawn is a treat...it‘s been years since I read it, but one of the first historical fiction books I‘ve read @ralexist @RestlessFickleBookSlut 7y
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Sace @Librarybelle I've always meant to read it. There are a lot of books I've meant to read. I'm really focusing on Newbery winners next year. 7y
MatchlessMarie I think there were about 4 on my list that I either skimmed or only partially read in school but wasn‘t really able to savor. Now that I made my list though, I am getting tempted to pick some up but have to force myself to wait for 2018 😆 7y
Laura317 I am considering it, but I am afraid of commitment. I did make a list. It might be a two year challenge. 7y
Sace @MatchlessMarie yes! I'm eagerly awaiting 2018! I'm ready to get started! 7y
Sace @Laura317 I've gotten to where I just use challenges as inspiration and if it takes me the rest of my life so be it. 😂 Though I admit I tried to be much more realistic and true to myself with this list. Hence the great number of children's books. 7y
Agentfalco I‘m not the only one who does this then still working on a list from 2015! 😳😃 7y
Sace @Agentfalco nope! You are not alone! 7y
Sarah83 Thanks for joining 😘 7y
Sace @Sarah83 I'm looking forward to it! 7y
Sarah83 Me too. At first I have to finish this year's challenge. 🙈🙈🙈 7y
Bookwormjillk I'm going to try this challenge- but half the challenge might be figuring out what to read! 7y
rubyslippersreads @Bookwormjillk I know. I started working on my list yesterday. I'm trying to balance some long books with some not-so-long books. 😄 7y
Sace @Bookwormjillk that's my favorite part and tends to be easy for me (more or less.) The hard part for me is the follow-through! 7y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Ugh. I can't get a good picture. I haven't officially signed up, but I'm working on my list for #litsyclassics that @Sarah83 is organizing. I was already planning to read more Newbery winners next year, so I've tried to populate my list with as many as I could. I'm also trying to stick to books I already have. I'm undecided or stumped on several letters.

Sarah83 Great choices 😎 7y
Sace @Sarah83 I'm trying to be realistic with myself too! 😁 7y
Sarah83 Hope we all manage it. 😊 7y
Jinjer Ugh all the King‘s men. I tried and could not read that for some reason. Wonder if it would help if I watched the movie first. 7y
Sace @Jinjer Ack! I'll keep my fingers crossed that I can read it (and keep Alice in Wonderland nearby just in case 😉 7y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

Sitting in a courthouse right now... people watching. Normally I don't mind that kind of thing but they have the heat cranked up in here and I'm falling asleep.😴😴😴 Also I don't know if it's frowned upon to read in a courtroom.... I guess I'll find out.😎

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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“...by the time we understand the pattern we are in, the definition we are making for ourselves, it's too late to break out of the box. We can only live in terms of the definition, like the prisoner in the cage in which he cannot lie or stand or sit, hung up in justice to be viewed by the populace. Yet the definition we have made of ourselves is ourselves. To break out of it, we must make a new self."

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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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#TBRtemptation post 9! #PhillyMeetUp edition! From my book haul ☺️. The 1946 Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction, considered one of the greatest American political novels, can fetch $2-7,000 for a first edition now!!! In the Depression-era South, Willie Stark (a version of Huey Long) begins as a representative of the people and ends as murderous populist demagogue. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

BookBabe 👍🏻 7y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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@Liberty #birthdayspace my current read today, different from everything else I've been reading lately and so far I love it!

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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Starting this next. Has anyone read it?

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All the King's Men (Restored) | Robert Penn Warren

Reading Warren's prose is a constant reminder that he was primarily a poet. He writes with a mesmerizing grace and clarity that proves beautiful and meaningful through the entire read. It is not difficult to see how this became one of America's great novels and it goes without saying that it is well worth reading. The only question is which version? That one is up to you.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren

so i think that i know that we can all find much so interesting how very so long this book's number of pages can be at times as it lasts indubitably forever and tries to make me much think about some wack moral relativity and the joys of very much drowning

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All the King's Men (Harvest) | Robert Penn Warren
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My God I love this book: "I tried to tell her how if you could not accept the past and its burden there was no future, for without one there cannot be the other, and how if you could accept the past you might hope for the future, for only out of the past can you make the future." Please read everything he wrote: http://bookriot.com/2016/08/30/reading-pathways-robert-penn-warren/

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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I read this once a couple of years ago and just reread it for book club. The writing is beautiful. The story intense;however, it is all politics and I have just about reached my fill if that topic.

All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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SaraBeagle Such a great book! 8y
Nebklvr @SaraBeagle I just read it a couple of years ago so it is hard going right now. Rereading for bookclub. Beautiful writing though 8y
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All the King's Men | Robert Penn Warren
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My "I Voted" sticker was cropped. ? Anywhoo, this is one of the first #politicalnovels I ever read. And I still really love it to this day. Nothing like a good Southern-baked, scandal-fueled read to get me going. Happy Election Day! #imwithher #getoutandvote

Suzze Is your necklace your state? It looks like Tennessee to me. Thumbs up on the vote. 👍👍 8y
BookishFeminist 💪🏼💪🏼 8y
Chassie @Suzze It is! I'm a TN girl through and through. A tiny blue dot in a giant red state. 😉 8y
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