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The Last Battle (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 7)
The Last Battle (The Chronicles of Narnia, Book 7) | C. S. Lewis
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I wanted to love this one but I found myself only really loving the last 2 chapters of 16 😅 That‘s a wrap on this series! Really enjoyed it, helped keep my mind busy while cleaning and such 🥰

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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“And then she understood the devilish cunning of the enemies‘ plan. By mixing a little truth with it they had made their lie far stronger.” In this final adventure our heroes face their greatest enemy of all. Not a monster or a dragon or an army, but a tidal wave of fear fueled by a lie. #narnia #52challenge

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I have finished reading the Chronicles of Narnia series!!! The last book was a great ending to the series! Most of the characters came back to Narnia in the book!!! I rated this book a 4 out of 5 stars!!!

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Well this was terrible. To think this is a kid‘s series, to end like this is just tragic. No spoilers but suffice it to say I didn‘t like it. Patrick Stewart, almost always a great narrator, was quite poor doing the animals‘ and Jill‘s voices. Fortunately it was short. #chunksterchallenge2022 33 hours finished! @Amiable

Lunakay I know what you mean, I was horrified, too🙈 2y
Amiable Oh, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it! I loved this series as a kid. I'm guessing I should let those memories live on and not reread it as an adult! 😬 I'm also disappointed to hear that Patrick Stewart didn't do it justice as a narrator. :( But congrats for finishing, though! 2y
Texreader @Amiable I loved the series. The last book was horrible 2y
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melissajayne Wondering if we could swap some bookish gifts for Christmas? 2y
rwmg From what I remember of reading it as a child rather than re-reading as an adult, my reaction was (see spoiler below): 2y
rwmg The end of the world? kewwwwwl 2y
Texreader @melissajayne I ❤️ swaps! Were you thinking of one of the Litsy swaps or something informal between us? 2y
Texreader @Lunakay @rwmg I am glad I‘m not the only one! I finished and went yelling around the house to anyone who would listen (my daughter) about how awfully it ended! Especially when I enjoyed it so much and had been thinking on how well written it was. It had a subtle hint of platonic philosophy and sure enough Plato is referenced in the last book—and then kaboom! Sorry I had to vent, again. 2y
melissajayne @Texreader I was thinking of something informal between us. 2y
Texreader @melissajayne I‘m in! Email me at kamonsen at aol.com 2y
melissajayne @Texreader awesome! I will. 2y
Lunakay You are so not alone, I read them a couple of years ago for Christmas and these books have such a warm and kind tone and I thought what great seasonal reading, I wasn't prepared for this! 2y
Lunakay I think the end is inspired by the old testament, isn't the author famous for his biblical references throughout the series? 2y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Though I loved Narnia as a child (okay… still do…) this was never one of my favourites. The first half of the story always felt awkward, and Tirian, though a decent enough fellow, never felt like the old friend the other Narnians did. There were things I loved- the joyous reunions, promises of eternal adventures in a world beyond imagination… but all in all, it‘s a rather weak story.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I always have mixed feelings reading this one. I know I‘m supposed to be happy about the end-and I am-but also sad that the stories are at an end.

TheAromaofBooks This book is so difficult for me to read, that there have been several times that I have read the rest of the series but not this one! 3y
AmyK1 @TheAromaofBooks I completely understand ❤️ 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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And as He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion; but the things that began to happen after that were so great and beautiful that I cannot write them. And for us this the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. [ Continued in comments.] #LitsyLove #NarniaReadingAlong

Lollymya All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read: which goes on for ever: in which every chapter is better than the one before. 3y
Crazeedi ❤❤❤❤ 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ◼️ I thoroughly enjoy this series and this book was no different. #NarniaReadAlong challenddd me to read a series I have wanted to for years. The ending was perfect. The fact that this was narrated by Patrick Stewart was icing on the cake.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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It's possibly the most heavy-handed of all the Narnia books, but the themes of religious hypocrisy in the earlier chapters are still relevant today.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I did not realize that other people have been as bothered by how CS Lewis wrote off Susan in the Last Battle as I have been for 42 years!!! Yes! This has been something I STILL think about!!! I‘m thoroughly enjoyed listening to these Two podcasts - I learned about them from @tpixie and @kissmehardy - I will share links in comments in case any one else wants to listen too- and feel free to discuss!!! @kissmehardy I Really am glad you shared yours!

kissmehardy I hope you enjoy! 3y
Chrissyreadit I'm listening to Semi Bookish | Into the Wardrobe with Semi Bookish on Podbean, check it out! https://www.podbean.com/ei/pb-x45f4-10e2af5 3y
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Chrissyreadit @kissmehardy I really enjoyed it! I will definitely listen to other episodes from the podcast. 3y
kissmehardy Awesome!! 3y
KatieDid927 Ah yes this is a thing lol. 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit Thanks for the link! Yes, this seems to be a big thing! I‘m going to listen to @kissmehardy ‘s today! 3y
kissmehardy @tpixie ❤️ hooray! 3y
ravenlee I never finished the series but I remember my sister being LIVID about Susan. 3y
tpixie @kissmehardy great podcast! Thanks 3y
kissmehardy Glad you liked it!! 3y
Bookwomble I remember being disappointed as a child by how Lewis treated Susan. As an adult, I've read it as part of his Christian allegory: not everyone will be saved. It also strikes as rather misogynistic, too. 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I loved seeing old friends in this book. I‘m supposed to be happy about the ending but I can‘t help it, I‘m sad. And like @kissmehardy said, why leave Susan on Earth? How could she turn her back on Narnia?
🦁 🧙‍♀️ 🚪

kissmehardy I want to believe she finds her way back, but I have yet to just write the fanfic myself! 3y
readingjedi As a child I was so cross about how Lewis treated Susan but as an adult I'm cross about how he judged her. I also realised I'm Susan! 3y
Chrissyreadit I agree! Every time I read it I‘m sad about Susan. 3y
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tpixie @kissmehardy oh, please write it! 3y
tpixie @readingjedi yes! Yes! Ha! Maybe that‘s it- why I‘m so upset! 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit yes, she lost her way (edited) 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit I don‘t think it could‘ve been Peter because he was high king and Edmund redeemed himself after betraying everyone earlier in TLTW&TW, so it really couldn‘t be him; and Lucy was always a believer. So I could see if it was anyone it would be Susan, but I really don‘t think any of the high kings or queens should‘ve lost their way… ❤️‍🩹💔❤️‍🩹 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit @kissmehardy look what I found re: Susan. at the end there‘s a mention of a podcast regarding it as well. https://www.narniaweb.com/2021/08/what-c-s-lewis-said-about-susans-fate-in-the-l... 3y
Chrissyreadit Woah!!! I‘m going to listen while I fold laundry tonight. I‘m so glad we had this discussion because it has really bothered me, although I still love the books. To me it is similar to how I feel about Watership Down- I love it but the author is blatantly sexist. And he wrote it for his daughters…. 3y
kissmehardy If I may also recommend my library's podcast episode in which we discussed The Problem of Susan: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-x45f4-10e2af5 3y
tpixie @kissmehardy thanks! 3y
Chrissyreadit I listened to it and had so many thoughts!! I‘m going to listen to your podcast today @kissmehardy - it turns out this bothered my 8 year old self so much I still hold on to it! 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit @kissmehardy this is my theory- well the 1st part I heard, and then part I combined with my thoughts. Susan turned her back on Narnia/Aslan. But that wasn‘t the end of her life at the end of The Last Battle. She lived on. ✨ I think she lived on long enough to return to Aslan /Narnia. Just like CS Lewis turned his back on religion for a while until J.R.R. Tolkien helped him regain it. (edited) 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit @kissmehardy and another parallel is the dedication to Lucy at the beginning of the lion the witch and the wardrobe. http://www.quotenik.com/c-s-lewis-dedication-lion-witch-and-the-wardrobe/ 3y
Chrissyreadit I agree. I think when he started the books he was writing without the full purpose of being allegorical but by the Last Battle was, and chose Susan to be “worldly” and lose her way. It is interesting to me that He never had anyone “grow up and get married” either. They all remained single- including Polly and Digory. 3y
kissmehardy I'm with you both! I still wish he had given us an adult Susan spinoff. 3y
tpixie @Chrissyreadit yes! He kept them young and unmarried! @kissmehardy a spin-off would be great! 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Nothing brings me more joy than everyone's epic reunion in Narnia, and nothing brings me more pain than how Susan is left entirely alone on Earth at the end. Clive, why?? #childrenslit #furtherupandfurtherin

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I must admit I didn‘t remember much about this one from when I read it as a teen, but I still enjoyed The Last Battle and my re-read of this classic series. This was a great ending for a series, but also the beginning of something new, and most of all I appreciated the great messages of listening to your own voice about what‘s right and wrong and true and not letting anyone else define that for you.



Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ I also finished Tolkien‘s Histories of Middle Earth this year, so it was interesting to re-read this series in light of the fact that they were friends and often shared their work with each other and the other‘s in their Inkling‘s group. Some of the similarities were interesting, even some of the prejudices (oh those dark skinned bad guys🙄, I want to say thank goodness the world‘s changed since then, but that wouldn‘t be entirely true 🙁) (edited) 3y
rwmg It was my favourite Narnia book 3y
TheSpineView Awesome! 👍📖 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Love. Love. Love. Love. Love.

Honestly I could have done without chapters 1-12. But 13-16 make up for all that. I felt my heart would burst! How can one be sad at the end of one Narnia and the beginning of a whole other? The best happily ever after ever. ❤️


CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I thoroughly enjoyed my reread of the Chronicles of Narnia, and I even enjoyed some more than I remembered. However, I think it is my least favorite and only a light pick. The characters and action of the story did not catch and hold my attention as most of the others did. I understand the symbolism and that it‘s supposed go on to something better, but the end of Narnia just makes me sad.

#NarniaReadalong #audiobook

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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I‘ve now read all the Narnia books — yay! This one wasn‘t my favorite; it has a darker tone than the others, and I didn‘t really get interested until about 5 chapters in. I know that the ending is supposed to be seen as joyous, but I can‘t see it that way. I also don‘t like what Lewis did to Susan. Also sexism and racism; I know things were different then, but I was shocked by the use of “darkie.” #Narniareadalong

megnews Not done yet. But similar sentiments re:racism and use of that term. 3y
CaffeineAndCandy 💜💜💜 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Starting these two books today — late — for two readalongs. The Last Battle for #Narniareadalong and Invisible Women for #SheSaid. I‘m looking forward to both.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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What a sad beginning


tpixie Yes! 😭 3y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Okay, I THINK this my list for July's #BookSpinBingo ! As always, several reading "assignments" although I am doing better at only doing challenges that help me read books I was planning to read anyway! This month, the #FairyTaleReadingChallenge is clearing three titles from my TBR!! Jane Austen Made Me Do It is a collection of Austen-inspired short stories by various authors, so I am planning to read one a day throughout the month. ⬇️

TheAromaofBooks Still plenty of time to post a list if you want to play along with #BookSpin in July!! I will draw the numbers on Friday. As always, feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the challenge!! 3y
rabbitprincess Yay! I always post at the last minute to give myself time to change my mind 😂 3y
TheAromaofBooks @rabbitprincess - Right?? So hard to narrow it down sometimes!! 3y
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melissajayne I‘m going to post my list later; been staying at my parents place due to the heatdome in the Pacific NW 3y
Zuhkeeyah I have a silly question…how does book spin work? I‘d like to join the fun. 3y
TheAromaofBooks @melissajayne - Sounds good!!! I know things are kind of crazy in the PNW right now!! 3y
TheAromaofBooks @Zuhkeeyah - Not a silly question at all!! Basically there are two parts to the challenge. The original challenge is BookSpin/DoubleSpin. Participants make a list of 20 books they've been meaning to read. On the 2nd of the month, I draw 2 numbers & everyone tries to read those numbers from their lists. If you read them & let me know, they count as entries for an end-of-the-year drawing!! Some people wanted to read more than just 2 books, so I ⬇ 3y
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) added the bingo part - basically, I draw ALL the numbers & put them in a bingo board & everyone scores bingos by reading the numbers on a line or column. If you want to play along, just make your list of 20 books & tag me when you do. Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions, too!! 3y
melissajayne @TheAromaofBooks it‘s much cooler today 3y
Zuhkeeyah @TheAromaofBooks Thank you! I‘ve got my list ready but not sure how to post a picture without referencing a book… 3y
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4/5⭐️ (allegory was way too obvious in this one for my liking🤷🏻‍♀️)


The last book of the Chronicles of Narnia. It was quite interesting and I‘m glad that this series has ended.

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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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This was the perfect ending to the Chronicles of Narnia. "Further up and further in!" Eustace and Jill again enter Narnia to come to the aid of King Trilian.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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"I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now".

Yesterday I finished my reread of the series. I'll definitely read these books again in the future! Narnia is still one of my favorite series ❤. Some things do feel outdated but the magic is still there.

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So I just finished this book, and I have to admit, I definitely didn't see that ending coming. What a good series, it was great. I loved it. Definitely recommend it to anyone that hasn't read the series. I think you'd enjoy it. 😃 wish there was more to it, though.

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About to start this

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I enjoyed this reread so much, I had totally forgotten how this wrapped up. To see Lucy and Mr Tumnus again was awesome.

Reading childhood favourites is a risky business but I'm glad I did. While I saw some bits of christianity here and there I didnt find it as extreme as some do, the overriding message I got from this is that Humans are pretty awful in most situations and Lions should rule the world.

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Welp, I got only about fifteen minutes of reading in today...work is really exhausting. I am glad to have Sunday off, at least. The meditate today for #BFC was tricky, I might‘ve fallen asleep for a minute or three. This book starts in a super unappealing way. Not into the mean-ape-picking-on-the-donkey show. It‘s too much, Clive Staples Lewis.

wanderinglynn I hope you can take some recovery time. 💚 4y
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Enjoying this unseasonably warm February day ☀️

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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I've been needing easy, comforting reads lately and remembered that all the Narnia books are on my Kindle. I can never really pick a favourite... I enjoyed this one so much again, got all emotional again. Just beautiful.

Clare-Dragonfly I‘ve been rereading the Narnia books too. They‘re perfect for before bed because they‘re so familiar and comforting. ❤️ 5y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis

“As He spoke, He no longer looked to them like a lion.“

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis

There was so much going on in just the summary alone I don't think I could handle the whole book. It really just wasn't doing it for me.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis

The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis is a piece of modern fantasy. It was written in 1956. This is a book in the Chronicles of Narnia. There is an ominous presence in Narnia and a lot of weird things have been happening so the people there try to come up with solutions, but then they end up summoning something that they shouldn't have. A lot was going on in the summary alone, it was hard to keep up with it. I don't think I would ever read this.


“One always feel better when one has made up one's mind.“
“They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out.“


I like how the battles were a test to see who would remain faithful until the end. The people who could see through Shift's deception were rewarded by being allowed entry into Aslan's true Narnia, the land of believers. Whereas, the Calormene people follow a more spiteful god. I like the good vs. evil battles in this novel and how the stories are retellings of Bible stories.


This book tells the last battle of Narnia and the end of the world there. An ape named Shift persuades a sweet, innocent Donkey named Puzzle to dress in a lion costume and impersonate Aslan. Shift uses deception to increase his power and wealth, eventually cutting down the talking trees and convincing several Narnians to serve the Calormenes.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis

“... now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story, which no one on earth has read: which goes on forever: in which every chapter is better than the one before.”

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis

Lewis‘s extreme use of animals throughout the novel draws the attention of many children readers. I believe once they started reading the book they wouldn‘t be able to put it down.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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The Last Battle by C.S. Lewis published in 1956 is part of Lewis‘s Narnia series. It is definitely modern fantasy as it covers a great lion, a lordly unicorn, talking dogs, and many more.

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Narnia has come to an end. I can‘t believe I‘ve made it through this 700+ page chunkster! The final installment in the series tied up all of the storylines very well, and I loved that it mentioned all of the characters from the beginning to the end of Narnian time. Definitely won‘t be the last time I step into Aslan‘s country! 🦁 100% #reread worthy ❤️

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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Nothing says “Sunday morning” like a strong cup of coffee, a visit to Narnia, and a cozy blanket. 😌☀️

Whimsical.Curiosity Taco blanket!! I have it's sister the pizza blanket lol 🌮🍕 5y
laur89 @Whimsical.Curiosity My favorite thing about it is answering “wanna ~taco~ ‘bout it?” whenever I‘m under my blanket and I get a chance to use that line 🤣 I guess you could use “wanna ~pizza~ me?” 😝 5y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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megnews ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 5y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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This book always made me want to #crymeariver when I was a kid—I didn‘t want the Narnian adventures to end!

Cinfhen 🌈🦄✨ 5y
squirrelbrain I only read the obvious one.... great choice though! 😁🎉 5y
wideeyedreader @squirrelbrain Thank you! I grew up loving Narnia, even though they did have to end 5y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I had a hard time getting into this one because the Narnia I loved so much was gone but the end of the book more than made up for it. Such a bittersweet ending. When everyone came back I may have gotten a little misty eyed. Susan has a non-ending but for fans of Neil Gaiman he has an interesting short story that takes a stab at this (The Problem with Susan).

The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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I have just learned audiobooks are dangerous!!! Last year I got into the habit of listening to audiobooks while I mow the lawn but after today I may have to rethink that. Apparently I butt dialed the emergency line while I was mowing today so I got a nice surprise visit from the wonderful police. The officer was really nice about it but I still can't even wrap my head around how I managed to do that. Oooops!!

CoverToCoverGirl Oh no! Not really funny but I‘m still discreetly laughing. 🤭 (edited) 5y
jackilynn @CoverToCoverGirl no worries. I may not have been laughing at the time but I am definitely laughing now lol 5y
CouronneDhiver Ha! Oopsie 🙈 5y
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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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“I have come #home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now...Come further up, come further in!”


gradcat Such lovely cover art! 🥰 5y
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Patrick Stewart‘s narration was impeccable! So good!

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The Last Battle | C. S. Lewis
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The last book of the series and I have problems. First, the Calormenes are back, so more troubling descriptions of the dark-skinned barbarians. Second, Susan is left completely alone in her own world, because she‘s now interested in boys and lipstick (I.e. no longer “innocent” enough for the reward of Narnia)?! That‘s FUCKED UP. I‘m disappointed that it ended like this, because the last few books were charming.

#MountTBR2019 7/36
Goodreads 7/52

vlwelser I really disliked this one as well. The religious undertone was especially off putting to me. 6y
Graywacke Good points. Strange last book, seemed to me the didactic side went overkill 6y
BookwormM Loved this series as a child probably because I missed the religious motifs I have been meaning to revisit as an adult interested to see how I feel about it now 6y
larah17 @vlwelser @Graywacke @BookwormM really, I didn‘t even mind the religious undertones in the rest of the series, but it really was overkill in this one, and I could only fit a fraction of it in the Litsy character count... but I‘ll hold on to the fact that I liked the other books! 6y
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