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The Treatment
The Treatment | Mo Hayder
25 posts | 37 read | 18 to read
In a residential neighbourhood in south London, a husband and wife are found tied up and imprisoned in their house. Their young son is missing. Detective Jack Caffery is called in to investigate. When the childs body is found, he attempts to unravel the motive and sequence of events, especially when he discovers that a tragedy in his own past is indirectly connected to the murder.
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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“Hayder‘s second novel after the hair-raising Birdman, The Treatment brings Detective Jack Caffery back to investigate the abduction of a little boy, a crime with disturbing parallels to Caffery's own troubled past.”

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The Treatment | Mo Hayder

RIP Mo Hayder.

She wrote the two scariest novels I've ever read so far...The Treatment & Pig Island.

Ast_Arslan 😱 I have some books by her in my tbr 3y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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WOW Frightening, indeed. Just loved it despite the disturbing main theme. She writes so well.
TBR list has just grown lol

Gotta read all Caffery's books now.

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Andrew65 Be interested to see what you make of the next books in the series as they take a slightly different turn and even take place in another part of the country. 4y
Sha0102 Andrew65, I read the next one Ritual and didn't like as much as The treatment. Things changed too quickly, in my opinion, from the last book but I wanna read the next one just to be sure about keep reading these books or not. What about you? Did you enjoy the next books? 4y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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This is a great series so far, but definitely not for the faint hearted 🤢 grim scenes!
Although set in London, the film was set in Amsterdam and the MC had a different name 🤷‍♀️

squirrelbrain Don‘t think I‘d like that one! 4y
TrishB @squirrelbrain it‘s a grim storyline! 4y
Andrew65 This book (not the film!) is centred around the area i was brought up in London, that made it seem very real and even more frightening. Spent many hundreds of hours in Brockwell Park. 4y
TrishB @Andrew65 that would add some creepiness! 4y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Starting this one today. My #weeklyforecast is that I will probably read some of the books I get tomorrow 🤞🏻🤞🏻

Cathythoughts Exciting 👏🏻👏🏻 4y
Cinfhen Solid plan ❤️can‘t wait to see all the goodies 🎉🥰🎉 4y
MicheleinPhilly A Monday to actually look forward to! 🙌🏼 4y
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MsMelissa Including the Anya Seton book? I will wait for your verdict before hitting the buy button 😊 4y
BarbaraBB Like @Cinfhen I am also really looking forward to your birthday lol! 😂😘 4y
LeahBergen I can‘t wait to see all your birthday books! 😆 4y
TrishB @Cathythoughts it definitely is 😁 4y
TrishB @Cinfhen @BarbaraBB @LeahBergen I can‘t wait 😁😁 4y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly I‘m not working either 😘 4y
TrishB @Book_Fiend_Melissa that has arrived today- will try and remember to post later! 4y
MicheleinPhilly Smart move. Enjoy! 4y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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#Seven is deeply disturbing, at least I thought so, and supposedly, this book is too.

Andrew65 A good series but definitely gritty! 4y
Klou Yes! My mum and nan have read this series and both said it was quite disturbing. Really good series, but definitely disturbing. Great choice! 4y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder

I would not recommend this. It covers a very sensitive issue and may trigger some. The writer must have had a strong stomach to have written such a piece. It is dreadful and is not like any other book I've read, thankfully.

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Finished my third book during #24B4Monday #Readathon.
This was a difficult read, partially due to the heavy and disturbing theme, but made even more so as the story took place in the area I lived in for the first 20 years of my life. In fact spent many hours in the park mentioned throughout the book & where a body was discovered. In some sense it made it more real! Hopefully events in the book will lead to them being less depressive in the future.

Andrew65 Now at 16 hours and 5 minutes in the #24B4Monday #Readathon 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Nice review! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Thanks 👍 5y
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tammysue Great review! I can‘t imagine and I can see where this would be a tough one to get through. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 did you read the last part of Silver Wedding yet? 5y
Tove_Reads Altbough we knew going in that her books are heavy, they still creep you out. In your case even more. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads It did bring back many memories of my childhood and being in and around that park. We lived just up the road from Brixton prison that the helicopter flew over when searching the park. This one definitely creeped me out and had to stop reading for a while yesterday. Very creepy and depressive book, but didn‘t also get your Adrenalin and heart rate firing in places. @EadieB 5y
Andrew65 @whatshesreadingnow Thanks, in many ways an excellent read but the theme was hard to take. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB That‘s next up once we have tea. (edited) 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I‘m finished with The Long Call now I‘m going to finish Silver Wedding. @Tove_Reads (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB @Tove_Reads Apart from finishing off Heresy I‘m finally caught up on the buddy reads. Just as well, as I‘m back at school on Monday. (edited) 5y
BeansPage Ooooo 😗 sounds right up my alley 😁 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Just in time before returning to work! @Tove_Reads 5y
EadieB @TheReadingMermaid Yes very good books! 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid They are good reads, but usually heavy themes and very gritty in places. 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes, hopefully the holiday has bottomed things out and can keep on top of things. Taken me all holiday to kick this bug! (edited) 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 I‘m still coughing but I think mine is allergies from everything blooming. 5y
BeansPage @EadieB @Andrew65 love it! Stacked! 5y
BeansPage @Andrew65 @EadieB I had no idea you guys were sick too! Man this bug seems to really be going around worldwide. I hope everybody starts feeling better soon. I hate being sick 😷😫 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes I‘ve still got my cough too. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Hard to get rid of this time of year! 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid I was just thinking I‘d escaped this year when it got me. Not been as ill as this bug had me since 2000 and taken a long time to clear! @EadieB 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Although overwork also partly to blame. March was a nightmare month. @EadieB 5y
BeansPage I was thinking that I escaped it to until my husband got sick. It was all downhill from there 😞 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 But if you remember you were working crazy hours and interviewing and wearing yourself out also with the end of term work. Too much stress is hard on your health! 5y
BeansPage Agreed ⬆️⬆️⬆️ 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 What happened to you in 2000? 5y
EadieB @TheReadingMermaid Once the bug gets in your house, there is no escaping it. I always catch whatever my grandchildren have. 5y
andrew61 I will probably read the latest in the series soon, its a curious series that i felt goes up and down but the characters and underlying story about caffrey and his brother have dragged me along. Nit seen anything new by mo hayder for a while. 5y
Andrew65 @andrew61 No the last new book was Wolf in 2014. Quite a gap! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Got the worst flu virus I‘ve ever know. Spent best part of 2 weeks in bed, only time spent more than a day or two (once every few years) off school. Not helped by another stressful situation, a month before my sister in law had died of meningitis. 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Sorry to hear about sister-in-law. That certainly is devastating. That shows that stress definitely plays a part and first sign of illness you need to back off and go at a slower pace until you feel better. 5y
andrew61 @Andrew65 i might read it soon. Hopefully she will publish something soon - enjoy the read. 5y
EadieB @andrew61 @andrew65 She has a book in progress called Bonehead according to Wiki. 5y
andrew61 @EadieB @Andrew65 Thanks eadie - i will look out for it, she definitely goes to some creepy places. 5y
EadieB @andrew61 She is what I would call a sick chick! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Very true re illness and sage advice. 😊 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB She most definitely is. 😂 @andrew61 5y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Starting off day 2 of the #24B4Monday #Readathon by going back to The Treatment. According to the App I have 4 1/2 hours more reading time needed on this one.

So far up to 11 hours 51 minutes on the Readathon.

EadieB @andrew65 This one is very dark as about pedophilia! (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Now 70% through, yes very dark. In fact had to take a break from reading it yesterday. But she does dish up some great Suspense. 5y
BeansPage You're doing great sweetheart! Much better than you expected. 😲🙃😍 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Thanks, now up to 92%, almost there! 5y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Starting my third book in the #24B4Monday #Readathon. So far finished off Dead Men by Stephen Leather and listened to some of my audiobook, Redemption by David Baldacci. Now starting The Treatment by Mo Hayder to catch up on the #MoHayderBuddyRead
So far at 1 hr 36 minutes on the Readathon.

Cathythoughts Good luck to all you readathon people 👍🏻☘️☘️ 5y
Andrew65 @Cathythoughts Thanks, looking at the weather a Readathon may be the best thing for the next 24 - 36 hours! 5y
julesG Weather is bad here, too. We had a few days of sunshine and warmth and now it's grey, overcast and raining. 5y
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Andrew65 @julesG Ditto, and also very windy here. 5y
Cathythoughts Yes Storm Hannah is hitting here this evening & then heading over your way to England. We were meant to go to hear some authors speak tonight at Cork Book Festival, but May have to Batton down the hatches instead 5y
Andrew65 @Cathythoughts Strange how they have to name every storm. Makes them appear worst than most turn out to be. 🤞 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Terrible rainy day here too! 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB Hopefully someone is having some nice weather! 5y
BeansPage Storm here too. And third book? Already??? My hero! 🦸🦹 5y
Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid Why thank you! 😂😂😂 5y
Tove_Reads 23-25 degrees here, sun is shining! 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Knew it had to be sunny somewhere - raining in England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and some parts of the US. Amazing what you can learn from Litsy. 🤔 5y
Tove_Reads Ritual is on its way with copper beech, and I have Dangerous Fortune at home. I should get the 4th McKinty towards the end of May. Only problem is The Last Girl. @EadieB 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Last Girl is the only one I still need to get hold of. @EadieB 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Isn‘t there an ebook you can download of The Last Girl? @Tove_Reads (edited) 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB No but I have asked 2 libraries to buy it! 😂 Hopefully one of them will come through in time! One of these libraries had book 1 and 3 as ebooks do it makes sense to buy book 3! @Tove_Reads 5y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 @EadieB Same here! Hope they‘ll get it soon (I know they will eventually, but I want it now!) 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads My libraries don‘t always buy on the recommendations, hence asking two! Still got some recommendation requests they haven‘t bought 2 - 3 years on. Seems to be no method about which books they buy and those they just ignore. Even more frustrating when thy buy whole series of unknown authors. @EadieB 5y
EadieB @Andrew65 Ok! Well we do have enough to read until they do get that book. @Tove_Reads 5y
Andrew65 @EadieB I‘m enjoying that series the most so looking forward to getting back to it. @Tove_Reads 5y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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This is 2nd in Jack Cafferty series and is darker and more disturbing than the 1st. Even with the gritty and gruesomeness I will continue this series because Hayder‘s writing is excellent. Pedophile and child abuse are hard to read about and the book is definitely not for the feign of heart. Jack learns more about his brother‘s death and who killed Rory Peach. Recommended for those who love thrilling serial killer books.

#mohayder #thetreatment

Andrew65 I have singularly failed to get to this at all this weekend. Appointing a new Deputy so been stuck in the HR recruitment more and reading application forms, as well as having to finish a library book. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 What does a deputy do? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Basically equivalent of Vice Principal (second in command). Deputise for me and work with me to devise and implement strategic direction for school. (edited) 6y
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EadieB @Andrew65 Did you have a deputy before? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes but resigned just before Christmas so have had acting person in place. Part of reason been soooo stretched this year. (edited) 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Hire someone you can delegate too and who will be capable of helping you with your busy days. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB That‘s definitely very high on my agenda. Been a difficult year and a half! Would have sent many schools into meltdown but have maintained strong overall performance but capable of better. (edited) 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Great news! Hope you find someone soon! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB 🤞Looks a strong field. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Can you give them a probation period and if they don‘t work out be able to hire someone else? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB No that isn‘t allowed. 6y
TrishB Hope you get someone good! My deputy is amazing, helps so much. 6y
Andrew65 @TrishB Got our shortlist so 🤞 (edited) 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Did you start any interviews? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB They‘re next week, once we get references. Wednesday 27th, will be a very busy day interviews will run from 8.45 - 6.00 with the different components to the day - lesson observation, data tasks, tour, presentation, interview. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 That sounds intense! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB An intense post, so yes it is and will be. 😳 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 The applicant has to teach a lesson? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Yes because this is also a teaching post. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Ok then that makes sense. 6y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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I better start reading The Treatment on Friday, before the library takes it back, and before it‘s time for the next Binchy. Also, Andrew, I will pick up Tombland from the library on Saturday. Do you have your copy, or do you know when you‘ll get it?

EadieB @Tove_Reads @Andrew65 I have 2 library books to read by the 19th then I can start (edited) 6y
Andrew65 I could start Tombland on Monday. Possibly can read Treatment on Saturday but would be better to wait for @Eadieb 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I can read Treatment on Saturday because I was able to renew the other books for 3 more weeks. (edited) 6y
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Andrew65 @EadieB okay should be good to go on Saturday. @Tove_Reads (edited) 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Are we reading sections? 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB I suggest reading it over Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Then will be finished ready for the Maeve Binchy book on 19th. @Tove_Reads 6y
Andrew65 Saturday : Chapter 1 - 12, Sunday Chapter 13 -24, Monday Chapter 25 - 35 @EadieB @Tove_Reads (edited) 6y
Andrew65 We almost matched perfectly on the chapters @EadieB 🤔🤣 (edited) 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 I deleted mine so we will go with yours. 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB There was only one chapter difference over the three days. 6y
EadieB @Andrew65 Right! We r good at what we do! 6y
Andrew65 @EadieB Oh yes. 👍 6y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 What about Tombland? After Binchy? 6y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Law, this font is tiny 😳

annkuch13 This series is so good! The editions at my library have this tiny font, too. 6y
Kappadeemom @annkuch13 🙄 sigh 6y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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We have Jane Casey‘s The Burning coming up Feb 1, and Adrian McKinty‘s I Hear the Silence in the Street, was it Feb 22. When is it time for the tagged book? @Andrew65 @EadieB

Tove_Reads @andrew65 Btw, why are we not reading Firefly Summer in February? 6y
Andrew65 We are doing two of these three series each month so we will read books 2 in the Mo Hayder series at the beginning of March. 6y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I was just mixing it up a bit. 😂 6y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 👍🏽 Circle of Friends is the one I‘ve read and remember, so I‘ll catch up by reading Light a Penny Candle, which is on the way (and hopefully arrives this time). 6y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Good luck with the arrivals. 6y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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My lastest obession! I dont plan on ever sleeping again apparently! #horror #obsessed

hermyknee 😱 7y
kezzlou85 I love a good horror 7y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Whoowee 666 followers!? Congrats but make sure you don't step under any ladders tonight @MaleficentBookDragon

Scariest book I've ever read??? Hmm as a kid it definitely had to be The Scary Stories books, the images always added to the creepy, but within the last couple of years the tagged book. The events were terrifying and made me want to check any crawl space in my house immediately!

Thank you for the chance to win! #666giveaway

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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This is not the #treat you were expecting! #uncannyoctober #littensdressedinboood

TricksyTails I've only read her first book and keep meaning to pick up another. Have your read most of her books? Any favorites? 7y
RealBooks4ever @TricksyTails This is my first, recommended to me by someone else! 😊 7y
MayJasper NO! Too scary 7y
RealBooks4ever @MayJasper Really? Well, I think I'll take a chance, just cuz it's Halloween time! 😄 7y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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I was tagged by @ForeverNerdy and @Sarah83 and I am tagging @Texreader @thegirlwiththelibrarybag @Amy-Laura, if you haven't done it yet, please show us your top 10.

thegirlwiththelibrarybag Top 10! Ahhhh! Hard! 7y
julesG @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Ah. It took me only 5 hours to think about. 😉 7y
thegirlwiththelibrarybag @julesG, only 5 😂✨🤔 7y
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julesG @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Yes, you may laugh. When I saw all the posts yesterday I thought "Phew, luckily nobody has tagged me, I can only come up with three names." 7y
Texreader @julesG haha! I thought same thing, glad I wasn‘t tagged! Ok I‘ll start thinking on it too. Thanks!! 7y
julesG @Texreader You can do this. Ask the kids. 7y
[DELETED] 3803335244 These are great! A few authors I have to add to my reading list! 7y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder

This is the second book in the mystery/thriller series about DI Jack Caffery. I really enjoyed this though it's even darker than the first book. Trigger warnings for sexual assault.

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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My Friday evening plans: a good mystery thriller, coffee, and my comfy reading chair.

Lacythebookworm Perfect! 📚☕️ 7y
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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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My next read off of the library stack. At this rate, I think I might make all my May reads library books.

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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I am a massive fan of Mo Hayder's writing. This book is excellent and full of her dark and twisty storytelling. But, I have to say I was not at all prepared for one aspect of this story...involving Jack's brother. It has disturbed me so much I might have to take a couple of days away from the book.

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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🐀🐀🐀This book was pretty thrilling. I'll give it that. However, the killer's motivation seemed pretty tenuous to me. The subject matter was quite gruesome and I feel as though the motivation didn't match the crime. I was left scratching my head after finishing this one.

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The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Wow. I love Mo Hayder's detective jack caffery, and feel somewhat protective of him. He gets himself in a huge mess with a case that reminds him so much of a terrible episode from his own childhood, that I was afraid he would lose himself. Always a good read--but be warned that all of Mo Hayder's crime books are not for the faint of heart.

The Treatment | Mo Hayder
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Jack Caffery #2.Well-written crime fiction that borders on horror. I don't think I'm easily disgusted or disturbed by certain subjects, but the acts in this book and the first made my skin crawl. Very graphic. I'm still up in the air if I want to continue with the series, but it's still a pick. 5🌟

BeckyLeJ Definitely continue the series, it's one of my absolute favorites! I agree THE TREATMENT is highly disturbing, but it's (in my opinion) the most disturbing out of all of her books. If you can make it through this one, the rest are easy by comparison. 8y
Bookzombie @BeckyLeJ Thanks for letting me know! I will pick up the next one sometime soon then. 😀 8y
Leslie I had a tough time with this subject matter too, but somehow I became more dedicated to Jack. I am taking a little break w Neal Stephenson, but I will be back! 8y
Bookzombie @Leslie I've taken a break too, but I will pick the series up again. 🙂 8y
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