It reminds me of a SyFi Creature Feature, like one of those 28-headed Sharknado type of things :) This is in no way an insult because I adore these types of stories! Anyway ... I enjoyed it! #NotAnotherGraphicMonday
It reminds me of a SyFi Creature Feature, like one of those 28-headed Sharknado type of things :) This is in no way an insult because I adore these types of stories! Anyway ... I enjoyed it! #NotAnotherGraphicMonday
Gonna stick with graphic novels as they are a good distraction for my mood. I also wanted to share a baby picture of Gizmo being a precious little thing! #ThereWillBeDragons
This was utterly bonkers. Like one of those old horror movies that are so bad they are good; not because they're scary but because they're so entertaining in their ridiculousness. My favourite part was actually a bonus story at the end, where people feel compelled to enter holes shaped exactly like them in a mountain side. That was chilling. But Uzumaki remains my favourite Ito.
More of a creature-feature than the mind-bending horror of Ito's "Uzumaki". At the beginning it leans more towards "Jaws", moving into a John Carpenter's "The Thing" crossed with "Tetsuo, the Iron Man" vibe. And, I guess if there are that many influences blended together, it ultimately becomes an Ito thing. Body horror, weirdness and engaging artwork, I'd have preferred the plot to have held together a little more cohesively. 3.5 ⭐
Strange rather than creepy, another brilliant work by Ito!
In this episode I review the post apocolyptic manga, "Gyo" by Junji Ito.
I can‘t believe I am just now delving into the work of Junji Ito. This horror manga started from a crazy place (a fish with legs emerges from the ocean) and continued to get way crazier from there. I also really loved the bonus short stories at the end and appreciated the absence of typical horror tropes throughout. #feastmode @Hestapleton
#fallisbooked #ascarybook
Read Uzumaki earlier this year, and while this isn't considered quite as terrifying, it feels in the spirit of the season.
Picked this manga up in my local comics shop today, looking for something to read in the Halloween season. My thoughts after reading this? I‘m going to have nightmares tonight! The artwork in this book is remarkable. Things go from bad to worse to horrific. Reader beware!
My husband said he wanted to take me to the bookshop today. Very rare, but it‘s the most attractive thing he can do.
I can‘t stop with Junji Ito.
Excellent, weird body horror. Every time I thought Ito had dropped the ball and explained too much or shown too much, he knew how to take it 10 steps further into a weird, disgusting journey. The story could have used more interesting protagonists, but ultimately, I think this is a worthy read for any body horror fans looking to try manga.
Just when Junji Ito couldn't get any weirder.
Another strange and enjoyable story.
A smaller story but just as bizarre
A few months back I bought several of Ito's horror #manga. I finished this one on Saturday. This is my first experience with horror manga and while the imagery was pretty creepy, the story really boiled down to what happens when farts gain consciousness and pair up with machines. It's a pick for the art and the two bonus stories at the end.
Another deeply disturbing masterpiece from Junji Ito. High strangeness, to the point you can scarcely wrap your mind around it, is far more terrifying than serial killers or scary clowns. While there's an internal constituency to his vision, it's so fragmented from reality and human understanding he calls to fears that reside in a pre-rational part of the brain. It is truly the stuff of nightmares.
I finished reading Gyo for #spooksandtea readathon this month w my lil book club and oh my I loved it so much! and I was super happy my favourite short story was at the end too
I don't know why everyone is posting bookmarks but here's mine! I made it. Also, I tagged Gyo because I finally convinced someone to check it out! (She's probably going to come back crying, but that's what she gets for listening to me).
I just finished Gyo. This is such a great horror manga from one of the masters. A shark skittering out of the ocean on crab-like legs? Absolutely terrifying! It only gets worse (and pretty gross) as the story progresses.