Finished this last night. Such an excellent read and an amazing way to bring history to life. The pacing was excellent, and read more life fiction than nonfiction! If you get a chance to read this, do.
Finished this last night. Such an excellent read and an amazing way to bring history to life. The pacing was excellent, and read more life fiction than nonfiction! If you get a chance to read this, do.
I picked this up about five years ago. I first borrowed it from the library as it had been out of print for about 10 years. I sadly didn't get to finish it at the time, but found a copy at a used bookstore a few weeks later. I liked the essays more than the short stories. Climbing The Tower was the best out of this selection. However, there's quite a bit of casual racism.
This book was an interesting read exploring the relationship between two girls, and the constant longing to belong during teen years. This book goes between past and present tense, but it still left me wanting some sort of resolution. I don't think I'd read it again or really recommend it, but it is really popular right now anyway 🙄
Finished reading this last night. I haven't read the first book since I got my copy in 2000! It was so nice to pick up something that gave me such joy when I was much younger than I am now. Sadly this isn't my original copy, but one I got to replace it. I don't know where my first book is, but I hope I'll find it eventually. Either way it was $5 well spent at a used bookstore. The ending still gets me every time.
Really enjoyed this book! I read "In a dark, dark wood" and enjoyed her writing style, so I picked this up. I didn't even bother to read what this book was about before I dived in. I don't read straight up mysteries too much, so the twist got me. The reveal was well done that I never guessed before hand what it would be!
Very neat little book! I picked it up on a whim and for something translated from Russian it reads very well. Totally enjoyable and quite quirky. The Deus ex machina ending however left something to be desired, but it still wrapped up well.
Loved this book! I can understand why so many staff at Indigo picked it. I couldn't put down for too long. Even before I got to the ending where they are betrayed I had a lurking suspicion that that was going to happen. Although many people believed in the island as a refuge, but I think even before they got there someone was trying to tell them to not go. When they got the off bologna sandwiches I believe it was a signal not to go on.
This book had the potential to be amazing, but it really kind of fell flat. I wanted to like the characters, but they felt very one dimensional. All of the sex scenes in this book made me feel so incredibly awkward. The bad mom porn has to stop 😂
Finally catching up on Saga! Finished this a couple of days ago.
Reading this for my Afterlife of Things class as well. So far I like it, but the movie version of Jasper is better!
Getting so close to finishing it and they're still holding out on me!
Trying to catch in this series. I always enjoy reading this series, and my boyfriend often jokes that when I read them it's as if I'm watching a movie. The interaction with Neegan and Rick is so good, but now there is an even worse foe rising up.
Excellent Batman comic looking at the back story of The Joker. This book has been out for a very long time, but has been reissued in colour.
Quite possibly the trashiest book I have ever read. Read for a Jane Austen and her Contemporaries course. At times it was very funny even when it wasn't supposed to be!
Even sometimes I'm worried what I'm reading ?
This book, however, is for a class titled "The Afterlife of Things" and fit really well with the subjects we are talking about. Not terribly long, but an interesting view on many of the apocalyptic things that can happen to humanity as well as how this is seen in art today (literature, movies, etc).