I learned so much about Islam, reading this book and how often those Islamic values apply to life in general.
I learned so much about Islam, reading this book and how often those Islamic values apply to life in general.
After the ChristChurch shooting, my local library put up a display featuring books about Muslims and Islam. I grabbed this one because I liked the the title of description. It‘s fascinating! I thought I knew a fair amount about Islam but I realized that my knowledge of the Qu‘ran is very shallow and limited. I also enjoy learning of more similarities between Jews and Muslims.
@Schlinkles Thank you so much for your #giveaway. I really look forward to reading this...as it‘s a Pulitzer finalist.
September‘s Happy Hour Book Club pick.
I couldn't decide on my top favorite book of the month because I'm having decision-making fatigue, so I just listed all my Goodreads 5ers. 😘
Thank goodness I was Miss Reader the first half of this month because the second half has been abysmal. Already way ahead on my challenges! Woot!
#BestOfJanuary #ReadJanuary
As a non-believer who also loves Islam, I connected with much of Power's POV. While she came to the lessons with Sheik Akram with a decent foundation and curiosity, she was willing to call herself out on moments of her own ignorance and privilege. I loved the Sheik's lessons most of all and sussing out the many shades of conservative Islam. By the end, I got a little weepy, and I can't wait to read the progressive, feminist writers referenced.
I started this one month ago to the day, December 13th. I have about 100 pages left. #Icepocalypse2017 is coating the ground already; I've got on my comfy clothes; cats in place; pillows, blankets, snacks at the ready. LET'S DO THIS.
Oof. I have spent a few weeks on this, and I'm only halfway through. I can't remember the last time I spent this long on a book (if ever)...I like it, but between the holidays and the amount of food for thought, I'm getting antsy. And if I set it aside, I'm worried I won't come back to it. Have you had this problem?
I just want to give a shout-out to this book. It's been a little slow going what with being sick and holiday-time busy, but it is really lovely so far. I'm only a little ways in and already it's providing me with so much food for thought on Islam and progressivism (and some killer sentences) that I'm considering buying the hard copy so I can write in it.
This book was eye-opening and absolutely fascinating. Carla Power strives to find understanding and common ground with a friend. If you're curious about what Islam has to say about war, peace, education, women, and all sorts of other topics, this is a must-read. And you might be very surprised.