I did that thing where I mistook plans for another Saturday for today. My afternoon just opened up! MOAR READING. Next up for #Icepocalypse2017: a short story collection centered on Alaska. 🤘❄
I did that thing where I mistook plans for another Saturday for today. My afternoon just opened up! MOAR READING. Next up for #Icepocalypse2017: a short story collection centered on Alaska. 🤘❄
#Icepocalypse2017 continues, allowing me to tear through this audio. For some reason, I was not expecting this to be as funny as it was. Not that it was just one hilarious romp after another, but he balanced the harsher realities of South African history and culture quite nicely with so many humorous stories. So glad the publisher went with him as the reader on the audio--his delivery is essential and spectacular.
As a non-believer who also loves Islam, I connected with much of Power's POV. While she came to the lessons with Sheik Akram with a decent foundation and curiosity, she was willing to call herself out on moments of her own ignorance and privilege. I loved the Sheik's lessons most of all and sussing out the many shades of conservative Islam. By the end, I got a little weepy, and I can't wait to read the progressive, feminist writers referenced.
It's official: we've moved into the tea-and-fresh-baked-cookies portion of the ice storm. And moved on from comics to a middle grade novel for #icestormreadathon book 3. #Icepocalypse2017
OMG, on Chapter 8 and laughing so much about Trevor's relationship with his mother! #Icepocalypse2017
Moving on to #icestormreadathon book 2. I borrowed the first few issues of this from a coworker ages ago and remember liking them well enough. #Icepocalypse2017
I think I'm going to do the thing where you alternate chapters between books. Noah's been talking a lot about the impact of Christianity on South Africa, which might be an interesting juxtaposition to If the Oceans Were Ink. #Icepocalypse2017
A'ight ice storm. Do your worst.*
Book 1 of my #icestormreadathon #Icepocalypse2017
*But please don't knock out power to my house cause it's hard to read in the dark.
I started this one month ago to the day, December 13th. I have about 100 pages left. #Icepocalypse2017 is coating the ground already; I've got on my comfy clothes; cats in place; pillows, blankets, snacks at the ready. LET'S DO THIS.
The library is closed tomorrow in anticipation of the icepocalypse that's due to hit St. Louis. Stocked the pantry, in my jammies, and hunkering down with the #GetBooked podcast and ready for my own personal readathon. 🤓🤓🤓⛸⛸⛸📚📚📚
(Not my photo, but that's what the store looked like tonight!)