Annual library book sale was this weekend and came away with this for $12
Annual library book sale was this weekend and came away with this for $12
Finished this tonight and was really great. I read Rise of Rocket Girls last year, and I thought this was slightly better as it was smaller in scope. Definitely give this a shot if you liked the movie and/or great ladies doing great things.
Starting this one today with my day off. Loved the movie, so I am very excited for the book.
Just finished this one. Not as strong as the Winter People but still enjoyable.
It was #archivesshelfie day, so I thought I'd share here too! Me + some Penitentiary registers + our armadillo mascot + my co-worker being a total creep.
I really dig Melanie Benjamin's novels, but this is probably my least favorite. Still a good one though about Truman Capote and his circle of "swans." (Also, I just discovered the stickers on this thing and this dog is hilarious.)
Book 2 for #24in48 (3.75 hours). This was just ok. I've read all of Gillian Flynn's books now but I think overall she's just "eh" for me. (However I do appreciate the BOTM freebie.)
Finished this today for #24in48. I liked it fine, but might not be my cup@of tea. (I'm only at 3 hours for the readathon, so I'm hoping I'll get to 12.)
As with all short stories, some were definitely stronger than others (I liked the first half more than the second). Looking at other reviews, I'm glad I listened to this one as I think I picked up a lot of more of the irreverence through the tones of the narrators that if I read it in print.
I just got the results from our book club vote and I'm pretty excited for this year (less excited about Desert Solitaire but we shall see)
Oh man, I loved this a lot and I may have cried a little at the end.
I'm glad I listened to this one instead of reading. Lauren Graham did a really great job reading. Sometimes authors can sound stiff reading their work but I loved that she was actually laughing at herself during it. It felt more like a conversation, which I liked. Also, lots of good Gilmore Girls tidbits 👍🏻👍🏻
A good choice for the first book of the year. I didn't think it was as strong as the Lunar Chronicles and the transition between Catherine and the Queen was a little sudden, but overall, very good
I'm very excited for this as my first 2017 read. Also, this cover is gorgeous.
My library didn't have Hidden Figures, but it did have this. Ladies and space! 🌠🌠🚀🚀
I mean, this is always a "pick" but I listened to the audiobook version (a first) during my holiday travels and it was lovely. Although the way he does some of the female voices is really grating. But, it was cool to experience this in a brand new way more than 17 years or so after my first read. (Holy cow, how has it been that long??!!?)
I've been in a bit of a slump the past few months, picked up some steam with some fluffy reads, and ready to dive into this. Also, I really love this cover.
This is not what I was expecting when I bought this, but very poignant and compelling.
#booktober Day Two: Books set in South America. So I went through Goodreads for the past four years and realized that I got nothing SOLELY set in South America. I found these two on my shelves though, so I will have to rectify this soon.
Day two of the #booktober challenge and I'm already behind (oops). Here's day 1 of most anticipated. I've been wanting to get to the Illustrated Man for FOREVER and I've been wanting to do a reread of The Golem and the Jinni for a while. No time like the fall, right?
My local Hasting's in its final days (heartbreaking) but I found a lot of good reads today for $45, so that's pretty exciting. (If anyone has an inkling as to what I should dive into first, let me know.)
We read this for book club this month (a reread for me - I read this one in high school and it jumped my kick of document based mystery/thrillers) and I think I enjoyed it more this time around. I liked the research/care that was taken into it (archival research that actually reflects how archives work! One of my big pet peeves) although I think we could have cut out the narrator's POV and just had Helen/Paul's.
Novel of Typhoid Mary anyone? (I'm super excites about this one.)
Started this the other day and I'm really starting to get into it. (I feel like this would be a really good audiobook option as well.)
My local Hastings is closing (boo, hiss...now there is no place to go in my town for used books) and this is my latest purchase of cheap-ish prices.
I'm working tonight and listening to this since we're super slow. "What are you reading? What's it about?" "Uhhh, this chapter is about masturbation and pubic hair?"
Bailed at page 115. Although well written, the more I read, the less I care about what she's writing about/the more I roll my eyes/the less I can relate. This feels strangely...unauthentic? I don't know. Just didn't sit well. A big ole "eh." (Although this cover is gorgeous.)
Finished this on audiobook today. Good, but I feel like I read it a few years too late for the full impact/funniness.
Book two for #24in48. This was great. Quick read, ladies doing cool things, I just wish it had MORE. A solid 4/5.
Sometimes I wish I wasn't an archivist because reading about them/librarians/etc. makes me roll my eyes a lot.
"I have to get the white gloves to handle this book." NO. YOU DON'T ACTUALLY.
Finally getting around to this even though it's been on my TBR for years. I know that I'm missing out on the drawings that come with it, but the audio kind of feels like an old timey radio show (and was an unlimited audiobook choice on Scribd)
Reading (well listening) for book club. Enjoying it a lot, but I feel like some of the transitions between memoir and historical background are a little clumsy.
Reading this for book club. About half way through and I still don't really have a definitive opinion about it.
Ladies in early 19th century England partaking in underground boxing? All of the yes. (This was really great.)
What a lovely Sunday
Why yes, I did by this book for no other reason than it's historic information about my hometown (kind of)
Starting this tonight. Honestly don't know terribly much about it other than it's gothic-y and I liked Hunt's book about Tesla.
This book broke me. I pretty much just sobbed the last 100 pages. Beautiful writing, tragic, page turning story.
I guess one good thing about book club(s) is that I'll read things I would have never picked up.
Excited to start this and probably have my heart broken.
Read this for book club. Didn't think it was that well written, several irrelevant subplots, and the main character(s) were fairly one dimensional and awful.
I am all about the Brontes and also reimagined histories. So hopefully this is great.