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Sea Glass
Sea Glass | Maria V. Snyder
New York Times bestselling authorMARIA V. SNYDERbrings readers into a world of molten magic, where a magician's power can remain hiddenuntil challenged by enemy forces."I can drain a magician of his powers.All I need is a glass orb in my hands"Student glass magician Opal Cowan's newfound ability to steal a magician's powers makes her too powerful. Ordered to house arrest by the Council, Opal dares defy them, traveling to the Moon Clan's lands in search of Ulrick, the man she thinks she loves. Thinks because another mannow her prisonerclaims Ulrick's desire for blood magic has eclipsed his passion for her.In hostile territory, without proof or allies, Opal isn't sure whom to trust. And now everyone is after her special powers for their own deadly gain.www.mariavsnyder.com
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Sea Glass | Maria V. Snyder
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Sea Glass | Maria V Snyder
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My #readingbuddy Thor. I gave up on reading Sea Glass today because I needed a more exciting, adventurous type of story and the main character Opal is not my favorite compared to Yelena.

#blackcatsoflitsy #catsoflitsy #24in48 @24in48

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 6y
RadicalReader @CraftELibrarian such a stunningly gorgeous ( or handsome if it‘s a boy) kitty and you can certainly tell beyond a shadow of a doubt that they know it as well 6y
CraftELibrarian @RadicalReader Thank you, absolutely! He's a little love bug 😄. His brother Loki is more independent/has more of a feral instinct; they're bonded feral kittens I adopted. They have their own personalities, and trill/coo/squeak-meow to communicate. 6y
RadicalReader @CraftELibrarian so adorable the noises kittens make if that isn‘t serenity I don‘t know what is!! 6y
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Sea Glass | Maria V Snyder
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I'm digging this #booklight I got from Amazon with its 3 light settings. My SO doesnt seem to be bothered by it so win-win😄

Sea Glass | Maria V Snyder
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"I wondered if I should point out the inconsistency until I remember Janco could argue any point, logical or not." -Opal Pg. 14

Trying to get through the books in order but getting back to Yelena and Valek's POV is my goal; Janco is amusing too. I don't want to miss the breadcrumbs from the other stories! And this is the first book in a while that I'm picking up so here I go!

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
CraftELibrarian Thank you 😄 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy! 🎉📚🎉Hope you enjoy it here! 6y
DarcysMom Welcome to Litsy! 🤗 6y
CraftELibrarian Thank you 😄 6y
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Sea Glass | Maria V Snyder
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I'm doing a photo challenge on Instagram #fmspad. And some of my pics involve books, so I'm going to share those here too! Today's prompt was #Glass, so I started with a book with "Glass" in the title and went from there! I love this author and I love this series!

LeahBergen Pretty! 7y
Dragon Lovely photo 👍 7y
DebinHawaii Gorgeous shot! 📸👍 7y
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Sea Glass | Maria V Snyder
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(Image found on Pinterest)

Anyone else struggle a little with middle books in trilogies? I love this series but this book is where the MC is at her most insecure and distrustful, to a level that annoys me. But I understand why she feels that way and the purpose in the story arc, so I can't really hold it against the book! Lol, I find this to be true of many trilogies.

DreesReads I don't read many series, but definitely true of Jeff Vandermeer's last series--the middle book was the longest and all about setup for the final. I struggled! 8y
CoffeeK8 Completely true. I felt the same about the Poison Study series by her too! 8y
IndyHannaJones This isn't connected with the Poison Studies series is it? I read the first three books in that book, thought it was a completed trilogy, then realize there are more books! I have so much rereading to do! 8y
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Loreen Love the picture! 8y
Abby-J I always have more issues with the third book in a trilogy. Especially with YA dystopia. For some reason my most author never wrap things up in a satisfying way. 8y
Alfoster This is so pretty! Now go read All the Breaking Waves. Many lovely images of sea glass! 8y
Suet624 I think I've been to that beach. 8y
Zelma I have pretty much started avoiding trilogies. I don't even care for series lately unless I start then when all of the books are out. I get annoyed at the story dragging out, cliff hangers, etc. 8y
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