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Demelza: A Novel of Cornwall, 1788-1790 | Winston Graham
Book 2 of the beloved Poldark novels A major new series on Masterpiece on PBS "From the incomparable Winston Graham...who has everything that anyone else has, then a whole lot more." -The Guardian In the enchanting second novel in Winston Graham's beloved Poldark series, Demelza Carne, an impoverished miner's daughter Ross Poldark rescued from a fairground brawl, now happily finds herself his wife. But the events of these turbulent years test their marriage and their love. As Ross launches into a bitter struggle for the right of the mining communities, Demelza's efforts to adapt to the ways of the gentry (and her husband) place her in increasingly odd and embarrassing situations. When tragedy strikes and sows the seeds of an enduring rivalry between Ross and the powerful George Warleggan, will Demelza manage to bridge their differences before they destroy her and her husband's chance at happiness? Against the stunning backdrop of eighteenth century Cornwall, Demelza sweeps readers into one of the greatest love stories of all time. What Readers are Saying: "Even better than the first book in the series." "Wonderful characters, evocative sense of place and time." "If you haven't read the Poldark series, and care anything for Cornwall, the l8th century, historical romance in its truest form, historical fiction, or just a darn good story that will change you life, then you should read [these books]." "The Poldark series is the most powerful reading experience I have ever had." "These books have no equal in historical fiction. I have read them several times and am starting over again."
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Ruthiella I‘ve not seen the tv series. I‘ve read up to the fourth book now and need to continue…so many books, so little time. 14mo
Astroneman @Ruthiella I'm ready for the third book! 14mo
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I‘m in love with the show Poldark (Dr. Enys anyone? 😍) and read the first book in the series shortly after finishing the show. Book 2 is just as good, if not better. I love Demelza and I must say, Ross does not deserve her! The TV show is a fairly faithful adaptation (minus the last season) and I felt like I was visiting old friends. I‘m really looking forward to book 3! 4⭐️


aroc I have wanted to read them but was too nervous to as I loved the show! Guess I should read them! 3y
JenlovesJT47 @aroc you should!! It‘s a very faithful adaptation imo. It makes me want to start the show all over again! 3y
CampbellTaraL Oooh, good to hear. I tried to read book 1 awhile ago but was put off by the portrayal of women in that time period. It was representative of the actual beliefs of the times, I think I just wasn't in the headspace to deal with it. Does this aspect get better/calm down after the first few chapters? I loved the show and really wanted to dive into the books. 3y
MallenNC I loved the show! I keep meaning to read the books now that the show has ended. 3y
wanderinglynn A colleague just recommended Poledark to me. She said she thought I‘d enjoy it. 3y
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Starter this last night
I must say, the characters are pretty spot on in personalities when comparing the new series to the novel. Although Demelza has dark skin, hair and eyes.
I also write down characters names (with descriptions) to refer to later, as there are a few.
I like the timelines mentioned in the book, where in the series they showed time passing by growing pregnancies or children aging.
I think this will be an easy & enjoyable listen

Mishu94 Demulza is such a boss! I loved her 😍😭 I miss watching the series now ☹️ 4y
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These books are not “light reads” so I‘m gonna have to put this back on my TBR shelf for now. My life has gotten crazy and although I re-checked out the book from the library twice, I can‘t seem to make a sizable dent in it. I changed my Goodreads goal also because I‘m done with working on that for 2019, and that‘s fine because I still read more than in 2018. On to 2020...

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Finished my third book of the #24B4Monday #Readathon, so far read for 22 hours 44 minutes, having read 10 hrs 29 mins so far today. Need to read another 1 hour and 16 minutes with 1 hour and 48 minutes left of the Readathon to get to 24 hours.
This is the second Poldark book and overall was very enjoyable, although at times has a habit of describing the story more. I would like to see more dialogue and interaction between the characters at times.

ravenlee Amazing time! Well done. 5y
Andrew65 @ravenlee Thanks had to recover it some today after a busy weekend, helped by it raining ALL day! 5y
BeansPage Awesome time sweetie! You did amazing!!! 5y
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BooknerdsLife Wow! Thats awesome time! Well done 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 5y
GrilledCheeseSamurai 🤘🤘 Rocked it! 🙌 5y
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Reading Demelza with @Andrew65 Watching the European election and wondering what is wrong with people in my country.

TrishB I wonder that every day at the moment (my country....). 5y
Tove_Reads @TrishB I wonder if this one populist man can read. He can‘t behave. He‘s good at drinking, sexual harassment, hanging with biker gangs etc. Barely speaks Finnish. 5y
Andrew65 Take something to beat the mess that politics and the political parties are in in he UK! How can you find one person in that shower to vote for! Strange outcomes in a number of countries recently. This article is also interesting in a very worrying. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48264638 @TrishB @Tove_Reads (edited) 5y
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TrishB How depressing 😔 @Andrew65 5y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 Nigel rules, but that was predicted. 5y
Andrew65 @TrishB Totally shocked and upset by this article I saw earlier. How can this possibly be happening in the 21st Century! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-48411735 5y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 @TrishB We know something is wrong when Berlusconi is the sane choice in Italy... 5y
TrishB @Tove_Reads @Andrew65 I saw that one too, it made me feel sick. All just being normalised now. Don‘t address those doing the wrong, just tell others to be careful!! 5y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 Indeed, but the far right populists did not do that well in Germany. 5y
Andrew65 @TrishB Exactly my thoughts!!! The dangerous lunatics have taken over the asylum! 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Still worrying that they felt they should give this message rather than dealing with the culprits. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads Why do they keep going back to Berlusconi! 5y
Tove_Reads @andrew65 Indeed. Wonder what the world will look like in 5 years... Hopefully we‘ve reached the peak of stupid things for now and people will calm down. 5y
Tove_Reads @Andrew65 @TrishB We do not learn from history... 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads No we don‘t. 😡😔 5y
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Starting to listen to book 2 of the Poldark series today, which I will be reading along with @Tove_Reads
This will be my accompaniment on a 400 mile drive to John O‘Groats for a week away from work.

Tove_Reads On my way to do some beer tasting. Might start with this one tonight, or The Last Girl. Bummed about McKinty, but should eventually get it! We have some great reads ahead of us! 5y
Tove_Reads How far did you get? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I‘m just approaching a third of the way through. Have you started yet? 5y
Tove_Reads Not as far as you. I‘ve been trying to read, but puppy is bored and won‘t let me read. It‘s raining and we‘re staying inside. Maybe a bit over 100 pages so far. 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I‘m on page 173/544. Been raining since the early afternoon yesterday, and due to continue raining heavily until around midnight tonight. 5y
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Not totally convinced yet, but will read the second Poldark book, since it was clearly waiting for me at the library 📚 Maybe @Andrew65 will read it with me?

Andrew65 How about reading it next week? Monday onwards ? 5y
Andrew65 @Tove_Reads I‘ve downloaded my copy ready - audiobook. 5y
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Better than the first one

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Loving 🥰 this series by Winston Graham! The reader does a wonderful job and is able to make multiple characters distinct, even children! 4/5⭐️s

Also, Thank you @JoScho for my Christmas book! I‘m saving it to open on the 25th. You are so sweet and generous. I‘m actually struggling to get into the Christmas spirit. Cards from @Kaye and @robinb are helping, along with seeing all Christmas 🎄 posts. My Litsy friends warm my heart ❤️!

robinb 😊👍💚❤️💚❤️ 6y
JoScho ❤️❤️❤️❤️ 6y
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I just really fall into these books. I want to spend time with the characters and live in their world. Even for just a bit.

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At work I now have an hour lunch. I‘m used to eating in 10 minutes as a teacher. I think I may get a lot of reading done on my lunch breaks though. So appropriate now that I‘m working in a library.

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I liked but didn‘t love this second book in the Poldark series. I did enjoy continuing on with Ross and Demelza and their community. The plot though was a bit disjointed (and stressful). I‘ll wait awhile before I decide whether to continue on.

Ruthiella The 3rd book picks the series back up IMO. But I agree,Demelza lost a it of steam in comparison to the first book! 6y
thebluestocking @Ruthiella You‘ve encouraged me to seek out the third book! And I‘m pleased to see it‘s half the length of the first two. 6y
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A good, but not great, series, so far. I still feel like the author is holding back on us and not giving the characters the depth he could give them. Better plot with this one, more coherent than the first book.

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Reading the second book of the Poldark series...

Sills Ooh you go girl what a series to read-it's fun to read a series that enthralls you👍 6y
Pageturner.Cliffhanger I love all the mining vocabulary in these books! 6y
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“And then the mine was quite deserted and alone in the mist. And the silence of its inactivity and the silence of the windless misty day was like a pall on the countryside.”

RaimeyGallant Nice quote. :) 6y
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I am hooked listening to the second Poldark novel

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I have a whole week off from work, so I'm gonna read, read, read!

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”An hour before dawn they went down to the cove, following the bubble of the stream and the descending combe, with a glowworm here and there green-lit like a jewel in the dark.” - Winston Graham, Demelza.
Graham's beautiful descriptive language ❤️

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I know Demelza is supposed to have dark hair. I know as a book lover I'm supposed to hate TV or movie based book covers. I know.

I just don't care!

I love these books so far, and this one has inspired me to read the rest of the series.

Beautiful writing, fantastic story line.

Zelma Good to know. I've been wondering if I should read these. 👍 7y
Libby1 I REALLY liked them, @Zelma . This one was even better than the first one. 7y
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"... trying to wash away the megrims of the night."


What an excellent word.

Bambolina_81 Is it wrong that I'm just sat pondering Ross under a water pump 🤔 also, yes 'megrims' good word 😂 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I also like "the morbs" 7y
Libby1 No, @Bambolina_81 - it is totally NOT wrong to picture Ross under a water pump! 🤣🤣🤣 7y
Libby1 "The morbs"! Brilliant, @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled ! 7y
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I just love the characters and the time period.

CharissaWeaksAuthor I love the show. I've started book 1. 7y
MeJeMiller @CharissaWeaksAuthor they're very true to each other 7y
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Poldark Series Book 2. Enjoying this series! #poldark

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The bottom 2 rows of this bookcase are ALL TBR. 😱

I made a reading plan at the beginning of a month once and found that it stressed me out. I just have to go where the whim takes me!

Does anyone else find reading plans stressful?

CocoReads I find them to be helpful if they aren't detailed. Like, I know what I need to read for bookgroup and I have ideas of what else but 9 out of 10 times I just read what I'm in the mood to read 7y
MicheleinPhilly 🙋🏻Whenever I make any sort of list, I never stick to it. I might read 1 or 2 that I've pre-selected but overall, it just makes me anxious. 7y
Libby1 Ooh, that's good, @CocoReads . I once set out a planned stack of books and it was the most stressful reading month I've ever had! 7y
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Libby1 Same here, @MicheleinPhilly ! 7y
Dogearedcopy I just make a nightstand stack of the books that I think I might like to hit up for the month; but I usually only end up reading a quarter of them; the rest getting shuffled back into the perpetual #TBR stax... #nostress #readnobookbeforeitstime 7y
LiteraryinLawrence With the exception of library books, which I try to only borrow when I'm ready to read them, I definitely do not go by a list. When it's time to choose a new book, I scan my shelves to see what mood I'm in! 7y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Oh, yeah. I can't handle book pressure. I have to just go where the whim takes me. 7y
awishman It makes me anxious to not have a plan! Used to wish I was spontaneous, but I now embrace it. Do what works for you. 7y
Felso No planning here, have to go by feeling. 7y
kspenmoll I can have vague ideas but like @Felso I choose books by my mood. (edited) 7y
Libby1 Thanks for the input, @Dogearedcopy , @LiteraryinLititz , @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled , @awishman , @Felso , @kspenmoll . It's fun to see what other people do. 7y
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Another book down on the #litsyatoz challenge the #letterG @BookishMarginalia

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I have over 100 pages left to go before I finish this so hoping to complete this for the #litsyAtoZ for #letterG

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😭 If you've watched the series you know what I mean.

CrowCAH I agree @missnavigation! Watching the new series with Aiden Turner faithfully!!! Just bought these three books, haven't read them yet, but I can't wait to read them!!! 8y
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On to the second book...Is it Sunday yet? #Poldark

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Jane is amused by this 1953 cover found at our campus library. She also shares my annoyance that the books explicitly refer to Demelza's rich dark hair, but on tv she's a redhead.

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Great story, love Ross and Demelza

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A worthy follow-up to the first Poldark novel. There are many emotional ups and downs in this novel. We also get to see the growth a development if Ross's marriage. I really enjoyed it, and I look forward to reading the third one.

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"He bowed. 'The essence of a good joke is that only two should share it.'
'I thought that was the essence of a good bed,' said Francis."