A quote about authors by one of my favorites 💛
#Authors ✍️ #DaysDevotedTo… 🍂☕️🧣🍁🌙🥧🕯
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙
A quote about authors by one of my favorites 💛
#Authors ✍️ #DaysDevotedTo… 🍂☕️🧣🍁🌙🥧🕯
#BookNerd 🤓📚💙
"Some people assume that authors write books because we have vivid imaginations and want to share our visions. Other people assume that authors write because we are bursting with stories and therefore must scribble those stories down. Both groups of people are completely wrong. Authors write books for one, and only one, reason: because we like to torture people."
It finally happened, I read a Sanderson novel that I wasn't crazy about! The story itself was interesting, neat hook, and an interesting magic system, all that I love about Sanderson! And yet it fell flat. I think that was largely due to the jarring narrative style. It's written as an autobiography by a character trying to be jerky but came off as annoying. Not a good feeling to hold for the whole book. Fun dig at Harry Potter at the end though.
The audiobook was fantastic! Odd talents, strange family members, and evil librarians attempting world domination. Is anything else needed?
Dang it! Yesterday, I tried to listen to this and hated the first 20 minutes and switched to a different book. Today, I was all set to give it a so-so rating as it had funny parts but mostly just wasn‘t for me. But then, that ending and the not-so-subtle shade thrown at Harry Potter. I‘m laughing so hard I have to mark this a pick. I love HP, but that was seriously hysterical.
I read Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians as part of my TBR Explode project. It's a middle reader title and as an adult I don't care much for hokey humor. The narrator is also constantly pausing to make asides to the reader, to point things out or to say things like "ha fooled you" which this adult reader found obnoxious. But you know, how many books have unique magic systems fighting against evil librarians?
I found this cute middle grade book in my Audible library. I must have bought it for my kids at one time, but I didn‘t remember listening to it before. It‘s about a boy whose special power is breaking things. It reminded me of my oldest son who we joked could break 10 things just by walking through the room. I can imagine a lot of middle grade kids can identify with the protagonist. 😂😂
This was a fun middle grade audiobook. Alcatraz Smedry finds out that he is an oculator, destined to fight evil librarians because they want the sand his parents sent him for his 13th birthday. His talent of breaking things serves him well as he learns about advanced technologies, dinosaurs, and librarian control over information in our world.
Just listening to an audiobook while waiting for my son's next basketball game. This book is hilarious!
Alcatraz battles Evil Librarians with his talent of breaking things. Warrior Librarians of the Pryor Public Library fight for good with their talent of awesomeness. 😀 #warriorlibrarians #pryorpubliclibrary #fightingforgood
This series was recommended by a librarian - an evil one, perhaps?
#recommended #librarianapproved
I have hit some weird reading wall. I think I have read too many serious and intense books. I have 4 books I am half-way through but I just don't want to read any of them. I am setting them aside for a bit and hit the library to see what struck my fancy. I am going try these to see if I can get through this brick wall.
I am an #EvilLibrarian because I used to make patrons get #🎟 for various events. #thisremindsmeof
This sounds like fun - my next audiobook for my commute!
I've got so much #smellsliketeenspirit @Cinfhen My current read Fangirl and all these others on Kindle and Overdrive. 📚
Audible Daily Deal - I may have to splurge. ☺️
When people ask me why I belong to two libraries.... this is why. The local library, limited selection, but when they have it the wait isn't too bad. The free statewide library has a HUGE selection, but if it's a popular book you might be waiting awhile. In all fairness, I bet they'll be purchasing a few more copies of this one ASAP, but it will still be a long wait. #BookishProblems #BookishSolutions
Just finished our last book if the year for the homeschool book club I lead (ages 10-12). This book was unexpectedly awesome. Labeled science fiction but with lots of traditional fantasy elements. Intriguing storyline. Fun and different style of narration. Interesting characters. Smart writing that challenges the reader. First in a series of 5 books. (Also, there is a significance to my use of the glasses stickers. 😎)
I find it #impossible for evil librarians to exist. Alice too an impossible trip, and it is impossible to steal the stars from the sky. #lyricalapril
The humour reminds me of Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson and his other books.
Love how he laughs at authors and the whole writing thing. Definite pick.
The calm before the storm... getting ready for back to back classes and testing in the library for the rest of the day. I knew I'd feel tired my first week back to work, but I wasn't prepared for my whole body feeling like it was run over by a truck. Can it be the weekend now?
This made me laugh so much I had to go find it online to post here as I was reading the audiobook. I found it hilarious as it's exactly what happens to my beloved Harry Potter every summer! If you guys haven't read Brandon Sanderson, he rocks. By no means have I read all his stuff but I've loved everything I have read.
Finishing this one up today. Such fun! Brandon Sanderson is the best!
After dealing with hectic finals and the holiday season, finally back to reading again! I got this one as a gift for Christmas. I have only heard of this book once. So, pretty interested to see what this is about.
My #libraryhaul is now my #readinginbed haul! My bed is my favorite place in the world to read!! #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading
Episode 069 of the Reading Envy Podcast features two guests from the Science Fiction Book Review Podcast (but we only talk a little sci-fi) http://tinyurl.com/zvhhycb
Ya know, just livin' that evil librarian life.
There once was a boy named Alcatraz/ who broke stuff with talent, whereas/ his grandpa was always late/ him the librarians did surely hate/ then there was a big fight, of course, and all that jazz.
Sanderson proves that less common villains are MUCH more fun in the book that introduced me to my favorite fantasy author. (Seriously, he's amazing, and everyone should read him.)
This book is the perfect story for book lovers, young and old. To be honest I don't think I have meet a Brandon Sanderson I don't love. Evil Librarians, magic glasses, and paper magic make it awesome. The talking, refined dinosaurs were icing on the cake!
Read this to Little G and it really caught his imagination. We will definitely be continuing with the series. It seems to be just the right amount of silly, and the illustrations in the new edition are great. As an Evil Librarian, I am torn.
Someone had an issue with Harry Potter, I guess?
I have overlooked this book for SIX years (copy on the left). It's been sitting on the audio shelf in my middle school library. The copy on the right is a reissue I spotted at the book store and thought my daughter would enjoy it. SO GLAD I DID! I LOVED IT!