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American Vampire, Volume 1
American Vampire, Volume 1 | Scott Snyder
This volume follows two stories: one written by Snyder and one written by King. Snyder's story is set in 1920's LA, we follow Pearl, a young woman who is turned into a vampire and sets out on a path of righteous revenge against the European Vampires who tortured and abused her. This story is paired with King's story, a western about Skinner Sweet, the original American Vampire-- a stronger, faster creature than any vampire ever seen before with rattlesnake fangs and powered by the sun. "From the Hardcover edition."
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I don‘t know about this one. Sometimes I felt lost in the dialogues. I like the illustrations but don‘t love them. But they complied the purpose, they are dark and extremely gory illustrations 🩸. I will like to re-read it and maybe try volume 2 because there parts that I liked. I received this graphic novel last year by @BookwormAHN in #Elfswap Thsnk you🤗🧛🏼‍♀️🖤🖤🖤

TheSpineView Fantastic 3y
BookwormAHN Your welcome and I agree the book was weird but I liked the overly ridiculous illustrations. 3y
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Gissy @BookwormAHN Agree, there are some illustrations that are unique🧛🏼‍♀️ 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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We all know the basics about vampires. They drink blood, they‘re creatures of the night, and they have fangs. This is all true until evolution plays its role in nature and creatures the American vampire.

I wasn‘t sure how I would feel about this going into the first volume but then I became extremely intrigued by the concepts in this volume and had to quickly grab the next one from the library. Hoping to pick it up soon!

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While 2020 was a great reading year, I still had a few that disappointed me. Here are my most disappointing books of 2020. Check out my post at readinginthewildwood.com to get my full thoughts. What books disappointed you this year?

SomedayAlmost Hate to say it, but The Murder List. A one plot twist trick pony. I love Ryan, but it did not deserve to win all the major mystery awards. One clever twist does not a great book make. 4y
wildwoodreads @SomedayAlmost I‘ve heard so many people say the exact same thing! It‘s so disappointing because the synopsis is so interesting! 4y
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This was a re-read and I found it a strong start to a series... this time I intend to read the next volume!

The only thing I didn't like so much was the split between current day and backstory. Both are decent stories, but I felt it took me out of the action.

Also it was a lot higher than I remember it being first time around!

RaeLovesToRead *GORIER not higher... autocorrect!!!! 4y
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2 interwoven stories here: Snyder's is set in 1925 Hollywood and focuses on actress Pearl. Stephen King wrote the second which gives us the origin story of an 1880s Old West Outlaw, Skinner Sweet. It's a bit of a new twist on the vampire and the ones are vicious, not sparkly lovers.
511 points for #scarathlon2020 #teamharkness @staycurious
2 interlinked stories x 15, + 2 hr during 24 'thons +1 participation point ⬇️

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This book was just weird and not good weird. The storylines were not easy to follow and if it had been any longer I would have dnfed it 😾
#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

magicalshelves I agree! I liked the beginning of the series but I didn‘t like the later volumes at all. 4y
KathyWheeler This is the only one I‘ve read. I didn‘t like it enough to both with the rest. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Too bad!! The artwork looks good, though. 4y
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Cool graphic novel with awesome art

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I can‘t believe February is over. My February Wrap Up went live on my blog.

I read 7 books this month. I really enjoyed most of them but I also read my first one start book of the year. Hoping March brings more sunshine and good books. ☀️☀️☀️

What was your favorite read this month?


megnews Hands down my favorite this month was 5y
Tamra You have daffodils??? 😵 5y
wildwoodreads @megnews I have heard good things about that! 5y
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wildwoodreads @Tamra We do! They are my favorite! We have a ton of stuff blooming right now. We are about to have some cold weather again so I‘m afraid they are all going to get killed. 5y
Tamra @megzlynn noooooo! 👿 5y
Scochrane26 The Great Believers was my favorite, as well as Same Sun Here. 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Pretty 🌼📚 5y
Cupcake12 Love the photo...I treated myself to a huge bunch of daffodils today...my daughter calls them the ‘happy flower‘ 5y
erzascarletbookgasm Love your photo! 5y
Geenie Nice 👍 pretty 😍 5y
wildwoodreads @Cupcake12 Thank you! They really do make everything seem happier. I keep several bunches in my house because we have an abundance of them in the yard. 5y
wildwoodreads @Yoshi-and-a-book Thank you! 5y
Mishu94 Any book you‘d recommend to me? 🤗 5y
wildwoodreads @Mishu94 I think you might enjoy The Winternight Series. Book one is titled The Bear and the Nightingale. 5y
Mishu94 @megzlynn Ooo okay I‘ll check it out! Thank you! 🤗 5y
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It's taken me far too long to finally pick up this series. I read through this one quickly because the writing was so good. The two different authors have their own style, but the stories are coming together nicely.

Good horror comic with well done vampires.

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I‘d heard really good things about this graphic novel, and was disappointed that I didn‘t enjoy it more especially since Stephen King is one of the writers. 😔 Oh well, I may come back to the series, I may not. ⭐️⭐️1/2

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A reread for #scarathlon #teamslaughter ! It's an excellent series, worth 2 pt! On to volume 2!


Clwojick So with the points for the scavenger hunt, you only get the points for the prompts the first time you check off the prompt. So if you‘ve read multiple points with a pumpkin in the cover or with bone in the title (etc) , you only get that point the first time. But once all 13 prompts are checked off you get entered for a chance to win a separate prize than the point related prizes. ♥️ 5y
madamereadsalot1 @Clwojick oh ok! Thank you! 5y
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TK421 I really liked this comic. 5y
madamereadsalot1 @TK421 I never read beyond King's contributions. 😅 But I did love it! I want to read more. I just haven't gotten my hands on it. 5y
TK421 This would make a great tv series. 5y
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Sad I waited so long to start this series. All the hype is worth it. This is what vampires are supposed to be. The stories that Snyder and King are weaving together are so captivating and unsettling. I definitely recommend this series to anyone that knows vampires shouldn‘t sparkle! #comic

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This series has been on my radar for awhile. I love some good horror graphic novels.

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#24in48 #readathon #Hour42challenge

These two have been my favourites this weekend, I LOVED them. I need to read the whole series asap!


#horror #graphicnovel #Kindle #vampire #StephenKing

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Great story, gorgeous artwork, can't believe I've waited this long to read it!
Theres a very cheeky but subtle nod to another Stephen King piece in this piece too...

And I've just seen Volume 2 on Prime Reading for free *flails*

#24in48 @24in48 #horror #graphicnovel #StephenKing #vampire #readathon #Kindle #PrimeReading

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I adore graphic novels, particularly horror themed ones. I'm also a huge comic book fan, so you can tell I was hugely unpopular at school, haha

I've never tried this series before, but as a horror fan, a fan of vampire lore, and a Stephen King fangirl, this should tick all my boxes!

#24in48 @24in48 #readathon #horror #graphicnovel #StephenKing #vampire

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💉About new breed of vampires during 1880-1936 so far.
💉1st vol is fantasy western w/some noir elements; intro the MCs, Skinner‘s origin, & basic diff between two main types of vamps.
💉2nd vol is noir; goes more into characters w/growth, struggles, vendettas.
💉Beautiful art inspired by classic Westerns & old-time horror.
💉Vamp designs are akin to Nosferatu.
💉Excellent pacing.
💉Gripping & original.
💉4.25/5 for both vols.

Mindyrecycles 😂 Nice bullet points. 6y
BiblioNyan @Mindyrecycles 😅😂 Thank you! I figured they‘d be very fitting haha. 6y
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Tonight, this!

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This book is two linked stories. One is the story of Skinner Sweet, the first "American" vampire who is an evolved vampire, with the ability to walk in sunlight. The second is the story of Pearl, who is attacked by vampires and left for dead. After Sweet turns her, she becomes the second "American" vampire.

I enjoyed this and now I want to go find the next volume in the series. This is definitely a story I want to follow.

TricksyTails One of my favorite series! I love Skinner Sweet! 7y
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But, I really love Skinner Sweet. Candy, yo. Great twist on the vampires and I dug both time periods this was set in!

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I finished this one just before lights out last night and dreamed about Skinner Sweet, the first American vampire. I really enjoyed the two stories within this volume, a western in the late 1800s and the other set in the mid 1920s. I will definitely continue with this series. #screamathon

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I picked this up for a spooky October read. I realize I'm not a big horror or graphic novel fan, but the storyline was pretty cool and the graphics are well done (from a layperson's standpoint-I have no knowledge of skill required in this area).

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“Here‘s what vampires shouldn‘t be: pallid detectives who drink Bloody Marys and only work at night, lovelorn southern gentlemen, anorexic teenage girls, boy-toys with big dewy eyes.” — from the Foreword by Stephen King

Zelma I was so excited reading the forward of this comic, but unfortunately the story and art fell a bit short for me. 7y
CatLass007 @Zelma It was interesting enough that I‘ll read the second volume that I‘ve already got checked out from the library. I don‘t think I‘d buy it. I‘m sorry you didn‘t enjoy it. 7y
readinginthedark I don‘t agree with this, actually. Even though I‘m not a Twilight fan, I enjoy seeing all of the different interpretations from authors and media producers over the years. 7y
CatLass007 @readinginthedark I don‘t completely agree with it either, but vampires sometimes need to be more villainous than they‘re often portrayed. They can be more fun that way. The quote does get the discussion going, doesn‘t it? 7y
readinginthedark It does! And I know what you mean. They can‘t be puppies. 7y
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This graphic novel tells two parallel stories, both origin stories. Skinner Sweet is a different kind of vampire than the European vampires who made him. He is the first vampire of his kind, made by accident, he has all the strengths and none of the weaknesses of the Old World vampires. And what kind of childer might he make? A solid ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ read, and filled with plenty of evil to go around, with many more stories to tell.

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I'm really enjoying this one. Should be working, but I started it last night and had to stop for family time. So now I MUST finish! 😈

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I'm a sucker for vampires. (Is that a vampire pun? Accidental, I promise.) I love Anne Rice vampires, I love Bram Stoker vampires, I even love our sparkly friends in Forks. These vampires in this graphic novel are scary as hell, and they are awesome. The art is gorgeous. Honestly, I like the art more than the storyline. (I had to knock off a star for a kind of icky romance relationship.) Reading the next one now...

monkeygirlsmama Stacked 7y
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I was not immediately hooked when I started reading this one, and it took me awhile to get a handle of the rhythm of the story, but I thought it was very original and I am looking forward to reading more!


Another 'I'm not sure' for me. The art is gorgeous. The storyline is interesting and I love the concept. But the presentation? It's missing something and it was very jumpy. It certainly made it difficult to get sucked in (pun intended) and lose oneself. I might give the second volume a chance to see how it progresses.


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I anticipated loving this one - old west, nasty vampires, 1920s Hollywood, Stephen King. Alas, this was not my thing at all. I didn't care for the artwork, the dialogue fell flat, and the story was filled with cliches. Moving on.

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A return to nasty killer vampires with an intro from Stephen King? I'm in.

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I love Stephen King's writing and I'm so glad that the creators of this graphic novel asked Mr. King to help create the back story to Skinner Sweet. You're introduced to the nefarious Skinner Sweet and innocent Pearl Jones in separate chapters and begin to get an idea of the overall concept of the universe through their eyes. Gore, dark depths and sass are all the rage as their stories unravel and begin to knot together