I listened to the audiobook of this, I generally don't go for the I'm-probably-going-to-cry books... but here I am. I loved the characters, and hated the ending just as I knew I would. I don't regret giving it a go, though.
I listened to the audiobook of this, I generally don't go for the I'm-probably-going-to-cry books... but here I am. I loved the characters, and hated the ending just as I knew I would. I don't regret giving it a go, though.
I love Stephen King's writing and I'm so glad that the creators of this graphic novel asked Mr. King to help create the back story to Skinner Sweet. You're introduced to the nefarious Skinner Sweet and innocent Pearl Jones in separate chapters and begin to get an idea of the overall concept of the universe through their eyes. Gore, dark depths and sass are all the rage as their stories unravel and begin to knot together
Didn't pay attention when I picked this book up from the library, and was about half way through when I realized this was the third book in the Midnight, Texas series! 😅 Just like the Sookie Stackhouse novels (it takes place in the same universe)- they're easy reads and one can get absorbed into the storyline pretty quickly!
Absolutely loved this book. Couldn't put it down. Love Alice Hoffman's way of forming stories and making the characters so real and concrete. Beautiful.
Easy read, teen romance drama at its finest with a mix of Angel/ Fallen Angel work mixed in. Worth a try.
This was such an interesting GN. Cute, but bloody and finishes off with an ending I can dig. Love it!
Finally dipped my toe into reading this series and I'm loving every bit of it. It's one of those graphic novels that make you look into yourself for what disturbs you, and question your own ideals. Can't wait to read the rest.
I love all of Brian K. Vaughan's work and this is no exception. A P.I.'s work is never easy, add in the obstacle of no internet and everyone hides their faces behind masks in this interesting spin on what the future may look like. Possibly sooner than we may think...
There are some books that fall into your reading sphere and every read feels like visiting an old friend, breathing in their scent and welcoming them back into your arms. This is a series that I've fallen deeply in love with. I'm sad to see it end, blessed I could be a part of their world.