This series is very good
"When the world turns on its head and I‘m not sure of anything, I‘m sure of you. No matter where we are or who we fight against, I am always fighting for you."
Happy Valentine's Day, Litsy friends! ?
My last #bookspinbingo book this month. This entire series is not bad but it‘s not anything that feels extraordinary in the genre of YA fantasy. The covers are great and the idea is interesting. They just don‘t feel special in any type of way. Still I‘m glad to have finished!
Today for #marchinthetitle
This has been a basic young adult fantasy which is fine so I‘ll read it but I have a feeling I know how it‘s ending,. It‘s a shame because the premise is quite interesting. Still has some absolutely great covers!
I‘m trying to reacquaint myself with my TBR while on a book buying ban for the month.
This wraps up the series my daughter wanted me to read. I enjoyed the ending very much.
This was the most satisfying conclusion I've read in a series in years. What a joy it was to see the author's writing grow. Will definitely be reading the Ash Princess trilogy over and over again.
Loved this finale to the Ash Princess Trilogy! It's a fitting end and I'll miss all the characters. All of them, even the villain. She turned into a great villain. It actually turned into an interestingly feminist trilogy about the perils of underestimating women.
Someone was so nice to give me their duplicate Owlcrate copy of Ruthless God's and I also got an early birthday gift from @TBRandBeyond including the last book in the Ash Princess trilogy AND the Reader trilogy!😁😍
I finally focused on this book and finished it. Once I actually tried to read it I really enjoyed it until about 80%. I felt the end was anticlimactic and kind of boring compared to the rest of the book but overall I thoroughly enjoyed this entire series!
What an amazing way to end this trilogy! The war felt so real; in the sense that I could feel how Theo did as she made the difficult decisions. Astrea over everything and everyone. This was a long book, but surprisingly easy to follow through. The ending fight scene, per say, may have not been what was expected, but I feel it felt better this way. Theo wanted so badly to end the cycle of hate, no matter how her confidants (and us readers) wanted
“I understand the temptation [to kill all the invading Klaovaxians]”, I say [Queen Theodosia], “believe me, I do. But all that would do is keep this vicious cycle moving. Those children would grow up thinking of us as the enemies who slathered their families, building up anger until they‘ve built a rebellion all of their own to avenge their loved ones, just as we‘re doing now. I want to end this for good.”
Half way done. There‘s so much going on it‘s sometimes hard to keep track. Almost. Each of the issues flows into each other very well. There‘s getting to be more of a mystery as to what is going on at this point. Especially with the dream scape. We‘re starting to see an end.
Picked up this beauty today 😍
To me this is not a great cover, and is the worst one in the trilogy. However, this is the last book in the trilogy and the cover matches the books, even though I saw similar covers 10 years ago.
#CoverLove #YA Edition
Out February 4