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Don Quijote
Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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This abridged work is dedicated to those who are fans of Cervantes? work and the Spanish language. It presents, in a parallel manner, the text in Spanish and its translation in English.
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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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I finished just as my book expired. The first 600 pages were chivalric adventure tales with enough bodily noises and fluids to keep any junior high boy enthralled. From page 600 on, it seemed like a tally of all the games bored rich people play.

britt_brooke I haven‘t read this book, but I love your review! 6y
Nebklvr @britt_brooke It actually wasn‘t bad just looong. I didn‘t realize how many cultural references stemmed from this book. 6y
britt_brooke @Nebklvr Oh, that‘s interesting enough for me to want to read it .... eventually. 6y
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Nebklvr @britt_brooke I have a lot of those. I am trying to read one randomly selected classic off of my shelves per month..... Moby Dick and Don Quijote in the same year.....I am not such a fan of big books 6y
britt_brooke @Nebklvr I like this idea! I try to read a certain number of classics each year and I‘m behind. I‘m impressed you read both of those this year! Big books intimidate me, too, but as you saw, I‘m reading Les Mis now. 😵 It‘s so good though! 6y
Nebklvr @britt_brooke Best of luck! 6y
Blueberry I just saw the musical tonight. 6y
Nebklvr @Blueberry Was it good? 6y
Blueberry Yes, it was 😀 6y
Litsi So undecided about reading this one (edited) 6y
Nebklvr @Litsi It was good for first 600 pages. Culturally interesting. I wasn‘t aware of just how much it has leaked into regular society. Could have used a good edit. Still if the print hadn‘t been microscopic, it would have been an easy enough read. 6y
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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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Hour 12 Challenge: A Whole New World

This book changed my life when I read it in #college as a #Spanish #lit major. It taught me a lot about self-confidence, integrity, dignity, and making your own life in the world. But it‘s also about the harshness of reality and other people‘s power in our lives.

The book means so much to me I named my dog #Sancho, and the only #tattoo I have is of #Picasso‘s Man of La Mancha.

#24in48 @24in48

Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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I really like the #serial app, but when I was reading the translation at the bottom, I remembered the better (imo) version above and it might have put me off a little! What to do, what to do.....


Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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#SeasonsReadings2016 Classic I haven't read. There are others, of course. This is one that has me considering the serial app. (So love learning about things like that here on Litsy).

BexCW Oh this is the same book on my list! Need to look up this serial app! 8y
Reviewsbylola I LOVE serial. But I will probably never attempt this one. 8y
OrangeMooseReads This was my big reading accomplishment this year lol 😂 so difficult staying focused on it 8y
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mahasoor I've had that poster on my closet for years and years. Love it! 8y
Annl I have that picture framed hanging in my house and Don Quijote is one of my favorite books. I want to read it in English next year. I studied it in Spanish at school! 8y
GlitteryOtters Ahhh, me too!! I feel totally bad that I haven't read it yet. I've managed to get through most of my classics TBR long ago, but I kept forgetting to read this. 8y
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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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I went a little crazy buying books today. Picture of my book pile to come. This is Abraxas Books in Daytona. #bookstore #getindie I blurbed it as Don Quijote because that's one of the books I bought.

Kirstin 😍😍 8y
minkyb 👏🏻👏🏻‼️😍💙💖👍🏻👍🏻 8y
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readinginthedark This picture isn't of your book pile? 😉 8y
DeborahSmall Heavenly 💞 8y
Betty You need an 18-wheeler to take them home 🚍 8y
James That is wonderful. Looks like a great book store. 8y
lute I'm in the Daytona area if you'd ever be interested in book group. 8y
RebeccaRenner @lute Maybe. Is there a Facebook group? 8y
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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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#bestsidekick has to be Sancho Panza #booktober

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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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Classic Audio I enjoyed this book as it has been parodied, referenced, and quoted so often that it was nice to finally get it. It was not quick but what classics are. I feel better now I understand the whole yelling at windmills thing.

Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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Sancho has been with my parents since May and will be until December while I do all this travel for work. After 11 years together, I miss having him around. But at least I get to visit him for a week!

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Don Quijote: seleccin de textos | Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra
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Wow! We had amazing nominations, we actually had to cut them off early there were so many. Now comes the RATING phase of nominations. Click the link and rate each book from 1-5, 1 being least want to read and 5 being most want to read. We've also included little summaries of each book just like we would at an in person book club.

This poll closes on Tuesday night.

Yournewfriendsams When I saw the film adaptation of The Double, I had know idea it was a book. Super spooky! 8y
Bookzombie So many great books nominated! 8y
DreesReads Wow there are some great books in there--and that is a lot of books!! 8y
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ScrappyMags Whoa that's a lotta books! Lol 8y
Hooked_on_books Thanks for including the synopses--that really helped! 8y
Gezemice Wow, lots of books! Awesome! 8y
Godmotherx5 I like the voting format. Thanks for the option. 8y
Varshitha Including the synopsis was a great idea ,, Thanks guys!! 8y
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