Pick it up and read it because it‘s Man vs. Vampire. Dwell on it because it‘s Man vs. Self. Talk about a book that drives home the importance of community!
Pick it up and read it because it‘s Man vs. Vampire. Dwell on it because it‘s Man vs. Self. Talk about a book that drives home the importance of community!
My copy included I Am Legend and some short stories. I Am Legend is supposed to be the star, but I found Matheson‘s take on a vampire story to be kind of tedious. The short stories had some highlights including Mad House about a house that becomes so destabilized by its owner‘s anger that horror unfolds. Young girls conduct a war of the imagination in Witch War, and the narrator of Dress of White Silk is a perfect blend of innocent and scary.
I am not a vampire guy, but Matheson found a way to make them even more tedious and boring. Hated the weirdly horny alcoholic main protagonist and everything he did and said.
Feels like a zombie book but he wanted to twist with dumb vampires. It would still be boring but would make more sense.
This was a good read. I had seen the movie before, and it's a good adaptation. Maybe even better than the book. They go in different directions, so I guess it depends on your preference.
I wasn‘t expecting to love this one as much as I did. It isn‘t really like the Will Smith movie-it‘s way better. Neville is really smart and perceptive which has allowed him to survive alone in a post-apocalyptic world. I particularly loved that Neville educated himself on the science behind what was happening which helped him survive. There was a lot of emotional depth to Neville and his situation. And that ending? Genius!! A total shock to me.
#Movie2Booksrecs @Klou #LetterI
For today's prompt I recommend I AM LEGEND by Richard Matheson.
So I first saw the movie with the same title and then I found out about the book later. I read it and enjoyed it as much as I did the movie.
I was pleasantly surprised with this one. I didn‘t expect it to draw me in like it did. Also it gains big points with me for how it handled the death of a dog. There was a good mix of emotion and science here.
Robert Neville is the sole survived of a deadly disease that turns humans into ravenous vampire like creatures. He has to search for a cure, and fortify his house before night or the undead will kill him.
A major theme is loneliness:
Robert‘s wife and daughter have both succumbed to the disease, so it‘s late nights of booze for him. Not to mention the only other people that are left are the lifeless vampires who are a sad reminder of the past.
My post for #LittensDressedInBlood prompt today. I Am Legend is a unique take on the typical vampire myths. It remains one of my favorite horror stories to this day. Matheson does a great job of making you feel like this could take place anywhere, even in your own town/city.
Plus, the movie version (the new one at least) stars Will Smith, who also stars in the music video for A Nightmare on My Street. 😜
🎧 I loved his haunted house book! I loved the movie with Will Smith!! This book was very interesting. It had the flavor of The Road but I found it more interesting! I finished this an hour or so ago and I‘m still thinking about it. I think I might like the movie better. Don‘t get me wrong, the book is great but I feel it might be a bit dated? Great story! I liked the science that was thrown in! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Even though this book is really short it was a enjoyable read, I really felt for the main character and how isolated and desperate he was. How his loneliness and need for another human was ultimately his downfall.
Its a completely different take on the usual style of vampire books out there, which makes it stand apart from the others of the genre.
Jamás pensé que leeria un libro así, no me gustan los vampiros, zombies, monstruos ni esas cosas, este libro es increíble, fácil de leer y el final es épico, nada que ver con la película y sin embargo es adictivo, la historia es algo triste y muy cruda, hay capítulos que no quisieras haber leído y sin embargo necesitas continuar, el personaje es bastante amigable con el lector; me encanto! No puedo creer lo que tarde en buscarlo para leerlo!
Somehow I missed this on Saturday, a little late but here it is!
1. The tagged book. It was just so smartly written, compelling and creepy as hell. Also not too long.
2."All right, little boy, he tried kidding himself, calm down now. Santa Claus is coming to town with all the nice answers. No longer will you be a weird Robinson Crusoe, imprisoned on an island of night surrounded by oceans of death."
#spookysaturday @TheNeverendingTBR
This was supreme creepiness and definitely ended my reading year on a high note. Robert Neville is the last living man in earth. Everyone else is a vampire and they all want his blood. This had so much suspense it was almost impossible to put down and enough scariness that I had to close the blinds in the middle of the day! 😅 Bonus: this was only about 100 pages and Free for Kindle Unlimited.
The ending of this book had me slightly underwhelmed, but it was still interesting to watch it unfold. After reading about Neville's experiences, it was such a turn-around to find out that he was the “weird one“ to those infected rather it being vice versa. I was able to empathize with him very well because of Richard Matheson's writing. Overall, I would recommend this book because it's different in many ways, and I really enjoyed it.
Apocalyptic fiction, vampire literature, science
I initially chose this book because the title and summary intrigued me. I've never read a vampire book before, let alone a vampire apocalypse book, so for me, this is extremely new. I'm actually very excited! The summary of this book is suspenseful and in complete contrast with the book I've read before. I'm really looking forward to it.
Considering the popularity of the zombie genre, I‘m a bit surprised that I haven‘t read more books. But of course had to choose one of the classics.
Robert Neville may well be the last living man on Earth . . . but he is not alone. An incurable plague has mutated every other man, woman, and child into bloodthirsty, nocturnal creatures who are determined to destroy him. #28dayslater #horrorseason. @Klou
#Scarathon2020 #TeamHarkness @StayCurious My edition had 10 extra stories with the main story, so that's (11*15)+1= 166 pts. 👻
I loved I Am Legend! It's such a well written vampire story. The origin of the vampires intrigued me from the start. Great classic horror story.
The other stories were good, Mad House was probably my favorite of the extras.
#Screamathon @4thhouseontheleft
Listening to this classic while posting ads for work today.
I can't believe I've never read this before. I'm really enjoying it so far.
#TeamHarkness #Scarathlon2020 @StayCurious (1 pt)
***Fair Warning to all my Litsy friends. I will be posting a lot this month, so if you choose to unfollow me, no hard feelings. 😀
1.) The Crimson Petal and the White [95% Done] & Dark Advent by Brian Hodge [76% Done]
2.) "A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever. I am legend."
3.) "Isn't Heaven reward enough, without needing to see the damned punished?"
#WeekendReads @rachelsbrittain
Full circle, he thought while the final lethargy crept into his limbs. Full circle. A new terror born in death, a new superstition entering the unassailable fortress of forever.
I am legend.
In a world of monotonous horror there could be no salvation in wild dreaming.
I am Legend, the movie: in comparison to the book there is not many similarities. Both the book and movie, Robert Neville works on finding a cure and both have a wife and daughter, that's pretty much where the similarities lie.
Samantha the dog is the best and worst of the differences from the book to movie.
My dad bought me this book back in 2010 when I was moving away to North Carolina. It has been in my possession since then, unread and waiting.
Robert Neville is the last man on earth in a sea of vampires. Robert goes through his live learning how to survive in this world while also hoping for a cure.
It's a good, short book with a little vampire science mixed in.
I really enjoyed this book. Mathewson has a very clean and crisp way of writing that still managed to give way to a surprising emotional response. He was way ahead of his time. I Am Legend gives us the sole survivor after a plague story. A vampire story. His ‘Prey‘ gives us a 12 kickass pages of a woman fighting a cursed doll. ‘Dance of the Dead‘ is his zombie, whether he knew what a zombie was or not, story. ‘Mad House‘ gave us The Shining.👇🏼
Making my wife @anewton91 watch I Am Legend. Not sure if shes going to love it or hate it.
+4 #TeamStoker
Busy #audiobaking day! So much fun and we all listened to the tagged book.
Candy corn fudge, Broken glass cupcakes, hocus pocus brownies, and spider cookies.
#teamstoker #scarathlon @TheReadingMermaid
About halfway through this one now...
1960 starring Vincent Price, Franca Bettoia and Emma Danieli
2pts for #TeamStoker
This one came to mind first for #creepy... the book definitely had its scary moments, but just look at that cover! 😱
I was kind of disappointed with this one. I ended up reading the whole thing in one day. I‘ve seen the movie based on it once, and it was a long time ago, so I don‘t really remember it. I‘m going to hold off on reading the short stories included at the end of the book.
⭐️: 3/5
This book is combined with short stories. I‘m not sure if I‘ll read those right after, but I‘m at least reading the main novel.
📚: 31/52