I‘m really late in sharing but here‘s my #bookspin #doublespin picks for February.
My prompts were Pet Pick and Final Book.
I‘m really late in sharing but here‘s my #bookspin #doublespin picks for February.
My prompts were Pet Pick and Final Book.
The story wasn‘t bad but I had no motivation to read. It was a struggle. I think after being disappointed by Specials, this world did not have my attention anymore. Glad it is over 🤷🏻♀️.
A student gave me this book to read, so bless her heart I read it. I have read Uglies, but not the other two in that trilogy, so I knew who Tally was. I did not care for this one. The story was meh, the characters were annoying, the word “vast” was used maybe 47,392 times (I do love the word, but dang it was a lot!). At least it was a quick read!
It was a surprise that the main character was new, not Tally. But for me it was like a fresh start and I really liked Aya. I also loved that you saw what is happening three years after the events in book 3.
Pacing was good and there was a lot of action. I was quite intrigued to know what was going on and what was going to happen next.
3/5 for the last in this series. This wasn‘t my favorite in the series. It was interesting and the story pulled me in eventually. I did like getting to see the main characters again.
This one has been on my TBR list for seems like ever.
I really enjoyed reading this, and it fit in with the world of Tally Youngblood from the Uglies series. I however didn't really enjoy how Tally came back and was portrayed. It didn't seem to quite fit her character from what I remember of her.
#doublebookspin #bookspinbingo @thearomaofbooks
I am excited for how this board played out!
The tagged book is my #doublespin book.
Genre: Science Fiction
Started: September 4th, 2019
Completed: September 18th, 2019
Cause:This was the last book in the series
4 years after Tally Youngblood defeated the Specials, Aya Fuse lives in the world's awakening. She is an extra, a total nobody, with a face rank so low, no one even recognizes her. But, when Aya stumbles across a story, guaranteed to shoot her to fame, She knows that this new “secret“ can cause her to become a celebrity.
At first I was frustrated because this story did not follow the original cast of characters, but it was actually my favorite of the series. I did end up enjoying the new characters and the old ones made an appearance. Personally, I think Scott Westerfeld got better as the series went on.
It was a lot different from the first trilogy, but it was still really good!
Interesting first chapter. I think I might need a special dictionary to read it?! Lol
The fourth book in the Uglies series, this science fiction novel covers a reality where whoever is getting the most buzz is victorious. Popularity is the only thing that matters. If your rank is low you are considered a nobody, an outcast, an "extra." http://www.bookrags.com/studyguide-extras-uglies/#gsc.tab=0 #UCFLAE3414sp17
Not nearly as good as the first three. It's kind of like the original Star Wars trilogy... everything else is non canon and I don't care what you say to the contrary.
Nothing like breathing in the scent of books (especially that new book smell)📚😊😄💜💜💜😄😊📚 #wearephatinsta
I liked this series. Each time I started a book it took me a little while to get used to the way they spoke. You will understand if you have read the others. A nice easy read. #bookreview #uglies