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Matched | Ally Condie
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Cassia has always trusted the Society to make the right choices for her: what to read, what to watch, what to believe. So when Xander's face appears on-screen at her Matching ceremony, Cassia knows with complete certainty that he is her ideal mate . . . until she sees Ky Markham's face flash for an instant before the screen fades to black. The Society tells her it's a glitch, a rare malfunction, and that she should focus on the happy life she's destined to lead with Xander. But Cassia can't stop thinking about Ky, and as they slowly fall in love, Cassia begins to doubt the Society's infallibility and is faced with an impossible choice: between Xander and Ky, between the only life she's known and a path that no one else has dared to follow.Look for CROSSED, the sequel to MATCHED, in Fall 2011!Watch a Video
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Matched | Ally Condie
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On Episode 245 of my book podcast, we take it back to the dystopian craze of the ‘00s and ‘10s with a discussion about MATCHED. LUNAR LOVE author Lauren Kung Jessen brings her own matchmaking know-how to the table, along with her thoughts on world building, technology, agency, controlling governments, and love triangles. 💚 Listen at the link in my bio!

Matched | Ally Condie
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This was readable and entertaining enough, but also slow and frustrating. I'm late in the game for this series and college me would have loved it. 30 something me was just exhausted by the insta love and wishy washiness of the main character. Might pick up the second book to see if the world building gets any stronger.

Matched | Ally Condie
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1. Embrace by Jessica S, Crossed by Ally Condie

2. If it's pretty

3. Matched by Ally Condie, Rebellion by CJ Listro


she.hearts.horror 1. This Might Hurt by Stephanie Wrobel 2. Green is the only true color ( not Black) that I like. It‘s calming. 3. 2y
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Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Ally Condie
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This part made me cry

Matched | Ally Condie
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"That's how I know they are dreams. Because the simple and plain and everyday things are the ones that we can never have."

Matched | Ally Condie
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"But if you were Matched," I say softly, "What, do you think she'd be like?"

"You," he says, almost before I've finished. "You."

This is another part I cried at

Matched | Ally Condie
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This part had me crying

Matched | Ally Condie
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"Once you want something everything changes"

Matched | Ally Condie
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"Is falling in love with someone's story the same thing as falling in love with the person himself?"

Matched | Ally Condie
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"Every minute you spend with someone gives them a part of your life and takes part of theirs."

Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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"It's all right to wonder"

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Matched | Ally Condie
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Matched | Ally Condie
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"Remembering is part of thinking, but not all of it."

Matched | Ally Condie
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This is a difficult balance, telling the truth: how much to share, how much to keep, which truths will wound but not ruin, which will cut too deep to heal.

~Matched by Ally Condie ❤️

Matched | Ally Condie
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Here's my book hall from yesterday's CFWU used book sale. Only $2 each! I now have 67 new to me books to add to my classroom library.

AmyG Wow! 2y
DrexEdit Wow! 😲 That's awesome! 💜 2y
Oryx Amazing 2y
marleed Wowza! 2y
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Matched | Ally Condie


Matched | Ally Condie

It was a slow start, but once I got into it, I couldn't put it down. Sometimes the wording was awkward or cringey, but nonetheless, I enjoyed it. The parts where it talked about burning history and getting rid of it, hurt me. I hated those parts so much, but they were needed. It made me grateful for living now, where we can still learn and make our own decisions. I'm excited to read the next book and I hope it's just as good, if not better.

Matched | Ally Condie
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If you love dystopian romance novels, Matched, written by Ally Condie, is the perfect book for you. Similar to The Hunger Games or The Giver, Matched is an exciting romance book that challenges dystopian societies‘ unique structure. Matched is the first of an amazing fiction trilogy all about following your heart even when society is trying to tell you otherwise.

noellemullin8 This theme is present all throughout the book but is specifically highlighted when Cassia has been matched with her childhood best friend, Xander. Confusion arises when Cassia checks her micro-card for more info on her match and Ky Markham‘s face flashes across the screen instead of Xander‘s. 3y
noellemullin8 An official reassures Cassia that it was simply a malfunction of the system and that she shouldn‘t worry because her match is and will always be Xander Carrow. However, Cassia can‘t help but feel conflicted because she‘s been told that she should love Xander but she‘s curious about Ky and she can‘t but wonder if Ky really is her match even though he is an Aberration. 3y
noellemullin8 Xander and Ky are complete opposites, Markham is a complete mystery to the society because he‘s been adopted from the outer provinces but this intrigues C because he is a creator rather than a sorter. Everything in society has developed to the point where nothing is made anymore but Cassia wants to be able to create and write, read poetry that isn‘t apart of The Hundred Poems and Ky knows how to do all of those things. 3y
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noellemullin8 Everything is different in the outer provinces and Ky has knowledge that Cassia only dreams of learning about one day. She wants to know more than the society will allow her and she wants to learn more about the world outside of Mapletree Borough. Cassia‘s and Ky‘s relationship develops through their shared love for hiking and secrets they have discovered about each other. 3y
noellemullin8 Cassia must make a decision about who she is going to love because she is starting to feel stretched between the two guys, like she‘s living two completely different lives. Xander is the only acceptable option, he‘s everything Cassia could want and more but he‘s not Ky Markham. Ky is special, he‘s interesting and there‘s more to him then the eye depicts and Cassia knows this. 3y
noellemullin8 Will C accept the choice that the society has made for her or will she follow her heart? 3y
MissYaremcio Thank you for the review Noelle! I just wanted a little bit more of the identification of the theme (you told me how it was established but not what it was). 5/6 3y
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Matched | Ally Condie

Hey all,

Anyone read this and know if it contains sex.

I'm working on a work project and that is a big no no.

Thanks in advance for your help.

phantomx @LibrarianRyan I have not read it as of yet (probably will since I'm digging for older dystopia), what I found from common sense media there's no sex in the book. 4y
LibrarianRyan @phantomx thanks. I used up all my common sense for the day. And there were no TW on story graph. I remember when it was popular. 4y
peanutnine I've read the whole trilogy and there's no sex. A few kisses but nothing scandalous. It mostly focuses on the dystopian aspect 4y
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Sharpeipup I read it a few years ago but I don‘t recall any. 4y
LibrarianRyan @peanutnine great. Thank you! 4y
Redfae I don‘t remember any sex. Book 1 was a great dystopia and intro to the world. I can‘t remember if it was book 2 or 3 but there was one where they just travelled for ages. I hate travelling lol 😂 4y
CoffeeK8 Hey I just Common Sense media for this type of info (sex, violence, drugs etc...) it‘s conservative leaning so I take it with a grain of salt. According to their site, it‘s kissing only. 4y
LibrarianRyan @CoffeeK8 I do use it when I absolutely have to. But they have put a limit on how many items you can look up before you have to pay for it. Thank you though. (edited) 4y
thewallflower0707 There is no explicit content at all in this book. Some hand-holding ans a few kisses. However, I do not recommend reading this series, as it is terribly dull and only gets worse as the series progresses. 4y
Roary47 I read the first one and no there is none. I cannot speak for the rest of the series. The second is on my list this month. 4y
LibrarianRyan @thewallflower0707 thanks. Not really my type of book either. But it‘s an option that the library can choose from first book as they need to purchase 1300 books to finish a project. The restrictions are annoying but I‘m trying to get a variety. 4y
mais_albalkhi I don‘t remember there were sex scenes. I read this when I was 14 so that like 8 years ago. At the time I really loved the book not sure if I‘ll love it if I read it now or not. 3y
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Matched | Ally Condie

I love dystopian novels. And this wasn‘t a let down either.

Matched | Ally Condie
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Annnnnd I‘m hooked and now need the second in the series.

bookstoregoblin I read all of these in a matter of weeks. They‘re so captivating. 4y
tracey38 I remember reading this series years ago and really enjoying it! 4y
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Matched | Ally Condie
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If you like books involving teen romance drama and fighting for individual freedoms in a strictly government controlled society, I reccommend reading Matched. Matched is the first novel in a triolgy series targeted at young adults or youth. The novel depicts a dystopian future in which everyone is matched with and assigned who they are to marry and have a family with at the age of 17.

cassandra.mack They are to live out their lives at their assigned jobs with this assigned life partner until the age of 80, at which everyone dies a scheduled death. Cassia is matched with her childhood bestfriend Xander, however there is a “malfunction” displaying another face when she goes to watch a chip that is supposed to be about her match. The face is of another boy she knows named Ky. As the novel progresses she begins to fall for both Ky and Xander 4y
cassandra.mack and faces immense confusion and confliction about who is truly her match, and who to choose. Cassia must deal with this dilemma discretely and carefully decide what to do, for she, Ky, and Xander could all be severely punished for acknowledgeing the malfunction. However, she eventually realizes she‘s fallen in love with Ky, but he is taken away and relocated. Her parents help her chase after him, without attracting major attention from the 4y
cassandra.mack government by subjecting her to a 3 month work detail to cure “rebellious behaviours”, sending her to a location near where he had been sent. 4y
cassandra.mack The point of view of the book is first person. Cassia is the main character, as well as the narrator, and everything seen about the society is through her eyes and interpretations. The author establishes this through presenting readers with Cassias thoughts and perspectives on things. It is in the present tense and readers therefore get to observe how her mindset greatly changes and evolves throughout the novel as it is happening. 4y
MissYaremcio I absolutely adore this series and Keira Cass as an author! Great review Cassandra! 6/6 4y
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Matched | Ally Condie

17 year old Cassia rayes lives in a society where every aspect of life in under control. Living as if in a 'cage',Cassia attends a 'matching' ceremony,which is pressed upon every adolescent when turning 17. Matched with an unsuspected character, the storyline follows Cassias journey as she searches for the truth, the truth of what you may ask...well i'll have to leave a secret.

Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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#ForeverNovember #Forgettable

I honestly cannot remember anything about this series 😬

OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
Traci1 Same. I know I read the first one. I THINK I read the second. Pretty sure I own the third. Can't remember squat about the storyline. 4y
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Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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Just started this and am really enjoying it. Very much a read a like for Uglies and The Selection series.

Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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This book is about a “utopian” society where everything is controlled, eating and sleeping times, jobs and even relationships. This book revolves around Cassia Reyes who‘s “Matching” goes wrong and she is shown two faces rather than one on her Matching screen. She is told it was a mistake, but she can‘t help but feel an attachment to BOTH of them. If you like love triangle romances then this I‘d definitely recommend this book.

KeiraCrawford A theme shown in this book is uncertainty. Although her Society works perfectly as it is, she‘s unsure whether it should be okay to be so controlled. She‘s also unsure of her Match, whether to listen to which one is “right” or which one she FEELS is right. 4y
MissYaremcio DOGGO IS CUTE! Yay! I am so glad that you enjoyed this book! It is the beginning of a fantastic series so I am glad that it has captured your interest! Keep up the great work! 6/6 4y
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Matched | Ally Condie

What a fun dystopian book! My niece and I read this together in one day and had a love hate relationship with the main character Cassia about her choices! Overall a good fun read that leaves you wanting more from this world so on to book 2 we go!

Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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I‘ve started an oldie but hopefully a goodie! I purchased the trilogy for $8 since it‘s been on my tbr for YEARS, soo I‘ve decided to try it out. So far, it‘s giving me flashbacks to my early dystopian days reading The Uglies and The Hunger Games😅 #tbr #mounttbr #dystopian #matched

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Matched | Ally Condie
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Now this book was for the Gemini prompt gem which included emerald and this seemed a great fit! (The picture barely shows the vibrant green) I actually just finished this one this morning. This is book 4 of my 6 books and working on my 5th for #ReadYourSign

Matched | Ally Condie

One of my favorite series

Matched | Ally Condie
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Pretty bad, honestly. There‘s no real story... Cassia doesn‘t DO anything in the story, relying on the boys around her to handle things. Even teenager me wouldn‘t have been impressed with flat, robotic Cassia and her tepid love interests.

You can read my full review here: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3160331688

Matched | Ally Condie
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Most of this story is typical YA tropes and silly dialog, but I genuinely liked Ky‘s response here. Maybe there‘s hope? 😬 I guess it‘s a trilogy? Doubtful I‘ll make it that far... 😅

Matched | Ally Condie
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Only one hundred?!?! WHAT?!? Not okay! 😱

I‘m WAY out of my comfort zone with this one, but a coworker was so enthusiastic about recommending it that I caved. YA Romance, especially Dystopian YA Romance is something I try to stay clear of usually. 😅 Mixed feelings so far. I think Middle School me would have liked it well enough. Cassia seems too Mary-Sue already, and I don‘t quite understand the friendship/acquaintance between Ky and the group.

ulyssesartmiller You are a braver soul than I. I don‘t care what gushing others do, I haven‘t read a YA book since age 9. 😝 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm @ulyssesartmiller Lol, I know I should know better! I should tell her she definitely has a future as an expert salesperson. 😅 4y
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Matched | Ally Condie

Really enjoyed. I want to read the next one.

Matched | Ally Condie

Date Started: April 6, 2020
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How did you choose this book:
Write a brief summary of the novel; who was the protagonist; what was his/her problem and how was the problem resolved?

Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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This book was a good story but could move to slow sometimes. Overall it was a good book. I rate it a 6/10

Matched | Ally Condie

This was a great book. I loved how each person was “Matched” to each other. I‘m not really for Ky. I‘m with Xavier.♥️

Matched | Ally Condie
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This book has been on my TBR list for a long time and I am glad that I finally got around to it. It is a good story and not super predictable, it reminded me of The Giver meets The Selection meets aspects of The Hunger Games. I am excited to read the rest of the series.


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Matched | Allyson Braithwaite Condie
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This wonderful dystopian-sci-fi-eske book is engaging at every point and probably valid for a second read! if your into dystopian and/or are a preteen then i think this is a read worth reading!!!

Matched | Ally Condie
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