By far one of the best pictorial books i've read!. You really have to narrate your own way through this book when crossing partial paragraph pages further combined with drawn scenes.
Was a quick read but a good one!.
Would highly reccomend
By far one of the best pictorial books i've read!. You really have to narrate your own way through this book when crossing partial paragraph pages further combined with drawn scenes.
Was a quick read but a good one!.
Would highly reccomend
He picked a lily--snow white-- and handed it to her wuth a bow of his head. "For you." She tried not to cringe at the sight of his pocked,ruddy skin and orange mustache. The thought of being stuck with him made her want to rip all the plants out by their roots and throw then into the snow.
17 year old Cassia rayes lives in a society where every aspect of life in under control. Living as if in a 'cage',Cassia attends a 'matching' ceremony,which is pressed upon every adolescent when turning 17. Matched with an unsuspected character, the storyline follows Cassias journey as she searches for the truth, the truth of what you may ask...well i'll have to leave a secret.