I really loved this book. Jyn Erso is already one of my favorite characters and learning about the events that Rogue One left out were both heartbreaking and fantastic 🧡
#LittenListen @aperfectmjk
I really loved this book. Jyn Erso is already one of my favorite characters and learning about the events that Rogue One left out were both heartbreaking and fantastic 🧡
#LittenListen @aperfectmjk
Between a pick and a So-So.
My review in one sentence⤏ It was interesting to get a backstory for Jyn...one that fit with her character in Rogue One.
I love Jyn erso, and this book was a great back story, leading up to exactly the beginning of Rogue One. Not my favorite Star Wars book by a long shot, but if you‘re a fan of that movie, you should like this. ⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
We went to see the movie “On the Basis of Sex,” about a landmark case argued by Ruth Bader Ginsburg and her husband Marty, last night. RBG is played by Felicity Jones, and I kept thinking, “Jyn Erso, you are such a badass!” 😂 #starwars #rogueone #RBG
Almost caught up with the #starwarsbuddyread group again! Just one more to go! I may save that for next month though since I think I only have one more book on Scribd before it limits my account for Nov.
This was pretty good! It gives us some much need background on Jyn and Saw's relationship, and just what lead her to the path she ultimately took in Rogue One. I am glad to see more about Saw and his road from Clone Wars to Rogue One.
Spending the day doing more #starwarsbuddyread catch up now that I have finished The Fifth Season.
Now seems like a good time to mention how much I have hated Saw since his first appearance in The Clone Wars. Everyone else is at a 7 and he is at a 15. I get why he is the way he is, but he is just the worst.
I really enjoyed this backstory read with #StarWarsBuddyRead, it covers Jyn‘s life from the time she is left alone by her parents encounter with the Empire until where the Rebels find her in the beginning of Rogue One. I really liked getting more insight into her formative years, on the years that made her into the person she became, and some Saw backstory too, can‘t complain there, that guy really needs a backstory movie/book of his own.
OMFG THIS BOOK WAS ABSOULTLY FUCKING AMAZING!!! JYN IS ABSOLUTLY FUCKING AMAZING!!! ALL the feels! Beth Revis is an absolute sadist & I ADORE her for it!!! Revis definatly needs to write more Star Wars books!!!
I haven‘t finished my re-read of Catalyst yet, but I just got to the top of the list and received Rebel Rising from the library today...so I better get going.
How‘s everyone else making out?
@callielafleur @CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @wtimblin @trioxin_sematary
“Something small and broken really can be powerful” 😭😭😭😭😭😭Ugh Jyns life was a beautiful pain train. One of my fave sw books now
Um OMG! So I checked this out mostly for Rebecca Soler‘s narration, as I loved her Lunar Chronicles narration. I absolutely LOVED the story, narration and sound effects. Star Wars on audio is possibly better than or just as good as the books!!!! I‘m so glad I discovered it! Im gonna put the brakes on Star Wars for a bit so I can fully participate in the Star Wars Buddy reads!!! Next up: Bloodline!
Four hour drive = perfect opportunity to listen to a Star Wars novel with @OverDrive ‘s Libby. A intense, but fun adventure leading up to Rogue One!
Data entry means much audiobook time...this was a meh for me. I did like getting more of Jyn's backstory and I'm super interested in Saw. Maybe it was the writing? I dunno. Something just didn't click for me. I don't regret the listen though.
Made a new bingo card largely comprised of the "leftovers" from my last. #TBRbingo
Last weekend I watched Rogue One on Netflix (before Disney makes it and all of their other movies disappear) and man is it good. After the disappointment of the prequels and the nostalgia fest of The Force Awakens, this story of the beginnings of the #RebelRebel alliance is the Star Wars movie I waited my whole life for. #Septembowie @Marchpane
Loved this YA Rogue One prequel about Jyn Erso's life before the events of the movie. She has a pretty rough life and we know from the movie she doesn't get a happily ever after ending. 😢 But it's powerful to see an ordinary girl take a courageous path and save the galaxy, despite circumstances rarely being in her favor. Also, I still want a Cassian Andor (sp?) prequel too.
By using fear to control people and their behavior on the road to creating peace-as the character says:
"That's not peace"
This was such a great addition to Jyn's character. I loved all the backstory it filled in. Between this and Catalyst, there is so much more nuance to Jyn, Galen, Saw, and Krennic in the movie. I highly recommend this one!
Just enjoying some Star Wars and cuddles with Beru. #catsoflitsy
Catching up in my Star Wars backlist in preparation for the new release if Inferno Squad on Tuesday. Liking this one so far.
So yeah, I like reading some of the newer SW novels that explore stories outside of the movies. Guys, the SW universe is HUGE, and that's part of why I love it.
Rebel Rising is Jyn Erso's story prior to Rogue One; being raised by Saw Gerrera, being exposed to his extremist views, the rebellion, and seeing the toll the extremist from both sides have on the galaxy.
P.S. That's my new favorite thing, my plush bantha, in the corner by Jyn..
I finally caved and bought the two latest Star Wars books this past weekend. ❤️Thrawn is amazing and I can't wait to see Beth Revis' entry into the universe.
The Rogue One tie in books have been so good! This was tremendous. Jyn may be my favorite Star Wars character. The last half of the book just flew by! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I didn't go too overboard with my "me time", but I did pick up Jyn's back story, because I just love her!!
My library haul today. Bonk by Mary Roach, Rebel Rising by Beth Revis, Geektastic edited by Holly Black, The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli are all books checked out for me. The Girl Who Drank The Moon by Kelly Barnhill and The Wee Free Men by Terry Pratchett audio books and Planes Fire and Rescue on DVD for my daughter. I also found a ARC of Blood and Ink by Stephen Davies in a freebie box. #libraryhaul
I didn't have a chance to post books for #maybookshowers yesterday. An unexpected trip to the emergency room (everything ended up being fine, just a bit of a scare) meant we are celebrating #maythefourthbewithyou in our house today instead. So here are some Star Wars books I'm curious about. I'm dying to know Jyn's story! Happy (belated) Star Wars day, everyone! #inagalaxyfarfaraway @RavenRenegade
If you're a Jyn Erso fan, this book is a must read. I absolutely loved it--it broke my heart.