I ordered the Sci fi grab bag from half price books- unfortunately these are all parts of a series. Does anyone know if any of them could be read as a stand alone or out of order?
I ordered the Sci fi grab bag from half price books- unfortunately these are all parts of a series. Does anyone know if any of them could be read as a stand alone or out of order?
There were parts of this book where i questioned was there any need for it. However, i was really happy with the ending and still really enjoyed it. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Meh. So much talking - very little showing. Pretty unimpressed with this conclusion to the #Mithermages series, though to be fair, this is one of OSC's weaker series. Great premise & the first book started out strong, but it went downhill from there. This conclusion feels a bit like he phoned it in tbh.
⭐️⭐️/5 • because it's not the worst thing I've ever read
"Please don't take this as a challenge," said Stone. "Being possessed by the devil isn't a recreational drug. It's losing *everything*."
As a writer, I love OSC; his storytelling & world building are excellent. Ender's Game will always be one of my favorite books. Buuuuuuut.... as a person, OSC is absolute homophobic, racist, & misogynistic trash. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm thrilled my library had this book in the stacks so I can read the final book of the #Mithermages series AND avoid giving my money to a such a shitty person. #lovemylibrary #OSCisanabsoluteshitofaperson #itsashamereally
Fun conclusion to a series. Everything wrapped up nicely by the end. Not as good as the classic OSC of the 1980s/1990s, but still good (especially if not comparing to past OSC works).