Proud of myself for exceeding my goal of reading 20 books in 2019! I had my 5th concussion in July and have some minor cognitive impairment so adjusting back to school was rough and I was afraid I wouldn't reach my reading goal, but I did it!
Proud of myself for exceeding my goal of reading 20 books in 2019! I had my 5th concussion in July and have some minor cognitive impairment so adjusting back to school was rough and I was afraid I wouldn't reach my reading goal, but I did it!
Mild concussion confirmed. So this is good bye for at least four days or until my symptoms go away. Off line ansd off screen. Thank you all for the good wished.
Urgh! After the (rather funny) Christmas show ordeal, I went out about 20h to walk the dog. Had I mentioned the freezing rain? So I was walking on sheet ice and yes, you guessed it, I fell right on my back. And hit head. Don't think I have a concussion. If I do, it's quite minor. I have a headache and I am wobbly, but I have no other symptoms and I can concentrate. If I still have those symptoms tomorrow, or get worse, clinic it is. What a day.