5✨I love these books! They are so funny in a simple way. While the animation is simple they added claymation to this one.
5✨I love these books! They are so funny in a simple way. While the animation is simple they added claymation to this one.
One of my sweet students donated this from the book fair this week. The kids love these books.
I'm thinking of going back and re reading the book Pilkey spoofs and then the dog man book again.
Waiting and reading at the doctor‘s office.
#BoysReadToo #BlackBoyJoy #BrilliantBlackBoy #KidsOfLitsy #LibrarianMom
Yes, that is a dog vomiting to put out a fire.
Dogman made a guest appearance at our school‘s Literacy Night!!! The kids loved him. 😎
These two boys both wanted to read the same book at the same time so they compromised and are taking turns reading it aloud to each other. This is actually a common occurrence in my house and I LOVE IT ❤️ #raisingreaders
We went to Kroger for ingredients to make smoothies today, but they have no idea how happy they made one 7-year-old with this marked down price. I had told my daughter she could use her Christmas money to buy this when we go to a bookstore later this week, but she spotted it in the grocery store! She read it on the way home and finished it shortly after. She loves this series!
The kid who hates hates hates hates reading is reading unprompted. I didn't beg and I didn't bargain. I sure am thankful for Dav Pilkey 💙🌟 #christmasmiracle
I don‘t think I can ever have too much Dogman
December 24
#coverlove #MGedition
That‘s all for this round folks.