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In Search of Lost Time: Swann's Way: A Graphic Novel
In Search of Lost Time: Swann's Way: A Graphic Novel | Marcel Proust
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"Proust was the greatest novelist of the twentieth century, just as Tolstoy was in the nineteenth," wrote Graham Greene. "For those who began to write at the end of the twenties or the beginning of the thirties, there were two great inescapable influences: Proust and Freud, who are mutually complementary." With its sweeping digressions into the past and reflections on the nature of memory, Proust's oceanic novel In Search of Lost Time looms over twentieth-century literature as one of the greatest, yet most endlessly challenging literary experiences. Influencing writers like Virginia Woolf and James Joyce, and even anticipating Albert Einstein in its philosophical explorations of space and time, In Search of Lost Time is a monumental achievement and a virtual rite of passage for any serious lover of literature.Now, in what renowned translator Arthur Goldhammer says might be "likened to a piano reduction of an orchestral score," the French illustrator Stephane Heuet re-presents Proust in graphic form for anyone who has always dreamed of reading him but was put off by the sheer magnitude of the undertaking. This graphic adaptation reveals the fundamental architecture of Proust s work while displaying a remarkable fidelity to his language as well as the novel's themes of time, art, and the elusiveness of memory. As Goldhammer writes in his introduction, the compression required by this kind of adaptation As Goldhammer writes in his introduction, "the reader new to Proust must attend closely, even in this compressed rendering, to the novel's circling rhythms and abrupt cross-cuts between different places and times. But this necessary attentiveness is abetted and facilitated by the compactness of the graphic format. In this first volume, Swann's Way, the narrator Marcel, an aspiring writer, recalls his childhood when in a now immortal moment in literature the taste of a madeleine cake dipped in tea unleashes a torrent of memories about his family s country home in the town of Combray. Here, Heuet and Goldhammer use Proust's own famously rich and labyrinthine sentences and discerning observations to render Combray like never before. From the water lillies of the Vivonne to the steeple and stained glass of the town church, Proust's language provides the blueprint for Heuet's illustrations. Heuet and Goldhammer also capture Proust's humor, wit, and sometimes scathing portrayals of Combray's many memorable inhabitants, like the lovelorn Charles Swann and the object of his affection and torment, Odette de Crecy; Swann's daughter Gilberte; local aristocrat the Duchesse de Guermantes; the narrator's uncle Adolphe; and the hypochondriac Aunt Leonie.Including a Proust family tree, a glossary of terms, and a map of Paris, this graphic adaptation is a surprising and useful companion piece to Proust s masterpiece for both the initiated and those seeking an introduction."
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I failed epically in my attempt to read Swann‘s Way earlier this year; I only managed to read 5 pages! I decided to try the graphic novel version instead. There‘s several maps of Paris in the book to help visualize the locations. I think this might be the way to go!

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#MayMovieMagic Day 16: #LeTempsDAmour reminds me of Swann‘s Way - The meat of the story lies in Swann‘s affair with Mdm Odette de Crecy who played Swann like a flute (and so many other men besides) that his resistance was futile as was his yielding, inevitable and quite obsessive. There is beauty here, so much of it that fills the senses – the thickness of the book, the scent of the new pages, the exquisite art. My review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-awC

Cinfhen Do u usually enjoy GN??? I‘m just not a fan of the format 😣 5y
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A good overview for people who, like me, are both intimidated and enticed by Proust's masterwork. Beautiful artwork. #graphicnovels #proust

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In my experience with graphic novels, this book had a lot of narrative. The art was not very tight but the intent was clear. The book is narrated by a young boy, Marcel, who admires his neighbors, the Swanns. In addition, Marcel is influenced by weather and books. The imagery Marcel draws from weather & his books guide his interpretation of the Swann‘s every day life. Marcel‘s assumptions were interesting and not too far from the Swann‘s roots.

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This quote jumped out at me. I‘m home sick & this brought me some #Zen.

“What was deepest in me, the constantly moving core that governed all the rest, was my belief in the philosophical...”

#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails

Seldom Bravo! I love the quote and loved the book. 6y
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This lad loved his uncle but was forbidden to visit him after an improper visit with a “tart”. A family squabble ensued leaving them #Broken-hearted
#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails

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“Clearly, the truth I was after was not in the taste but in me. The taste awakened it...”

#SpeechBubbleChallenge #LetsGetGraphicWeeklongMarathon #LetsGetGraphicPhotoPrompts @Clwojick @TricksyTails

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#AprilBookShowers Day 16: #ThoughtProvoking - I am not sure whether I would ever be ready for the massive series that is Proust - without images! This graphic novel adaptation is already quite challenging (but so invigorating too) in and of itself.

Lacythebookworm Whoa! I didn't know this existed! Definitely need to take a look 😊👍 7y
GatheringBooks @Lacythebookworm apparently it took years to complete this graphic novel. so exquisite! 7y
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When work has reached the zenith of stress levels (even going way beyond those peaks), this here is what makes me smile. Free books in the mail. I ❤️ review copies! 😍

Lmstraubie You received this one as a review copy?!? Nice 😎 7y
GatheringBooks @Lmstraubie yup! all of them! :) nice, right? 7y
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This is my #favegraphicnovel. The artist skillfully depicts poetic shifts in time, place, styles and character. The narrative is surprisingly intact and it is not just groupings of beautiful memories. While many prefer to go through their lives Proustless, I don't recommend it. Although Proust's droning paragraphs go on for pages & have fallen out of style today, in an era before television his prose is widescreen literature for sure. #booktober

LeahBergen The illustrations look beautiful. 8y
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Today at the library in Amherst, I discovered this graphic novel based on Proust's masterpiece! Isn't it amazing that someone would attempt such a thing!

DeeLew Wow! 8y
Louise @DeeLew Mind-blowing, n'est-ce pas?! 💥🔥⚡️🌟 8y
ReadingEnvy I tried reading it but felt I should have already read the original to appreciate it. 8y
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Louise @ReadingEnvy I felt the same way! I've had the unabridged boxed set in my home office for a few years now--makes a great door-stopper, by the way!--but haven't found the right group of weeks to dive into it. Maybe this winter! So until then, this graphic novel version remains at the library! ☺️ 8y
Hobbinol After reading the original, do check this out. I think the artist's visualization of Swan's Way is inspired. I was totally charmed! I wish they'd release the other volumes! I've been taking my time with Proust-- reading a volume each summer. Next summer will be my last🙁. Then all I'll have to look forward to is this graphic series. 8y
Louise @Hobbinol Oh, I like the idea of reading a volume per year! Good thinking! You might enjoy Arnold Weinstein's lectures on Proust, available on Audible as part of one of his Great Courses. I'm curious to find out if the wording in the graphic novel is as charming as the illustrations. Ah, so much to read! 🤓 8y
katedensen Go ahead and read it. I'm NOT a Proust fan, so the graphic novel is probably better IMO. Lol. 8y
Hobbinol Thanks. I'll check Audible out. The text in the graphic book does a fine job of getting to the point without leaving too much out (Proust's sentences can go on for pages!) I usually start Proust in July so that I'm feeling very French by Bastille Day.😄 8y
Louise @katedfisher You could try "Proust lite" with the very clever 8y
Louise @Hobbinol At what point does the beret come out and at what point the madeleines? 🇫🇷 8y
Hobbinol Louise, I think you've hit on something important 😉I think that's why @katedfisher doesn't like Proust: she doesn't know how to accessorize the book properly -- with a tisane and a madeleine and a beret😂. @katedfisher you're letting me down here! You need to break out some linden leaves and fine porcelain and get with the program! 8y
katedensen @Hobbinol @Louise Oh, believe me, I can pull off a beret. I keep meaning to give Swann's Way another try, but...I do like the Proust Questionnaire if that counts for anything? 8y
Louise @Hobbinol Oui, vraiment! Il faut lire Proust avec le panache approprié! 8y
Louise @katedfisher A beret and a Proust questionnaire are a good start! One more prop and you're ready for the big time! We believe in you! 8y
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Three boxes of books arrived today. This is just a teaser. Love it.

GatheringBooks @thegirlwiththelibrarybag Christmas in September!!! 8y
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My introduction to Proust

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I'm not gonna lie. Proust is Proust. It doesn't get better because there are pictures. But to their credit, adapting Proust for a graphic novel is pretty damn difficult. It just might be kinda amazing......

Lindy I really enjoyed this adaptation. 8y
Godmotherx5 I‘m trying not to bail on this one. I wanted a quick read. No such luck. 7y
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