I can‘t tell you how much I hated this book. Incredibly gendered. You don‘t want your husband to divorce you because you are making a mess while figuring out how to make your space beautiful AM I RIGHT LADIES? 🙄🙄
I can‘t tell you how much I hated this book. Incredibly gendered. You don‘t want your husband to divorce you because you are making a mess while figuring out how to make your space beautiful AM I RIGHT LADIES? 🙄🙄
This book is so dangerous in all the best home decor ways. I read one chapter and walk away with the attitude of “YES. I AM the queen of this castle. I WILL do ALL the things.” She specifically cautions against that reaction. 😂 But she‘s so dang sweet, inspiring, and relatable. Unlike Marie Kondo, who made me feel judged and left me emotionally clinging to my giant piles of books like Gollum and the ring. 😳🤣 Anyone else feel that way? Just me?
What a great way to procrastinate cleaning and packing earlier today - with a cup of coffee and a good book!
#cozy #minimalist #home #coffee #kettle #procrastination #quarentine #lazy #dayoffwork #nowork #leather
Creating a home you love is simply about deciding what to focus on and then giving yourself permission to stop worrying about the rest.
Some interesting perspectives and helpful decorating tips, nothing earth shattering but worth the read.
I have a lot of love for Smith's first book, The Nesting Place. I didn't love this one as much, but if you have always felt that minimalism equals cold & sterile (and cozy equals cluttered), this is a good place to start. Smith doesn't introduce anything groundbreaking, but does take the reader step by step through setting up a room. If you already love your house & feel comfortable with your decorating style, give this one a pass. But if ⬇️
Diving in for some inspiration! #currentread
I've been reading Stoner and How to Stop Time since Sunday - I would really like to finish at least one of them today! Both are rather heavy going. As expected, Stoner is depressing the bejeebers out of me haha
Just started the tagged book as well - LOVED Smith's first book (The Nesting Place) but somehow missed this one when it came out. Her writing is so friendly and accessible. Also loving the way my current reads match! 😁
Here‘s what I read in May. It was just an okay month for me. Lots of audiobooks; lots of library books.
#monthlywrapup #maywrapup #mayreads
Bummed to say I just couldn‘t get into this one. It just felt like I went 40 pages reading the exact same thing over and over again. So back to the library it goes!
I would say though that this would be a great starting point for someone who is new to minimalism or is looking for a way to make minimalism work for them! Good ideas, just not something that I was learning from.
Not the worst way to spend an afternoon! 🌞
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Home decor has never been my strong suit, and I would like to get better at it. Smith offers a simple methodology for determining how to make each space functional first and pretty second. Her concept of quieting a room (removing EVERYTHING except the largest pieces of furniture to reassess) seems particularly helpful. I‘d recommend this to anyone wanting decor help, even if you‘re not into minimalism.
I really really enjoyed this book! I cannot say enough good things about it. It really spoke to me and I‘m tempted to buy it just so I can read it again some day. I have so many decorative items and am definitely a “stuff manager”. This book had great tips for how to downsize your decor while still having a cozy and welcoming home. It definitely can be overwhelming to have so much stuff so I really enjoyed the thought provoking book ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I had to wait a while for this library hold to come in so I‘m excited to finally open it up tonight! 📖
“People are the most important part of a home, not stuff.”
Working in interior design, I sometimes lose sight that my own home is for my family and me. Our home is not for a client who I have to find the perfect “stuff” for, it‘s for my husband, me, and our two lovably derpy cats.
This book is reminding me that work and home are two different things; what my clients need are not necessarily what I need too.
#catsoflitsy #cozy #home #design
I see your polar vortex and raise you a cinnamon hot chocolate with rum chata and a hygge book. 👍
I really liked this! It‘s making me think about my house in new ways. And reading this + watching Tidying Up has set me on the decluttering train! #howjessreadsin2019
Finally, a design book I can get behind. With simple, concrete steps to take, this book gives you questions to really ponder about how your home is functioning. One of my goals this year is to “create a cozy, functional home that really works for us.” This is just the book to guide me there.
I‘m not into interior design, but I love tips on making my home feel cozy with LESS STUFF! The author gives tangible take aways. Start by “quieting” the room by emptying it of stuff. Then figure out where the big furniture pieces go. Next is a rug, then drapes, then paint & artwork; always in that order. Other tips: go big on rugs & artwork instead of using lots of small random items. Accessories: create vignettes. Seasonal: equipment, not decor.
Getting into the New Year‘s spirit a bit with a book on cozy minimalism and a taco salad for dinner! 🥗 📚
This book has me wishing I could underline like crazy, too bad it‘s a library book!
“I was becoming a Stuff Manager, and here was my job description: look through stuff, put stuff away, organize stuff, feel guilty because I haven‘t organized other stuff, fuss at my kids because their stuff wasn‘t put away...” 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼 #friyayintro
Heyyyyy it‘s Friday! I can‘t believe I forgot again. 😂🤦🏼♀️
So let‘s keep it short and sweet — tag your current read and share your projected total! And tag a friend if ya wanna help me spread the word. 🙂
#friyayintro - Just picked up this hold from the library today! I‘m super excited to read it. I‘ve finished 177 books. Will definitely finish at least 1 more. Possibly up to 4 more... depends on my weekend.
I can‘t quite put my finger on why but this was a miss for me. It got a bit repetitive and she didn‘t really seem to say much in the space she had.
Thank you @WanderingBookaneer for this link to 42 #Kindledailydeals today.
How many will you get?