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13 Minutes
13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
I was dead for 13 minutes. I don't remember how I ended up in the icy water but I do know this - it wasn't an accident and I wasn't suicidal. They say you should keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but when you're a teenage girl, it's hard to tell them apart. My friends love me, I'm sure of it. But that doesn't mean they didn't try to kill me. Does it? 13 MINUTES by Sarah Pinborough is a gripping psychological thriller about people, fears, manuiplation and the power of the truth. A stunning read, it questions our relationships - and what we really know about the people closest to us . . .
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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4✨Another on my TBR for way too long. About a girl who dies for 13 minutes and loses her memory. There is some twisty high school drama that keeps you wondering what really is going on. There is drugs and sex with teens I‘m not comfortable with. Overall, a solid story with a great ending that blew my mind.

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I like this author a lot and this one didn‘t disappoint! Natasha, the beautiful, popular girl, was dead for 13 minutes. She has amnesia and doesn‘t remember if she fell in the river or was pushed in, nor the events just before the incident. When she starts to expect her 2 closest friends, Natasha turns to her former friend, Becca, to help her unravel the mystery of that horrible night. A very decent YA thriller!


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 10mo
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I found the mystery in this novel interesting, though only mildly difficult to solve. However, a lot of the characters made some pretty dumb mistakes which made the story drag on a little. The ending did a pretty good job of making up for some of the slower parts in the middle, though.

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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This book felt like it was going to be predictable, but it detoured from what I expected and a twist at the end kept it fresh. I enjoyed it, but wasn't overly impressed.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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This was a Three Star book. Just not my cup of tea. If you like One of Us is Lying and Pretty Little Liars than this may be for you.

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I read this for a book club. There were some who really enjoyed it and some who really hated it. I was somewhere in the middle. It's hard to describe this book without spoilers. It felt like it was two books and two genres; part YA part adult psychological thriller. That inconsistency didn't work well for me.
Most of the characters are female and none of the characters are particularly likeable.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Lots of self obsessed #YoureSoVain teenagers in the tagged read. But I‘m starting to really enjoy it and am wondering where the heck it‘s going

Lizpixie 👍❤️ 5y
TrishB My daughter keeps telling me to read this! 5y
JennyM @TrishB I‘ve just finished...very good. And I can definitely see how her ideas developed for 5y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Went to the driving range with one of my sons and hubby. I get to read :)

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Starting this YA from Pinborough

JennyM Ooo, I‘ve got this on hold at the library. Looking forward to your thoughts. Hope it‘s good 😊. 5y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

Finished my first book of 2019. I could take it or leave it...okay for a YA but a bit too high school drama for me. Things like this just don‘t REALLY happen, ya know?!

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

A good plot twist that actually works when you think about what happens throughout the book

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I shouldn‘t have any trouble finding a comfy place to read 🤣 #readingbuddy #chocolatelab #dogsoflitsy #dozerdog

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Ooh it‘s getting good!!

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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This was EXCELLENT. Popular girl Tasha is found near death in a river, and secretly reunites with her “uncool” ex-best-friend Becca to find out what happened to her. Sarah Pinborough has gained a new fan with this one. The plot twists were totally unexpected to me, and it was just...great!

CoffeeNBooks I thought this was a really great book! 5y
larah17 @CoffeeNBooks I really enjoyed it! 5y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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So much love to @kellyann28 and @Elma for these Kindle books! It was so very thoughtful of you and I appreciate your kindness. I can‘t wait to read them! ❤️🥰❤️ #kindlitsy

kellyann28 Thanks for being so sweet 🎄❤ 5y
JoScho @kellyann28 🥰❤️ 5y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I absorbed myself in this book since the night before and finished this morning.

I was a little hesitant to read another book by this author because I didn‘t like Behind Her Eyes but this book was so much better than that one.

The whining teenage girls was a little annoying but that‘s how children are so I tried to remind myself that. The characters are great. The story is a great psychological thriller.


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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Sorry for how small it is but I had to share. 🤓


Schnoebs 100% yes 😂 6y
squirrelbrain Love this! ❤️ 6y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Whoah. This was way darker and more twisted than I had anticipated- definitely a wild ride! Reminded me of Mean Girls meets Cruel Intentions...but a tad far fetched. I‘d love to met Sarah Pinborough and pick her brain!

Side Note- I always get slightly irritated when YA books casually refer to teen drug and alcohol use. Obviously we know kids are experimenting, but should we make it seem so commonplace?!
Recommend this for older HS+
3.5 🌟

ravenlee I agree about the drug and alcohol use. I also hate everybody having casual sex in YA. Sure, some high school kids are experimenting with substances and sex - but plenty are pretty straight-laced or just too plain busy for that stuff. In HS I honestly believed everybody's stories about wild weekend parties were made up or exaggerated. It wasn't until near graduation I actually started believing them. 6y
ravenlee Admittedly, that was 20 years ago and I was both naive and crazy busy, but still...I doubt I'm the only one, ever. 6y
JoScho Interesting-stacked ❤️ 6y
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Kaylamburson I completely agree, @ravenlee. I was just thinking that today while reading a YA galley since it had jokes about drinking and driving and needing alcohol to get through the day...at 16! I don‘t like that books are making it the norm. And it‘s pushing out more wholesome stories. For instance, on @ahoffkosik ‘s podcast, they discussed Princess Diaries and how it wouldn‘t have been popular today because it‘s too young. I liked wholesome as a teen. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Kaylamburson @ravenlee yes! There are so many times I‘m reading a great YA book and they throw in the sex/alcohol/drugs completely unnecessarily and all of a sudden I can‘t recommend it to my 8th graders bc it‘s not appropriate! Drives me mad! I understand making things a little edgy to draw in that age group but geezealou! (edited) 6y
Eggs I hate that we/booklist makers/schools/authors feel like we need to normalize sex/drugs to catch or keep our adolescents' attention 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Eggs Books already struggle against other forms of entertainment such as movies/tv/video games- so I guess I understand why they do it but it is def frustrating! 6y
Peddler410 Speaking as a mom and middle school librarian: we need more books for kiddos reading above grade level that are keeping content at grade level. My daughter (9) is reading things my middle schoolers read — I‘m fully involved, so it‘s okay. I wish I could give her more at that reading level that feature kiddos her age! 🙂 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Peddler410 I totally agree with you! Diary of a Wimpy Kid just ain‘t cutting it anymore! Lol 6y
Daisey @Peddler410 @TheFunkyBookworm I agree with this completely! I struggle with the same thing in choosing books for my 6th-8th class library as well as recommending books for my above level readers. 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Daisey I‘m hoping to use #YAWednesday as a way to compile a list of books by genre/category that are appropriate for my 8th graders. I kind of wish Books came with tv/movie ratings- like PG/PG13! The levels of books are easier to figure out but content not so much...unless you read it lol So many times the premise of a book sounds promising but then midway through they sneak something in and bam- no longer appropriate! 6y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Starting another #YAWednesday pick from @jwashreads ... this one sounds awesome and I LOVED Behind Her Eyes!

Sigh... apparently I need to start getting to the pool at 8am if I want to read in peace and quiet...or I could stop being a brat- but that is significantly less likely 😒😝

Kdazy Please tell me you give "the look" or say something to misbehaving kids like I do! ? 6y
TheFunkyBookworm @Kdazy of course! I also had to have a stern talk with some teens about their use of language- they were yes ma‘am-ing me by the time I was done 😂 I reserve “the look” for when the parents are there but don‘t say anything 🙄 6y
Kdazy @TheFunkyBookworm 😂that is fabulous! Haha! 6y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Hey #YAWednesday peeps! I had a hard time with this one because I really do not read mysteries and thrillers. I had to go back in my goodreads for a year! From what I understand, her adult thriller, Behind her Eyes, is spectacular! I struggled with the beginning of this one, but the end made up for it!

CoffeeNBooks I thought this was a great book! I just happened to pick it up when I was in the school library with my students. I haven't read Behind Her Eyes yet, but I want to! 6y
TheFunkyBookworm Ohhh I‘ve read Behind Her Eyes and LOVED that one!!! I can see this one is going to be a must read for me- and hopefully for my students! Lol thank you for participating 💜🎉 6y
jwashreads @CoffeeNBooks @TheFunkyBookworm my friend read Behind Her Eyes and loved it so much that she wrote the publisher to tell them. Then the publisher sent her and ARC of 13 Minutes and another book in thanks! I was really cool! 6y
CoffeeNBooks @jwashreads Wow! That's so awesome!! 6y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

A solid crime story that didn‘t read like the description. I‘m not disappointed in the disparity b/c had it been that, the book would have sucked. It was full of twists and turns, some predictable and some not, and was told through narrative, interviews, and diary entries so that was fun to read. It‘s a YA book and had hallmarks of that but nothing to the point of distraction. It took time to find its groove but worth getting there in the end.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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As usual I'm late to the party
Software Analyst
Reading, cooking, knitting
Tigers, dogs, whales, otters
Green and blue
Recces Pieces
Gin & Tonics
Star Wars

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I almost missed this! I love you guys!

goodbyefrancie 👏👏👏👏 6y
TrishB 🎉🎉👍🏻 6y
AmyG Congrats!🎊🎉 6y
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Ddzmini Congratulations 🎊🎉🍾🎈 6y
DGRachel Congrats!🎉🎉🍾🎉🎉 6y
Texreader Awesome!!! 🎉🎉🎉👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 6y
CoverToCoverGirl 🎉🎉🍾🍾😎 6y
Jas16 🎉👏📚 6y
hes7 Yay! 🎉 6y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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A full review can be found on my website! Link in bio!

Meh. Not a bad book. Not a great one. Kinda forgettable after you've finished it. But there's hopes for the author as there's obvious promise!

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Just tore through this book - has anyone else read it yet? What do you think?

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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#novemberbythenumbers #thirteen
@JoeStalksBeck @Tiffy_Reads
Daughter is in the middle of reading this one.

Melissa_J Is this new, or just not been released on this side of the Atlantic yet? 7y
TrishB @Melissa_J don't think it's new - seems to have been on her shelves for a while. 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

We didn't need the play. Everyone was already pretending to be someone else.

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Check out my #book review at LaceyDoesLit.com! #books #bookworm #booknerd #reader #reading #foreverreading

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Looked up from my book.

Riveted_Reader_Melissa 💙😂💙 7y
LauraBrook Hah! Love that goat! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Matilda @LauraBrook she's one of a kind lol 7y
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Mommamanzi Hhaha 7y
[DELETED] 206653737 Hilarious! Animals a great! 7y
Mamashep 😂😂😂 7y
Tanzy13 aw 🐶 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Book fuel after the longest week in the longest month in the longest year.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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current mood: rainy day bliss
hot tea and the start of a new book
Reading: 13 Minutes
Sipping: Date Night Tea (dates and chocolate herbal tea) 📚💛🌧💛☕️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Love this pic ❤️ 7y
Zelma Very cozy looking! 👍 7y
nicholes.book.nook @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks and @Zelma thank you so much! 💛 I love rainy fall(ish) days! 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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A deliciously evil and twisted look at frenemies. Mean Girls meets Heathers. Read it. Rating: 4/5.

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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It's raining, it's pouring... and the review of 13 Minutes is finally allowed to be up on the blog! Give it a read, at


13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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I've been so distracted that it's taken a year and a half (it seems) to finish this. First thing on the docket for the weekend.

I loved Behind Her Eyes and I'm excited to dive back into this...even though there is also an Anthropologie sale calling my name.

Reviewsbylola I wasn't aware she had other books! 7y
kate_reads @Reviewsbylola don't quote me on this 😜--but I think her stuff is just getting released to the US recently? 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

Ahhhhh!!! This book Littens! It was insane! YA like I've never seen it before! I want to shout about this book from the roof tops! But due to the publishers requests, I've had to schedule the review for the blog until September. Boo. This was my very first ARC from netgalley and I absolutely can't wait to dive into the next one!

In closing, it's a crazy ride. You'll love it. It comes out on ***OCTOBER 3RD***

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Book mail!!
I love book mail!
Will be published in the US on October 3, 2017

Bostonmomx2 There's a giveaway on #Goodreads for this right now for those interested 😊 7y
MimiLovesToRead @Bostonmomx2 i love goodreads giveaways! 7y
readingallthetime I'm jealous. 7y
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readingallthetime I couldn't find the book giveaway link. 7y
readingallthetime Book Mail is the U.K. Site? 7y
MimiLovesToRead @readingallthetime i got it from Book Depository 7y
readingallthetime Okay. I recall you mentioning that site a few things times before. 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Myst and my very first Netgalley request! Can't wait to review this one for the blog!

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Oh man! 13 Minutes was such an intense ride!! I finished it last night and I honestly can't recommend this book enough. Definitely has a Heathers vibe to it, so if your a fan of the movie/musical you need to add this to your TBR. ************************************
🌟13 Minutes by Sarah Pinborough. ************************************

13 minuten | Sarah Pinborough
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Wow ik vond dit boek echt goed! Er zaten een aantal goede twists in! Zeker een aanrader.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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Always happy to get #bookmail from @flatironbooks !

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13 minuten | Sarah Pinborough
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Ikik dacht dat dit boek weinig verrassend was maar het wist mij wel te verassen tegen het einde! Ik schrok ervan hoe gemeen tieners kunnen zijn tegen elkaar en wat ze allemaal belangrijk vinden en hoe de dingen echt zo snel en gemakkelijk uit de hand kunnen lopen.
Ik raad dit boek echt aan. Het is intrigerend, realistisch en geeft een heel leerrijke inkijk in de gevoelens en gedrag van tieners in deze geavanceerde technologische wereld.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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13 minuten | Sarah Pinborough
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Ik heb zo wel mijn vermoedens. Ik ben heel erg benieuwd of ze kloppen..

anniekslibrary Is dit boek een aanrader? 7y
Chocomeiske Ik vind hem goed maar niet echt verassend. Het is nog niet uit maar tenzij er iets heel onverwachts gebeurt aan de einde, krijg hij van mij en 3 ⭐️ 7y
Chocomeiske @anniekslibrary wel een aanrader! Juist uitgelezen en het is zeker de moeite waard 👌🏻 7y
anniekslibrary Goed om te weten! Ik zal hem binnenkort eens lezen😄 7y
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13 minuten | Sarah Pinborough
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Since I've finished reading Blackwing I've added this book to my #currentlyreading stack since I can't seem to get into Gone Girl at the moment...
This is s sneak peek of sorts of my most recent #bookshop which I haven't yet posted..
This bit from the synopsis is especially interesting:
"Ze zeggen dat je je vrienden dichtbij moet houden en je vijanden nog dichterbij, maar als je een tiener bent, is het moeilijk om ze uit elkaar te houden..."

13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough

4 sterren. Awesome YA-thriller. Het voelt meteen alsof je in de sfeer van Pretty Little Liars wordt meegevoerd: geheimen, roddels op school en een knappe leraar. Heerlijk om te lezen en méga spannend. Extra leuk is dat je tussendoor sms'jes leest die naar elkaar worden gestuurd.

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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"We zijn allemaal verschillend, wij beste vriendinnen, maar we zijn allemaal dol op toneelspelen, of het nou op de planken is of in het echt" (p.51)

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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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An interesting read, although, I did guess the outcome quite early on. I enjoyed the YA perspective and the narrator did an awesome job. The bitchiness of teenage girls is quite prominent in the story and certainly accurate, by today's standards.

Cinfhen Oh, same author as 7y
Ms_T @Cinfhen @Jhullie My favourite book of May is 7y
Cinfhen @Ms_T I can't decide if I liked the book...right now I'm not feeling it 😑 7y
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13 Minutes | Sarah Pinborough
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A gripping murder mystery of fears and manipulation, this story is riddled with #Lies and hidden #Truths. #MayBookFlowers @RealLifeReading

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