At some point, Gorey's library overflowed his bookcases and engulfed everything
At some point, Gorey's library overflowed his bookcases and engulfed everything
Officially claiming Edward Gorey a Florida boy. Go ahead and fight me.
#Scarathon #TeamSlaughter @Clwojick Taking a bit of a liberty with today‘s prompt #Gory with this great biography of #edwardGorey but he is worth it! Have a great Saturday littens!
This one was a bit of a struggle for me. The story of Edward Gorey. It went into depth on a lot of his work, which was cool. And speculated a lot about his sexuality and how that effected his life and art.
I LOVED this biography. It's inspiring and eccentric, just like its subject. I only wish it spent a little more time on his cats, but here's my Margo to make up for that. #biography #arthistory
Stayed up too late reading last night so I really need this today.
New week, new read! Been looking forward to this. #biography #art
I would recommend this to big fans of Gorey. The discussions of his books and life are interesting. The long explanations of his art influences and love of ballet were beyond me and pretty slow.
#TBRtemptation post 1! A thicker biography about an immense influencer of modern entertainment, particularly literature, and who was a most interesting man in everything from his wardrobe to his habits. From Tim Burton to Neil Gaiman, Edward Gorey has inspired many, and he‘s been dubbed the Grandfather of Goth thanks on part to his dark humor and unique illustrations. This should be interesting. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
I am headed for a very Gorey March!!!!!!!🤣💖 @ferskner
The husband and I went out to dinner, then to Barnes and Noble to take advantage of the #BookHaul sale. I've been really wanting to read the Gorey biography, but have a difficult time spending 40$ on a book... thanks to the sale I got it for 17$!
Having gathered slightly less than a handful of Gorey's books, and having been delighted and frustrated by them in equal measure, the publication of Dery's biography was a timely one for me. Perhaps now I would be provided with a key to understanding what on earth Gorey was on about!
Well, mission accomplished! Somewhat...
Dery explains for the uninitiated that the point of most of Gorey's work is that there is no specific point. 👇
I can never forget the sight of Edward Gorey striding down 57th Street, impeccable in silver jewelry and trademark full length sable, sweeping past me (I was waiting for my date)into Carnegie Hall for the NY Gay Men‘s Chorus Christmas concert (which was fabulous). He had such style and presence. From illustrator to book designer to set design to writing and producing plays...focused genius. Roomed with Frank O‘Hara, loved ballet. And so very alone
Janet Morgan, who oversaw the poetry department of New York's Gotham Book Mart, recalling the time she was busy typing something up, "and someone's standing over me going, 'Do you take traveler's checks?' and it's David Bowie buying Gorey books."
@saresmoore Thank you for flagging this book for me. I got it for Christmas and it's fabulous ?
#humpdaypost @MinDea
1. 2018 brought me a sweet and very happy baby nephew.
2. Finish “Lethal White”!
3. Best - Nephew baby, I got 2 new cats, and I got to hold multiple baby goats. Worst - 3 family deaths in a row and then my baby cat Dart randomly dropped dead as like the icing on the great big death cake.
4. nope, I‘m perfect as is.
5. Probably the new Edward Gorey biography!
A couple of treats: the Edward Gorey book was a gift from a publisher, and the Dickens was a post-Christmas discount I couldn't resist. I love both covers so much!
A thorough and excellent biography.
Given Gorey's love for cats, it seems fitting that Loki decided to use his biography as a pillow shortly after I finished it.
I got a book for Christmas!
Rainy Saturday reading!
Morning reading: Because HELL YES. 🖤☠️🖤