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The Lost Words
The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
41 posts | 33 read | 43 to read
Once upon a time, words began to vanish from the language of children. They disappeared so quietly that at first almost no one noticed - until one day, they were gone. But there is an old kind of magic for finding what is missing, and for summoning what has gone. If the right spells are spoken, the lost words can be brought back . . . All over the country, there are words disappearing from children's lives. Words like Dandelion, Otter, Bramble, Acorn and Lark represent the natural world of childhood, a rich landscape of discovery and imagination that is fading from children's minds. The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood. It is a joyful celebration of the poetry of nature words and the living glory of our distinctive, British countryside. With acrostic spell-poems by peerless wordsmith Robert Macfarlane and hand-painted illustrations by Jackie Morris, this enchanting book captures the irreplaceable magic of language and nature for all ages.
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Once upon a time words began to vanish from the Latin children, and those were mostly concerning nature, plants, birds and animals. This is the spell book that will bring those lost words back to life.

This is amazing and especially the illustrations.

These nature illustrations are beyond words and Jacki Morris did an incredible job

Tamra Love this beauty! 8mo
Becker I love this book. The print copy is beautiful but the audio is magical. It has got me through many a cold dark January night. 🌳 8mo
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris

Re-read 20.04.23 - I listened to the audiobook via library app - BorrowBox,
Still beautiful words/poems/spells. Read for reading challenges.


The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Gorgeous watercolor paintings by Jackie Morris! The accompanying poems by Robert MacFarlane are nice, nature poems about the star of each painting. But for me the illustrations are the stars of this book. So glad my library had this!

Aimeesue I love this book. 2y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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#ArtfulAugust Day 16: #BookishArt is outstanding in this gorgeous and exquisitely illustrated oversized picturebook.

Eggs You have an impressive picture book collection-I would have fun in your library🥰📚👏🏻 2y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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This was a perfect audiobook to listen to on a bright spring afternoon. Very short but the beautiful nature sounds and poems really had me immersed in the forest atmosphere. I really want the hard copy now as the artwork looks gorgeous!

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Lovely picture book of the day #LibraryWork

BookBabe Pretty! 3y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Gorgeous illustrations and fun poems about the natural world. Created in response to the Oxford Junior Dictionary removing 40 common words about nature and replacing them with modern, virtual words.

Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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*Except eagles, for they are too scary...


The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Absolutely gorgeous book! Love the pages where you had to puzzle out the animals and then it leads to poetry and back to beautiful images.

Soubhiville Wow that‘s pretty! I‘d love to see an image or two from the inside if you wanted to post some. 3y
youngreadrshelf @Soubhiville I will. When I get it back from my daughter. It was so gorgeous I had to share it. 3y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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What a fantastic audiobook! So glad that I found it for the #BookRiotReadHarderChallenge2021, “Read a book of nature poems.” Listening to this book, I felt like I was in the middle of a forest surrounded by wildlife. And every so often, a beautiful voice would read a poem. Absolutely captivating! The print version looks beautiful as well. I may have to purchase it to enjoy the artwork. 5/5⭐️

MemoirsForMe Uh-oh! You just added another book to my TBR. 😁 3y
Tamra I have it in print and it‘s worth every penny. Truly. (edited) 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @UwannaPublishme Oops, sorry (not sorry)😅I think this is a great one for your TBR. The audiobook wasn‘t very long, about 47 minutes. But so worth it. Really wonderful! 3y
PurpleyPumpkin @Tamra That‘s wonderful to hear! From what I‘ve seen online, it looks beautiful. Definitely a lovely addition to my permanent collection. 👍🏽 3y
MemoirsForMe 😁 I can easily handle 47 minutes. 👍🏻 3y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Paused book 7 to read book 8.
I will most likely get to 24 and surpass it!
I still want to read the second selection for the #24in48GroupRead . #24in48

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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I listened to it and followed with the printed book. It was a lovely experience.

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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I think this book is lovely. #BonBonCat seems to agree! #24in48 #CatsOfLitsy

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris

A BEAUTIFUL book of nature poems 😍📚 Read as part of the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge 2021 #readharderchallenge2021 @bookriot 5/5

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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“The Lost Words” is a beautiful audiobook, narrated by a selection of famous voices. I enjoyed this collection of poetry, but I can‘t help but feel that the print book would have made for a more magical read. It‘s 3 stars from me.

My full review is up on my blog now 📚

Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain

1. The Poisonwood Bible
2. I love the dandelion on the cover of The Lost Words!
3. I have a purple shamrock that has moved several house with us several times happily, a few aloes because they seem to multiply like stink and a hellebore type plant that I just can't stop being amazed about because after 1 month it is still alive!

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Oh the otters! So clearly present and accounted for. Oxford children's dictionary got it remarkably wrong.

It's taken me longer to ponder this book than it would have if my kiddos were still small. it's a rainy day lamenting yet delighted sort of book.

The book is obviously a labour of love for the lost words and for our kids. I admire someone who can act on their belief and passion. And when they can do it in such a talented, tender way..💓 💗

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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So this just rocketed to the top of my must have list...


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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Pure magic! An outstanding book in form, concept, and execution!

AndiM Love the cover!😍 5y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Daily deal on Audible. I loved this.

Birdsong28 This is UK @Ms_T @Andrew65 @Cathythoughts not my kind of thing but it might be yours. 😘📚📖 6y
Cathythoughts Thankyou for thinking of me .. I‘d say not for me either ... but it‘s a great deal 👍🏻 6y
Ms_T @Birdsong28 I‘ll have a look. Thanks for the tag 😘 6y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Beautiful illustrations, brilliant poems (or "summoning spells", as the author calls them), an overall concept that includes word find puzzles and acrostics. Cannot begin to say how much I love this magnificent book.

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Tamra Spectacular book! 6y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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This is a lovely bit of whimsy. Very soothing to listen to on audio, and a nice way to get your nature fix in the middle of winter.

Tamra The physical picture book is simply gorgeous! Oversized and the illustrations are incredible. If you get a chance, check it out at the library. 6y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Not a book to read, but rather a book to gaze at. Nonetheless, recommended. Such a gorgeous book, from A to Z!

The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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Beautiful new bi- annual journal ... with an emphasis on connecting your people with nature, so important as our planets future guardians.

“ Studies show children are better at identifying Pokemon characters than real animals and plants” Robert Macfarlane

Oryx That quote makes me sad. I try to buy my friends' kids nature books. Whether they read them though... 6y
Tamra Oh that‘s just terrible. 6y
Tamra Lost Words is just gorgeous! I have it sitting on my night stand. 6y
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Tamra How do I find this journal? 6y
Mitch @Oryx it‘s sad isn‘t it. But there‘s also a huge nature youth movement to balance it out - I hope! 6y
Tamra Thank you! 6y
LeahBergen What a beautiful looking journal! 6y
Mdargusch Beautiful! 6y
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The Lost Words: A Spell Book | Robert Macfarlane, Jackie Morris
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3 ARCs & 2 Prime Reads.
what the heck am I doing I don't have the time
She said, staunchly refusing to adult

Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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mrsmarch Kingfishers? My patronus! 7y
MarriedtoMrT Pretty! 7y
Oryx I love this book 7y
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readordierachel How lovely! 7y
batsy That's gorgeous. 7y
Tamra @Oryx @ReadOrDieRachel @batsy @MarriedtoMrT @mrsmarch it is exquisite! If your library has it, please check it out. Mine doesn‘t and I couldn‘t wait. Ultimately I think it is a call to be mindful of nature, lest it be lost. 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Wayyyyyy beyond 5⭐️ and worth every penny! It‘s like stepping into a museum.

mrsmarch I call my puppy “magpie” because she steals things for her “collection” in the backyard....but she also can start arguments in an empty room. 7y
Tamra @mrsmarch 😆 Good one! I didn‘t know magpies were so raucous. 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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I was leaving the library when I spotted this much-tweeted ode to nature ... I hadn't realised its such a large book! Not that that was any deterrent ;p

TommieMarie74 And such a gorgeous cover!! 😍😍😍 7y
Tamra I‘m waiting for my order from Book Depository & it‘s taking forever.......😬 I‘ve heard such wonderful things! 7y
BookishMe @TommieMarie74 my picture doesn't do justice 7y
BookishMe @Tamra yes, my son and I enjoyed a lovely bus ride, browsing through the delightful pages. Definitely a treat! 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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February was a small reading month. Having slumped for about 2 weeks during it though I don't think I did too badly. My favourite this month was The Lost Words. The worst was sadly Strata by Pratchett. #februarywrapup

Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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What a stunning book! Thanks for the recommendation @miralunasbooknook

I want to buy a copy for my niece too.

Christine11 So gorgeous! 7y
tpixie Great pictures! 7y
DivineDiana Love everything about this book! ❤️ 7y
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Tamra So want this beauty! 7y
batsy Gorgeous. 7y
laurieluna Only just seen this tag! I love this book so much ❤ 6y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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#AllAges. This oversize picture book of acrostic nature poetry, with sumptuous illustrations by Jackie Morris, celebrates words—from acorn to wren—that have been cut from the Oxford Junior Dictionary, and it would make a lovely gift. A portion of royalties will go to Action for Conservation, a charity inspiring young people to take action for the natural world.

Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Magpie Manifesto
Argue Every Toss!
Gossip, Bicker, Yak and Snicker All Day Long!
Pick a Fight in an Empty Room!
Interrupt, Interject, Intercept, Intervene!
Every Magpie for Every Magpie against Every Other
Walking Flying Swimming Creature on the Earth!


AmyG Beautiful 7y
Tonton Have got to get this:) 7y
DivineDiana Exquisite! Must have! 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Kingfisher: the colour-giver, fire-bringer, flame-flicker, river‘s quiver.

UrsulaMonarch Gorgeous. Stacked. Thanks! 7y
Lindy @UrsulaMonarch You‘re welcome. Two friends were at my house yesterday and after I showed them this book, both of them said they would buy copies for their little loved ones. 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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This is a book featuring nature words that have disappeared from the Oxford Junior Dictionary (acorn, bluebell, ivy, willow, raven etc). The font used for each feature word has letter elements that have disappeared. I love this attention to detail in the book design. ❤️

JazzFeathers Such an interesting premise 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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The artwork in this oversize picture book is by Jackie Morris and includes lots of gold leaf. Some of the printed text is in gold-coloured ink. It is such a beautiful book of nature poetry!


JazzFeathers Looks fantastic 😍 7y
ooomeooo ♥️ 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Dazzle me, little sun-of-the-grass!
And spin me, tiny time-machine!
Now no longer known as
Dent-de-lion, Lion‘s Tooth or Windblow,
Evening Glow, Milkwitch or Parachute, so
Let new names take root, thrive & grow,
I would make you some, such as
Bane of Lawn Perfectionists
Or Fallen Star of the Football Pitch
or Scatterseed, but
Never would I call you only, merely, simply, ‘weed.‘


Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Toddler just asked to read 'the big book' 😄 put it on his knee for scale. Its the same length as his legs!

TrishB Awww....that‘s lovely 💕 7y
MicrobeMom So cute!!! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks Oh, that looks beautiful! 💕 7y
laurieluna @CoffeeCatsBooks the artwork is perfect 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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I read this book to my son before bed. I ordered it to cheer myself up and for my sons to remember and hear words from nature that have been taken from the OJD. I only paid £10 on Amazon.
I cannot do this book justice. It's A3 size to start, which makes the illustrations even more beautiful. Here's a link to the Goodreads reviews, read the 5🌟 ones, then buy.

Oryx I've seen this before and it looks gorgeous. You've convinced me to finally get it. 7y
laurieluna @Oryx you'll not be disappointed. It's massive! The artwork is amazing and the poetry is 😍 my 2 and a half year old was captivated and I had so much fun reading it aloud. 7y
TrishB My daughter still has a stack of the books we read to her when she was a toddler - great memories 💕 7y
laurieluna @TrishB there's definitely a few in my sons collection that will be kept. Woke up to find him laying in bed flicking through the highway rat this morning! 😍 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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I‘m loving this oversize picture book that celebrates words—like ‘bluebell‘—that have been removed from a children‘s dictionary.

Tamra I was hoping my library has this one. 🙁 7y
quietlycuriouskate I adore this book 😍! So far I've only peeped into mine; I seem to have this idea that I need to save it for something special. 7y
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Lost Words | Robert Macfarlane
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Rustle of grass, sudden susurrus, what
the eye misses:
For adder is as adder hisses.


Libby1 Wonderful. 🐍 7y
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