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The Girls at 17 Swann Street
The Girls at 17 Swann Street | Yara Zgheib
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As a social worker, I can tell you this story is so inaccurate. There is no way Anna would only be in treatment for 5 weeks and then be discharged, with her severe anorexia. She never worked on her trauma and she had a feeding tube in a week before discharge?? No way. Not an accurate representation of recovery.

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Here‘s my review for a book I just bailed on.

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I decided to start this book tonight. I won this book from a Goodreads giveaway but I decided to listen to this book on audio. So far, I‘m not feeling emotionally invested in the story and I don‘t know what to think about the writing style even though the chapters are short. This book is kind of sad but I want to give it more time before I decide to DNF it.

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It‘s hard to say I enjoyed this book because it‘s all about anorexia, but I did because Zgheib is an excellent storyteller. I loved the character development and was routing for the characters through out!

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For my final update, I finished The Girls at 17 Swann Street the other night. I got it from Dollar Tree, and I have to say some of the best books I've read I got from Dollar Tree. This book is about a 26 year old woman getting treatment for anorexia nervosa. The author didn't write dialogue in the traditional way. It is a heartwarming novel. I routed for Anna Roux the whole way through and was left so emotional at the end.

EvieBee I really liked this one too. The author herself spent time in a facility like the one she wrote about. 3y
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i think one of the only books i‘ve read that never once glamorizes anorexia. never once does it talk about how thin is beautiful, instead it highlights all the negatives which is so refreshing. it even taught me a lot, like you lose your sense of taste when you have anorexia. very good

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Wow, what a book!

This is really difficult to read, as the main character is in so much pain. But it‘s an important book and I think it could help someone developing an eating disorder to feel seen and maybe start healing before they get to the point where Anne was. Also a great book for family and friends to read to better understand what suffering loved ones are experiencing.

Soubhiville @TheAromaofBooks this was my March #bookspin 😁. 4y
AmyG I am going to put this on my April Bookspin list....I have it somewhere. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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So that stopped me in my tracks. I had to read it a few times to let it fully sink in...

LiteraryinPA This book blew me away. 4y
Gina @LiteraryinLititz I just finished it... Just WoW, is all I can say! 4y
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This has to be the most powerful book about anorexia I have read so far... WoW!

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WoW! So reading that first paragraph is like watching some one paint a picture... niiiiiiiice♡

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Nothing like a library haul to lift the spirits!

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I really liked this book. I haven't read a book about eating disorders in a long time, though I used to read them quite frequently. (Full disclosure: I have never experienced this myself, but am fascinated by the subject matter.)
I liked how this alternated between her life with her husband, Matthias, next to her treatment and the girls at 17 Swann Street. I liked being able to read both sides of the story. I gave it 4 stars.

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Book #44

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Based on the author‘s own experience, this was heartbreaking. I definitely understand the mindset of someone with an eating disorder better but I still cannot fathom going through that? It made for an interesting discussion at #mummydaughterbookclub

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Discussion Question Number Three.

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Discussion Question Number Two.

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Discussion Question Number One.

Kristy_K I work for a behavioral health company that has multiple residential treatment centers for eating disorders so I went into this novel with a pretty good idea of anorexia. However, I thought this did a great job personalizing it and showing the harsh reality of the difficulties and strength that go into overcoming it. 5y
tpixie @Kristy_K yes! I thought so also. I‘m glad you do also. More people need to read this for better understanding this issue and the people that suffer from eating disorders. (edited) 4y
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I read this book in one day but waited until after our #LitsyBookClub discussion today to review. I have read some YA books about eating disorders, but this is the first adult novel I‘ve read. I really appreciated how it focused on the experiences of one woman but gave glimpses of different experiences by the other women at the same treatment facility. It gave me a very clear perspective of what fighting this disease can be like on a daily basis.

Kristy_K I really enjoyed this one too. :) 5y
janeycanuck This is my sister‘s pick for our #mummydaughterbookclub - I‘m looking forward to reading it. 5y
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Thank you to @Daisey and @tpixie for joining today‘s discussion. Questions for discussion will be posted later this week. We love our book club and the members!!

Jennifer3 Love this picture! 5y
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Thank you to @Daisey and @tpixie for joining us for the Litsy book club discussion. Questions will be posted for discussion starting this week.

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We will be discussing The Girls At 17 Swann Street by Yara Zgheib at 2p ET. We‘d love to have you join us!


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#BookReport #DaiseysReadingWeek
📚 4 books finished this week! So far this year my reading has been very focused on book group choices, readalongs, and #ReadingEurope2020.

📖 #FellowshipofTolkien readalong
🎧 Under the Volcano #Reading1001
🎧 The Unwomanly Face of War
📖 The Magician of Lublin

📚 The plan is to continue my current books around a busy school week. I have a few in mind if I finish something.

Cinfhen You‘re making great progress!! Which countries have been your favorite books?? 5y
Daisey @Cinfhen Thanks! I appreciated Independent People but my favorite so far is a current buddy read. It‘s difficult and heart wrenching but so good! The author has lived much of her life in Belarus. 5y
Cinfhen I think that author wrote another book that‘s on my TBR 5y
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Cinfhen I‘ll look for your tagged book/ thanks 😊 5y
Daisey @Cinfhen She‘s written several that sound interesting. I went with this one for now because of the buddy read and audio access, but the first to catch my attention was 5y
Cinfhen Yes!!! I‘ve seen that title too!! Will definitely see what I can pick up from this author/ thanks 😊 5y
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The roads are stilly icy and there‘s a three day weekend to finish my household chores and school work, so there will be plenty of reading time today. I finally finished my #CovertoCover book last night, and I‘m going to switch between audiobooks while working on the puzzle or doing housework. I also need read this #LitsyBookClub choice that I may have waited until the last minute to start.

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I've tried to read Under the Volcano, but could not get into it. Audio is probably a good option. 5y
Daisey @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I‘ve listened to some of it and I‘d have to say I‘m not sure I‘m absorbing much. 5y
CafeMom I love puzzles, how fun. 5y
Daisey @CafeMom I haven‘t put together a puzzle on my own in forever; it‘s too distracting from the other things I feel I need to do. Over Christmas I started on one with family and didn‘t get to finish it, so it seemed a good idea for this long weekend. 5y
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New year and month, new book! This month, we are reading the above book. Please join us at our Zoom book club discussion! Questions? Ask @Graciouswarriorprincess or @Bookworm83 . We hope that you will join us this month. Happy new year and happy reading!

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Wow! This book is excellent and I literally cannot wait for everyone to be able to snag a copy of this book! You can feel just how much control eating disorders take over your life and affect the lives of the people you love. This book is a true testimony to any one facing an eating disorder, that you can overcome it if you have a good support system and if you yourself want to be healed bad enough.

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“Animal crackers and cocoa to drink,
That is one of the finest of suppers I think.”
#quotes #audiobook

Callemarie I loved this book 5y
Sharpeipup @Callemarie Me too! Devoured it in 1 day... 5y
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Truly fantastic. Unique writing and thought-provoking storytelling. Highly recommended.

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Beautiful. Just beautiful. I inhaled this book during the last 24 hours and really loved it. It‘s a story about a woman named Anna who is in a residential program to combat her anorexia. She and her fellow residents have triumphs and setbacks as they bravely face each day with this disease. They support each other. Anna navigates her changing relationship with her husband and family. Zgheib tells Anna‘s story lyrically and authentically. Read it!

Velvetfur I love that soft fluffy puddy-tat head 💜 5y
brit91 Looks like you're kitty wants to read it again!🤣😹😻😍📚 5y
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This book was raw and honest, though it has many triggers for eating disorders. Anna was a deeply relatable character. While I don‘t have an eating disorder, I related to Anna‘s struggle to lover her body, to feel like she was enough just as she was. The writing is good, propelling the reader through difficult content. A fast, important, book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #Netgalley

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Trying to read and workout at the same time 😁

Hoopiefoot Good luck! I‘m always impressed when people can read and do cardio at the same time. 5y
ElishaLovesBooks @Hoopiefoot Thanks! I really should just listen to an audiobook! 😁 5y
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The Girls at 17 Swann Street is unlike many books.

Anna is seeking treatment for anorexia, and feels she does not belong there. She used to love going on roller coasters, French fries, dancing... and Matthias, her true love which is so important in her recovery.

Matthias, who, never stops visiting her.

LOVED the writing style, including the flashbacks to Anna‘s life and her interactions with the other girls.

Beautiful and heartbreaking.

Dawnrod1970 I enjoyed this book. 5y
BookNAround This was a pretty amazing read. 5y
OnlyYoo This sounds so great! The sort of controllingness that‘s insinuated kind of reminds me of Eugenia Cooney‘s situation. 5y
KristenDuck @OnlyYoo definitely consider reading it! 5y
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This book is amazing. I seriously could not put it down. The story is heartbreaking and difficult, but the writing is lovely and empathic. The main character is so easy to relate to in her struggle whether you have dealt with an eating disorder or not. I love that this is adult fiction because I don‘t feel like I have seen this topic frequently beyond YA. The writing is truly excellent. I highly recommend this book!

allureofbeauty I have it on my tbr but haven‘t read it yet. 5y
Victoriahoperose @allureofbeauty it‘s definitely worth reading. I am really happy that I got to it! 5y
allureofbeauty I added it to my tbr cup to pick from hopefully I do soon. 5y
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What a wonderful fairytale! Not a whole lot of grounding in real mental illness or therapy, but probably more enjoyable because of that fact! 3.5⭐️ #24in48 book 2, six hours in 🎉🎉🥳

#bfcr2 book 20/28 #goteam

Headed to Starbucks for some morning refreshments!

thecurlybookworm Wooohooo! Very nice on the 6 hours! 5y
Megabooks @thecurlybookworm Thanks!! 👍🏻👍🏻 5y
Emilymdxn Your progress on your book goal is so amazing! 5y
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Megabooks @Emilymdxn Thanks, Emily! I think reading all night helped! 😉🤣 5y
wanderinglynn Awesome progress both on the readathon & your book goal! 🙌🏻 5y
Megabooks @wanderinglynn Thank you! Just finished another one! 🥳🥳🥳💕 5y
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Here are my stacks for #24in48 #readathon! 💗📚💗😍 I, of course, don‘t think I‘ll get everything read, but it‘s nice to have choices. 😁👍🏻📚 I cant wait to get the party started!! 🥳🥳

Soubhiville I love your choices! 5y
Megabooks @Soubhiville Thanks! I‘m really looking forward to it! 5y
BarbaraBB You‘re going to read Weiner. That one has been on my mind too. Looking forward to your thoughts! 5y
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Megabooks @BarbaraBB Yes, thanks! That‘s on the must read because it‘s a library book with a long list!! 5y
Reviewsbylola Good luck and happy reading! 5y
Megabooks @Reviewsbylola Thanks!! I got my eyes dilated at the doctor today, but fortunately they‘ve gone down now!! I probably hate the eye doctor more than the dentist! 5y
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Holy emotional read. This book follows Anna as she seeks treatment for her anorexia. It provides a realistic look inside the struggles associated with eating disorders - for those who are sick and their families as well. This is definitely not easy reading material but my heart broke for these girls and their successes and failures. It also used a short chapter format which made it easy to breeze through. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Dawnrod1970 Loved this book! 5y
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Here are my #top6 of 2019 so far. It's going to.be hard to top some of these! I pick @Smangela and @britt_brooke

ephemeralwaltz Neverworld Wake was fun! 5y
britt_brooke Nice choices! 5y
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Here are my #top6reads from the first half of the year! These have all been five star reads for me but the tagged book has been my favorite of the year so far!

Cinfhen This is a solid list!!! I have a few I own but haven‘t read yet!!! Need to bump them up my TBR 😊Thanks for sharing and posting 💗 5y
TheNerdyProfessor Loved loved All the Ugly and Wonderful Things. She has a new book coming out in August! 5y
wellreadredhead @TheNerdyProfessor I have an ARC of it that I haven‘t gotten to yet. I‘m very excited to read it though! 5y
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This novel is arresting and heartbreaking. It is not overly emotional, but finds a way to be just the right amount. I cannot praise this novel more. This should be required reading. I have never read a more compelling, intense, and accurate view of eating disorders and the support systems behind recovery.

Book #2 down at just under 5 hours!

#24b4Monday #readathon #arc

EKonrad Really loved this one. So spot on about the realities of eating disorders. 5y
Andrew65 Going great! Well done 👏👏👏 5y
BookNAround This made me cry. It was such an amazing portrayal of anorexia. 5y
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Reading in my book spot this morning.

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Day 21 of #30junebooks is new release. THE GIRLS AT 17 SWANN STREET just came out February, and I found it fascinating! It tells the story of newlywed Anna, who struggles with anorexia, and who ends up at 17 Swann Street, a home for women with eating disorders. It was sad, but really good, and ultimately hopeful.

Emilymdxn I really want to read this! It‘s been hard to get in the uk every time I‘ve tried :( 5y
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From the library TBR stack....

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An emotional story about a girl with anorexia. A co-worker told me that a patron had enjoyed this one and noted it, otherwise I would not have given it a thought. I never read the blurbs on it. I am glad I read it!

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Absolutely flying through this! I don‘t want to do anything else right now 👍🏻😉! #beerandabook #amreading

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I can‘t decide which book to read next, ugh. Trying this one!

j.rye That‘s the worst! Hopefully it was a good pick. 5y
guinsgirlreads @j.rye I was told it was good, and it seems to be so far!! Thanks! 5y
Callemarie I loved this book! 5y
guinsgirlreads @Callemarie Great! I am as well so far! 5y
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A powerful book about a young woman with anorexia. Anna develops anorexia after moving to the States with her husband from Paris. When her husband and family finally step in, Anna is admitted to a residential treatment center on Swann Street. There she meets a group of girls suffering from various types of eating disorders and forms bonds with them while struggling to accept and fight her disease.


#netgalley #arc #anorexia

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Living my best life. #marchmadness

Crazeedi YES!!!!💜💜💜march madness!! 5y
Hoopiefoot @Pamwurtzler @Crazeedi It‘s my favorite time of year! 5y
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After spiraling in anorexia, Anna, a 26-year-old dancer, enters 17 Swann Street, a residential treatment facility for women with eating disorders. The novel focuses on her treatment there, as well as snippets of her past. The author, Yara Zgheib, approaches the topic of eating disorders with sensitivity and grace, while remaining realistic. She uses a writing style that is compulsively readable, and I was captivated by Anna‘s voice and experience.

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Beautifully written. An important read for moms of girls... and also to open our eyes to the silent struggles many women face. Take care of yourselves, ladies.