Inspired by @Jess7's post, I cleaned up this trolley and repurposed it.
It now houses all the physical copies I intend to read next. (😵😂😂😂)
The cats especially like that I put a blanket on the bottom shelf.
Inspired by @Jess7's post, I cleaned up this trolley and repurposed it.
It now houses all the physical copies I intend to read next. (😵😂😂😂)
The cats especially like that I put a blanket on the bottom shelf.
Thanks to all who expressed concern/horror at my library trolley #firstblood injury - it was just the kind of sympathy I needed.
It was worse than it looked (mostly because I answered the phone and a patron enquiry before I got the first aid kit and so the blood went kinda everywhere)
I‘m rocking a huge fabric bandaid this weekend, and sparkly flats (weirdly my most comfortable option based on the position of the back)
Library trolley injury #firstblood