This is EXCELLENT. It‘s been a long time since I‘ve been so utterly captivated by a MG fantasy.
This is EXCELLENT. It‘s been a long time since I‘ve been so utterly captivated by a MG fantasy.
I should be wrapping gifts, but instead I'm diving into this pretty little volume. Between heavy #tob novels, I'm really digging some middle grade fiction. I love this one's title and cover art!
Nothing liking starting the book club book the night before. Good thing it‘s MG.
I inhaled this! Beautiful! I loved how complex her mother is, I loved that Mup had such a strong sense of right and wrong and was brave in the face of danger and uncertainty to do what she believed was right (not what was safe and/or easy), I loved the sibling relationship and the fact that this is a trilogy so I‘ll be granted new adventures into this enchanting family and world!
The Raggedy Witches are my absolute new favorites! Celine Kiernan has succeeded in creating a new type of witch and a new world that is reminiscent of some magical lands, but full of lovely, imaginative details all her own. The absolute best thing about this book, though, is Mup. She is a character to remember, and one who I hope to see in future stories. Recommended!
Finished book 1. And by “finished”, I mean read the last 70 or so pages.
#deweys24hourreadathon. @DeweysReadathon
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