Library haul. Cant wait to read them. They all sounded so interesting.
I tried and tried to get into this book…I even made it a 120 pages in but…I just couldn‘t finish. No connection with any of the characters, overly narratively ( is that a word) and just flat out boring. The premise of the story of haunting a crappy ex after death sounded interesting but did not keep my interest. When you get to the point where you don‘t care what happens in the end time call it quits!
I hope to finish this book tonight, and I'm so curious as to how it's going to end.
I had started reading this last year in HB, but then lost it in the pile of books by my desk. Started the #audiobook yesterday and got immediately sucked back into it. #CurrentlyReading
I liked the premise of this book (woman dies and haunts the man who wronged her--I am here for all the angry women!) but the plot just didn't work for me. It felt thin and I found my attention wandering more often than not.
Got this gorgeous revenge-y book from St. Martin's Press and can't wait to dive in! I am definitely Pro Fictional Revenge (revenge in real life is often too messy and complicated and unsatisfactory).
I got a book about seeking revenge on a man without repercussions. Does this apply to men you work with, too? Heartbreak I can get over. Being repeatedly thrown under the bus? That makes me stabby!
Just ending a loooooong day of work. Time for a glass of wine and book mail. This novel looks like a fun story of revenge on a jerk of an ex by a woman who takes full advantage of being dead.
So many things to love: a ghost story, vengeance on a hipster douche bag playboy professor, a hole in the wall bar and lots of drinking, family bonding with lots of snark and sarcasm, and loyal pets. Also refreshingly inclusive of a lesbian couple without making their identities "The Lesbian Couple".
A quirky, different kind of book...hard to describe. I'd call it somewhere between a pick and a so-so. 3.5 Solid Stars. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an advance copy of this in exchange for an honest review.
A quirky, different kind of book...hard to describe. I'd call it somewhere between a pick and a so-so. 3.5 Solid Stars. Thank you to Netgalley and Saint Martin's Press for an advance copy of this in exchange for an honest review.
A quirky, different kind of book...hard to describe. I'd call it somewhere between a pick and a so-so. 3.5 Solid Stars. Thank you to Netgalley and Saint Martin's Press for an advance copy of this in exchange for an honest review.
I love this 🐶🐾🐾
Dilemma: this is un-put-down-able, but I need to adult today. PS - this comes out in Oct, and if you've ever craved vengeance against a partner that screwed you over or just like your books oozing with snark, you're gonna wanna read this. Plus, ghosts.
This was a nice surprise yesterday! It sounds quite unique, so looking forward to diving in soon!