At 5:15pm on November 23rd, 1963, Doctor Who premiered. Happy Doctor Who Day!
At 5:15pm on November 23rd, 1963, Doctor Who premiered. Happy Doctor Who Day!
#biblioMaynia #setinouterspace I rarely read sci fi yet I love watching it on tv. This book was fun though.
Finally watching the new version of Shada that aired on BBC America. For a "lost story", Shada certainly has had a lot of releases: the VHS/DVD with Tom Baker narrating the missing parts, the audio version starring Paul McGann and Lalla Ward, the novel by Gareth Roberts, and now this reconstruction with animation being used to include the scenes that were never filmed. Still, this is as close as we'll get to seeing Shada as Douglas Adams intended.
I got this book for free last year at a Doctor Who convention!
Nearly only so-so: I would rather watch an episode or listen to a Big Finish audio play than read a Doctor Who book.
Reasons this is a pick: It's the best Doctor Who book I have read so far! It plays out like an episode (no wonder, it's based on scipts; the episode wasn't finished because of a strike). I could 'see' the fourth Doctor.
Next: Now I can listen to Big Finish's Shada!
Starting this one! So far it‘s pretty funny and a nice fun read!
As close to Douglas Adams as you can get without a TARDIS. Absolutely worth the read.
#30daysofreadathon Day 13: Genre
One of my favorite genres is science fiction so today I want to highlight my collection of Doctor Who books!
My husband surprised me at work today with a Tardis birthday cake. Also shown is my Dr. Who tattoo. The books are an older piece. We incorporated it into the newer tattoo by adding the quote "We're all stories in the end." As a nod to Douglas Adams not shown is the number 42 written in the stars. The tagged book is excellent by the way. #proudscifigeek
This was so vivid and wildly entertaining.
Shada is a Doctor Who script that was never used. What a crazy story! Featuring the Fourth Doctor, this book should appeal to most DW fans. It is silly, crazy, times-wimey fun. Plus, it had Romana and K-9. What more could one want? I loved it.
The Doctor doesn't care for the decor of this space ship. Some things haven't changed.
Not only do I love the scene written here of all the book, but I love the absurdity of the books in it.
I was bad.
Amazing doesn't begin to describe this adventure. It was absolute perfection. If you love Douglas Adams work, or Dr. Who, or just plain great story telling this is the book for you. I read it quickly because I needed to know all the things. Now I am sad because it is over. 10 out of 5 🌟's.
The first Douglas Adams story to be novelized was Shada, which was famously not completed due to a production strike. The footage that was shot has since been released on VHS & DVD (with Tom Baker providing narration to fill gaps) and the story was adapted by Big Finish with Paul McGann. Adams also used bits of the plot in his first Dirk Gently novel. So, for a 'lost' story, an awful lot of people have actually seen/read/heard it in some form.
My Dr. Who piece and book arm band that is above the current work in progress I posted yesterday. #booktattoo #bookishtattoo