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Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory | Brian Greene
Brian Greene, one of the world's leading string theorists, peels away layers of mystery to reveal a universe that consists of eleven dimensions, where the fabric of space tears and repairs itself, and all matter from the smallest quarks to the most gargantuan supernovas is generated by the vibrations of microscopically tiny loops of energy. The Elegant Universe makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated accessible and thoroughly entertaining, bringing us closer than ever to understanding how the universe works."
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I‘m no physicist, so I moved really slowly through this one, but it‘s definitely understandable if you take the time to digest the concepts, since they build on each other. I feel like I‘m coming away from this book with a new appreciation for physics and the universe around us 🪐

Enjoyed listening to this one, though sometimes I did wish I had a physical copy for the times when I was struggling to understand a concept.

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You'll never view the cosmos the same way again. Written by a string theorist/mathematician, The Elegant Universe describes the ongoing development of superstring theory, the theory promising to unite all physical laws, matter and forces that comprise our universe. Despite being written in the late 1990s, this book is still relevant today. It also gives you a thorough review of the milestones that led up to the “superstring revolution“: special relativity, general relativity and quantum mechanics.

This book is meant for the reader with little to no knowledge of theoretical physics (which includes me). My high school physics courses, dealing only in classical Newtonian physics, never offered me a hint as to how utterly beautiful physics can be, nor how wondrous a picture it paints of our universe. This book makes me wish I had a classmate who told me, “Just be patient. This will all get a bit more interesting.“

rather_be_reading welcome to litsy 📚☕📚 #litsywelcomewagon 4y
Nute Welcome to Litsy! It‘s a warm and friendly community. I know that you will enjoy yourself here. I‘m looking forward to getting to know you!🙂 4y
cant_i'm_booked @Nute Thanks so much for the welcome! The feeling is completely reciprocated. Happy reading! 4y
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cant_i'm_booked @rather_be_reading Thank you for the warm welcome! I've been enjoying your feed a lot. Looking forward to interacting more, in all things books. 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳🌹🥳 4y
SW-T Welcome to Litsy! 🙂 3y
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Bad news Einstein, you‘re still mostly known for not wearing socks. Thankfully, you‘ll adorn the walls of college dorms forever in that poster image where you stick your tongue out. Think on the bright side!

BookNAround I‘m choosing to read that as geniuses don‘t wear socks. 5y
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Greene's has something that makes very easy to follow complicated topics as an intuitive ones. The books has fantastic explanations passing through the basics of general relativity, quantum mechanics and finally string theory going deeper onto such concepts as 10 "spatial" dimensions, mirror symmetry and Calabi-Yau manifolds, to be honest some paragraphs needed to be read twice to get the idea. EXCELLENT BOOK for those who love such topics!

The Elegant Universe | Brian Greene
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The ultimate road trip.

“The story is among the grandest -- the unfolding of the entire universe; the mystery is among the toughest -- finding out how the cosmos came to be; ...and the quest is among the deepest -- the search for fundamental laws to explain all we see and beyond, from the tiniest particles to the most distant galaxies.”

#QuotsyMay18 | 8: Theory of #Everything

#ReadingResolutions | 8: #TravelTuesday

Trashcanman Awesome read, I enjoyed it. 6y
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Wow! Wow! Wow!

@Gissy how do you know me so well?! Look at this mug: “I can explain it to you, but I can‘t understand it for you” that is too perfect! I have often thought that very sentiment. And double dipped chocolate peanuts are my absolute favorite!!!

The Elegant Universe is my science book club pick for April—yay! And I have wanted to read Angels Game since it came out because I loved Shadow of the Wind👇

CSeydel Thank you for everything! The Open Your Imagination print is stunning and the tote is great! The Bulgakov book and Tell The Wolves Im Home are total #blameitonlitsy picks - can‘t wait to check them out. The bookmark, the clipboard, the journal - it is too much! Thanks for being so sweet! Happy Easter! And thanks to @JoeStalksBeck for organizing 🌷 (edited) 6y
Gissy I'm so glad you liked everything! But do you have already the book you are going to read in your reading club? I hope not. You said you like science so I tried to pick bookish items related with science. 6y
Moray_Reads I love Brian Greene's Hidden Reality but I haven't read the Elegant Universe yet. He's a great writer 6y
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CSeydel @Gissy No, I don‘t have it! I rarely buy new books, so I just have a hold on it at the library. Thank you! I love the science themed everything! 6y
Gissy Enjoy them then! 6y
LeahBergen Lovely! 💕 6y
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26 is the number of spacetime dimensions in bosonic string theory. #novemberbythenumbers #26

myers85 Very nice photo 7y
JoeStalksBeck @myers85 thank you! 7y
ScientistSam Great photo, and I like your answer to the challenge! 7y
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RealLifeReading What a cool photo! 7y
JoeStalksBeck @RealLifeReading thanks! It‘s actually a video on my Instagram. All of the compasses are spinning 7y
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Way over my head, but totally worth listening to.

smilingshelves My dad gave me this book probably ten years ago. I haven't ever made it past page 25. ☺ 7y
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Some of my eagle eyed #foliofreaks may have noticed the new Folio release in my #fivestarpredictions. There were several I wanted from the September collection but I managed to restrain myself and just buy these two (The Spring anthology was free, don't judge me!). I loved Brian Greene's The Hidden Reality so I'm hoping for equal brilliance from this one!

I-read-and-eat It's all so pretty 😍 7y
rubyslippersreads These are gorgeous (and now I want to place an order to get the Spring anthology 😄). 7y
ScorpioBookDreams Northanger Abbey 😍😍😍 7y
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Moray_Reads @ScorpioBookDreams isn't it a great cover? 7y
ScorpioBookDreams @Moray_Reads I have the Folio Pride and Prejudice and it's gorgeous. 7y
Kalalalatja 😍😍😍 gaaaaaah 7y
Moray_Reads @ScorpioBookDreams I have all five of the one published so far 😶😳 7y
LeahBergen Sigh. 😍😍 7y
readinginthedark 😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️🙈 (edited) 7y
scripturient Be still my heart. 😍😍😍 7y
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#subtitles #aprilbookshowers. This book 📚 has the longest subtitle in my library. It's a glorious sunny day and I took a trip to Sidney to admire my friend's garden. The universe is truly elegant

britt_brooke Beautiful! 7y
kspenmoll Gorgeous! 7y
BooksForEmpathy SO pretty. Happy Friday! 7y
Dragon Thanks @britt_brooke @kspenmoll @BooksForEmpathy it was such a beautiful day. Spring weather at last 7y
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#thoughtprovoking #aprilbookshowers. Big Bang Theory is responsible for this purchase. Sheldon used to study string theory and this author had a cameo on the show. So I'm certain that if I ever read it this will be a very thought provoking book #blameitonSheldon

Cinfhen Like the hashtag 😹😹😹 7y
Sue I would love to read and understand this! 7y
tpixie Hmm I'm sure I saw the episode, but can't remember. We've got 37 shows waiting on our DVR. WE watch the reruns all the time 7y
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Dragon Thanks @Cinfhen I thought it was apropos 😀 7y
Dragon Thanks @Sue me too ! 😀 7y
Dragon Thanks @tpixie I can't remember what episode but I chanced upon the book just after I saw it and the book was on sale so .... 7y
Laura317 I understand that there is some debate in the cosmology circles with string theory is being replaced with a multi-verse view! I just finished this book that stated the newer theory... 7y
Dragon Thanks @Laura317 that explains all the multi-verse sci fi tv shows 😀 7y
Laura317 @Dragon 👍🏼👍🏼 (edited) 7y
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#catesbookstagramchallenge Day Thirteen: Black & White Books.

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This is my sci-fi. I don't have fiction books set out/off Earth, but I do have some nonfiction books set in Universe.

#funfridayphoto with @Liberty